Sneak Preview – Helix Healer

Another piece of jewellery, or rather ‘Healing Tool’ that is being worked on has been given the name Helix Healer. It is a ‘meridian healer’, as the guides of Loes van Loon call it. The design comes from my guide Amhirez, who years ago had Loes make a sketch of a square with two crystals pointing at each other, and above them an arc.

Loes didn’t tell me how to work it out, but that as soon as I worked it out, it would become clear to me. Well… that is what happened. During the same session as with Sacred Heart, a lot has been said about this as well. The written text will soon be available here. Just like Sacred Heart, working it out into a reproducible object will take some doing, but we are working on that now (we write March 2022).

First image – Helix Healer

Helix Healer
Helix Healer