
A new generation of mobile communication masts is in the starting blocks: 5G. The industry and the government argue that there is no scientific evidence of the harmfulness of this radiation. But they only look at the easily measurable thermal effects of radiation. However, the effects of this radiation can be measured in another way, and the equipment for this can be found in all hospitals.
An article on radiation, and a few hopeful developments at a time when you might despair of the radiation violence that threatens to be poured out on us.

Lightning Strike

Summer 1985: Apeldoorn was hit by one of the heaviest lightning discharges ever. Several neighbourhoods were left without electricity and TV was off the air for weeks. My friend, teacher Linda de Redelijkheid, was on her way home from school and saw lightning strike right next to her car. She had just stuck her head out of the window because the windshield wipers could not handle the abundant rainfall. Her car was flung across the road. Fortunately, she survived that impact, but from then on, her hitherto abundant energy was gone.
Neither the GP nor alternative therapists could help her, as there was nothing to find and the treatments had no effect. As the years went by, Linda weakened and only with her iron will and sense of responsibility could she keep up her work. Holidays did not help to recharge her battery and even working a day less did not have the desired effect. Her complaint was a textbook example of ‘chronic fatigue’.
In 1999, to make matters worse, she was diagnosed with ‘cervical cancer’. Already disappointed with hospitals, we decided to tackle this alternative, but she was extremely sensitive to everything and nothing worked. Strong regular painkillers caused even more pain at first. How could this be?
Because she couldn’t go out anymore, a therapist came to our house in 2001: Marianne Agterdenbos. She had just started working as a biophoton therapist and had a device with which she could measure the energetic condition of the related organs at meridian points. What she immediately observed was that with Linda, every meridian point, not one excepted, indicated a sharply decreasing graphic line and sound tone, and that was unusual. Even in seriously ill patients, some of the meridian points are always in balance.
She told us that within her therapy, this is called an ‘electron spin inversion’. “This is usually a result of exposure to an electromagnetic field that is too strong,” Marianne said. “It overshadows everything and has to be resolved first, otherwise I can’t measure anything.” Linda and I immediately thought of the lightning strike in 1985.
The treatment for that was staggeringly simple: put a drop of the patient’s blood in the treatment tray, hold two glass rods, run the ‚electron spin inversion‘ programme and wait two minutes. That was all! Were years of misery so easy to treat?!
The cervical cancer was unfortunately too advanced by then and Linda died a few months later, but not before she had asked me what she could do for me after her death. My answer was a counter-question: “Would you like to inspire me, if you can?”

Electron Spin Inversion

An Electron Spin Inversion is a physical phenomenon that can occur within an atom under the influence of electromagnetic fields that are powerful enough to make the electrons of that atom ‘spin’ (rotate) in the opposite direction on their axis.

Our bodies consist of cells made up of even smaller particles: molecules. Each molecule is made up of atoms. For example, a water molecule is made up of 2 atoms H(hydrogen) and 1 atom O (oxygen): H20. One atom consists of a nucleus around which electrons circle at unimaginably high speeds. Moreover, those electrons spin around their own axis, a bit like the rotation of the Earth around its axis, causing the Sun to rise in the East and set in the West.

If people are exposed to too strong an electromagnetic field, the electrons in their cells may align with that field and even start spinning on their axis in the opposite direction. Were such a thing to happen to Earth, the Sun would then rise in the West.

It is thanks to the developer of Biophoton Therapy (Biontology), Johan Boswinkel that electron spin inversion is now measurable and treatable in the human body.

Typical Spin Inversion complaints

Typical complaints that people have with spin inversion are chronic fatigue, hypersensitivities to e.g. light, sound, food and not responding well to e.g. medication and treatments. The longer you have spin inversion, the weaker you become and the less likely you are to get rid of it without help. Linda had all these symptoms. Normally, anyone can ‘get into’ a spin inversion at times, but once they get outside the disruptive field, normally can usually recover quickly in healthy people.

After Linda’s death, I kept in touch with Marianne and a love affair even developed between us. I had asked Linda to inspire me and one of the first paintings she inspired me to was the painting ‘Aura Healer’, which ‘had’ to have a symbol on it, because that’s how it felt. I didn’t know which symbol, but suddenly I was reminded strongly of something that had intrigued me as a little boy: old-fashioned telephone cords.

Playing with a spool of wire, I discovered that the solution could not be found in the flat plane but only if I started thinking 3D. That moment, it seemed I heard applause and a voice saying, “That’s it!”

I felt like an inventor who had made a breakthrough. I copied the wire figure and applied it as a symbol in gold leaf on the painting Aura Healer.

Linda's assignment to me was to find a smooth transition from one spiral to another.
The solution resulted in a symbol in which a heart is clearly visible.

Imagine the moment the spin inversion takes place like this: You take a beach ball and let it spin between your index fingers, with your left hand above and your right hand under the ball. Before your eyes, the ball spins left or right. As the ball spins, bring your left hand down and your right hand up. The ball does not have to come to a stop and then spins in the opposite direction in front of your eyes. That is a spin inversion. At that moment your hands are the stronger external electromagnetic field that causes the spin to invert.

Today there is increasing attention to the shift of the magnetic North Pole, to which the compass needle points. That point has moved more than 2,200 kilometers toward Russia since 1900 and is currently very close to the true North Pole. But this aside.

In 2005, Marianne and I discovered that that little reversal symbol was able to do the same thing as a drop of blood during spin-inversion treatment in the biophoton device. Colleagues of Marianne’s who also had patients with spin inversion confirmed this and from then on we started reproducing and selling it as a piece of silver jewelry. Linda also passed on the name of it: Akaija.

We also discovered that with an Akaija you can not only neutralize a spin inversion, but by wearing it you can even prevent it! By now there are tens of thousands of Akaija’s in circulation and we have learned a lot about spin inversions. For example, we learned that the energy field (aura) of people with spin inversions is severely weakened.


Our energy field is the radiating field of our presence as souls in all the cells of our bodies. The processes within those cells are light processes: they are controlled by light and emit light. When we are in harmony, that energy field is strong and our aura shows powerful colours. If that field is disturbed by e.g. a strong electromagnetic field, it can cause our electrons to go into spin inversion. This undermines harmony, making aura colours weaker and the aura ‚thinner‘. Stimuli from outside then can enter unfiltered and the affected person becomes dead tired.
Poor diet, trauma, stress, wrong medications, illnesses and, of course, radiation undermine the energy field, and in these people even a relatively weak electromagnetic field can be too much.

We are delayed sound and light waves, walking beams of frequencies attuned to the cosmos. We are souls dressed in biochemical clothes and our bodies are the instruments with which our souls make music.

Albert Einstein

Exaggerated comparison between a strong and a weak energy field or aura.

Neutralising the Electron Spin Inversion

Several methods now exist to neutralise a spin inversion. It takes a specific burst of energy to bring the electrons back into proper alignment. You can have this done by a therapist with the right equipment, but you can also do it yourself very simply with an Akaija and a glass of water!

Take in your left hand an energetically clean Akaija and in your right hand a glass of water. The information from the Akaija is thus transmitted to the water. Wait for 3 minutes and then drink the water.

This almost always works, but this does not give you a strong energy field right away. So get treatment from a doctor or therapist against any illnesses, solve problems at work or with your family, eat healthier, avoid stress and radiation, get enough sleep. This will strengthen your energy field. Wearing an Akaija can protect you in the process.

‘Akaija’ means: we all are one. What the Akaija as a form does is connect you with that unity consciousness. That connection works like an umbilical cord with the Cosmos, the divine world, protecting, nourishing and strengthening your energy field. Love is the basis of everything and if you look closely at an Akaija, you can discover a five-pointed star and even a Heart in it: the symbol for Love.

UMTS - 4G - 5G

At the end of the last century the mobile phone was introduced. Before then, we had… walkie-talkies. The first generation of masts has been replaced a long time ago and now 4G (4th Generation Mobile Phone) is the standard. 5G is being rolled out worldwide as we speak, but a growing number of people have strong reservations about the rash roll-out of this network, because its safety has not been proven and will only become apparent in practice. Many people are already struggling with complaints related to electromagnetic radiation. They are often told it is between the ears, but if their complaints were officially recognised, it would have huge legal and financial consequences for industry and government.
5G allows the use of much higher frequencies, can handle much larger bandwidths and thus enables ‘communication’ between almost all electrical devices (Internet of Things), including with tiny chips in e.g. living beings. For the industry, this is an unprecedented billion-dollar market, but on the internet, there is growing resistance to 5G.
One of the problems is that the higher frequencies have less range and the radiation is hindered by e.g. trees. For this reason, a multitude of transmission masts will be needed for optimal coverage. Consideration is being given to installing transmitter masts in street lamps.
Add up all the artificial sources of radiation. In the late 20th, this was manageable: high-voltage masts, radio transmission masts, transmitters for police, fire brigade and defence were the main ones. With mobile telephony came tens of thousands of transmission masts and millions of mobile phones and computers and WiFi boxes. Now the precursor of the Internet of Things, the ‘smart’ energy meter that transmits its data wirelessly every 15 minutes, is being installed everywhere. A legitimate question is whether all this radiation together is not turning our world into a giant microwave oven.

Heart Rate Variability

Electron spin inversion as a health complaint is not (yet) regularly recognised. Actually, this is crazy, because radiological equipment in hospitals uses the same principle to make scans of e.g. tumours, after people have first drunk a radioactive contrast medium. That fluid could be the cause of a spin inversion, and biophoton therapists quite often ask their patients that question: “Have you perhaps ever gone through a scan and then had contrast fluid to drink? Did your fatigue symptoms start then?”

But there are more scientific research methods. One of them is measuring Heart Rate Variability (HRV) using cardiology equipment, which can also be found in all hospitals.

Our heart is supposed to effortlessly adapt to changing conditions. When we sit or sleep, our heart beats quietly and regularly. As soon as we exert ourselves, the heart rhythm speeds up to meet the demand for oxygen. The heart needs to be able to adapt quickly.

Optimal HRV graph - The heart can adapt dynamicly.
Reduced HRV graph - flattened curve, the heart has trouble to adapt.

HRV research has shown that age, caffeine, smoking, medications, etc. can negatively affect that adaptability. But radiation appears to do the same! Then the dynamics weaken: the heart gets a little squeezed, as it were. This means that mobile phones, transmission masts, electrical equipment, high-voltage pylons, etc. have a scientifically demonstrable adverse effect on the functioning of our heart. Thermal effects, the demonstrable heating up of cells close to e.g. a mobile phone, is usually cited as the only measurable and negligible effect, but HRV effects are ignored.

Because we also wanted the Akaija to be scientifically strong, in 2012 we engaged a research agency that uses this to test devices that are supposed to protect against radiation: the IGEF (Internationale Gesellschaft für Elektrosmog Forschung). The man we got in touch with was Herr Wulf-Dietrich Rose. We sent him Akaija’s and, after some time, got an email back saying that some research results were so incredible that they had to be repeated many times to verify the results. One test subject was a Portuguese sea captain who gave no credence to anything like an Akaija. His initial HRV measurements indicated rather low values of 40-60%. After wearing the Akaija for a week, all measurements showed values well above 90% and 3 of them even close to the theoretical maximum score, which was highly unusual. Needless to say, the Akaija’s were certified.

Since health is usually secondary to financial interest, it is realistic to expect 5G to be rolled out despite all the criticism. In preparation for this article and because I wanted to know whether the IGEF certificate for the Akaijas would remain valid even under the new 5G radiation standard, I asked Herr Rose about this.

He replied that the IGEF’s HRV measurements have not shown that 5G radiation is more harmful than current mobile phone radiation. BUT. current 5G frequencies are currently still close to 4G frequencies (mostly 2 to 4 Ghz). He referred to the website of the Deutsche Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS), an independent agency working for the German Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. There you can read this (translated) text:

“In a further expansion step, higher frequency bands in the centimetre and millimeter wave range are also foreseen for 5G, for example in the 26GHz, 40GHz or up to the 86GHz band. However, it can be assumed that no health effects are to be expected even in these areas with current limits. However, as few study results are available, the BfS sees that further research is needed here. Absorption of high-frequency electromagnetic fields takes place in the millimetre and centimetre wave range up to just below the skin. Possible effects therefore concern the skin and eyes. Direct effects on internal organs are not expected.”

Herr Rose personally added that he foresees big problems for people who have a lot of tattoos, because the dyes used in them are metallic and attract radiation like an antenna. Note that the BfS does not talk about HRV effects which the IGEF is researching, and certainly not about electron spin inversion.

In March 2019, the Akaija’s were tested again, this time under 5G conditions in a dedicated laboratory in Barcelona, and again they passed the tests just fine. We also sent them a 6kg stainless steel Akaija for in the house or garden. Herr Rose took that 60cm Akaija into his home temporarily. He had had a lot of family stress around him in the past few weeks and had suffered heart problems as a result, which persisted even afterwards. He put this Akaija in the bedroom and noticed in the evening in bed that his heart beat calmly and evenly again and this was still the case weeks later.

What can the government do to protect?

Through the Akaija, we travel all over the world coming into contact with many people and learning about interesting developments. One meeting was with a woman in Switzerland: Ruth Schaad. She is a woman who has been extremely sensitive for a lifetime, ‘transparent’ as she describes it herself. Looking for an energetically calm environment, she ended up in a small municipality in the canton of Appenzell: Bächli (Hemberg). When the first mobile phone masts were installed there, people in this village reacted violently to this radiation, more than average. Many people got headaches, could not sleep and some were forced to live in basements. Telecom provider Swisscom received complaints and decided to hire a Swiss-trained Egyptian scientist, Dr Ibrahim Karim, originally an architect and author of several books on the special culture of ancient Egypt.

He (re)discovered that specific, bio-geometric shapes and the Earth’s energy field interact to produce a harmonising effect on living beings. In ancient Egypt, this knowledge was used to bring entire cities into harmony with nature and the cosmos. Biogeometry teaches practitioners to make minor changes to the environment so that disharmonious influences can be harmonised.
Using this knowledge, Dr Karim in Bächli undertook a series of measures, including attaching specific objects to the power cables of the transmission towers, and mounting ornate, cylindrical objects in the living rooms of affected people, which were then precisely directed at antennas that bothered people. Everything was documented and Swiss TV paid close attention. The result was that people were able to sleep again, no longer had headaches and what was also noticed was that the birds, which had also disappeared from the village, returned in abundance.

We visited Ruth in her village and were struck by the striking “quietness” in Bächli church, whose bell tower is equipped with an invisible transmitter mast. Ruth has written a booklet about this: “Das Wunder von Hemberg” (The Miracle of Hemberg).

Thus, radiation is not neutralized here, but harmonized: not adjusting the volume or frequency of a transmitter, but harmonizing the quality of the radiation with the environment.

Dr Karim’s knowledge is invaluable and could be applied on a large scale to provide an answer against the radiation problem in this world. However, there is one problem that needs to be overcome first, because as we learned during a BioGeometry sub-course is that the government of Switzerland is so far unwilling to take large-scale measures, because it would first have to admit that radiation from mobile phones can be dangerous.

What can you do to protect yourself?

Too much radiation, especially if it is not in harmony with the life field of living beings, can be harmful. First, the effects of radiation are not limited to thermal effects. After all, you can use a microwave to boil water. Second, HRV measurements clearly show that mobile radiation can cause heart problems. Third, there is electron spin inversion, which is slowly becoming a household word in the complementary medicine world.

Years of experience with the electron spin inversion phenomenon have taught us that a healthy person, with a strong energy field, can withstand radiation quite well for a long time. Problems arise mainly as soon as other (stress) factors come into play. Those people are much more at risk. And is it not currently the case that the whole of society is under ‘high voltage’?
We cannot change our society easily and quickly. Official mills turn slowly and so we will have to take our own measures.

Avoiding radiation sources wherever possible is the first step. Don’t put a mobile phone in your bedroom, don’t carry it in your pocket and use the speaker function whenever possible so you don’t have to hold it to your head.

Strengthen your energy field with healthy, whole foods. Not everything has to be organic, as long as the food contains what your body needs and fast food is not recommended.

Take enough rest, go to bed on time, build in breaks and don’t answer your emails right away, otherwise you will get another reply right away. Keep empty spaces in your diary, seek nature, surround yourself with positive people, make sure you are grounded and solve problems! Running away from a problem is not a solution. You solve mutual problems by communicating. The proverb ‘where two argue, two are at fault’ really is true! Dare to see your own role and forgive yourself. All these things help to make your energy field stronger.

And finally, there are tools that can help you do this. The Akaija is an example of this, inspired by someone who would have benefited greatly from it herself: Linda.

:Wim: Roskam & :Marianne: Agterdenbos
Akaija & Art, Netherlands

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Wim & Marianne

:Willem-albert : Roskam
:Marianne: Agterdenbos.
Gijsbrechtgaarde 316
[7329ce] Apeldoorn
+31 (0)55 5335747