The unexpected Role of Atlantis

A personal account of Wim's doings and omissions in Atlantis

This story describes how we discovered that Atlantis is part of our quest to decipher the Akaija symbol that was gifted to us by Spirit.

We had no idea which direction the Akaija research would take us, but Atlantis certainly did not belong there. It became clear to us that Atlantis plays a role in the Akaija story when we began preparing for the journey to Cape Verde in the spring of 2019. However, though we didn’t discover anything of interest that could be regarded as proof that the Cape Verde islands were connected to the Ring of Ancient Sites on the Equator of the Antique, it was during this trip that we experienced how important that role is.

For most people, Atlantis is nothing more than an imaginative legend. Some historians have delved into it, and there are a few interesting accounts from long ago, such as those by Plato. Of course, countless books have been written about Atlantis, and there have even been films released, but solid evidence for the existence of Atlantis seems to be lacking. And now we, Marianne and Wim, want to tell you that Atlantis is also connected to the Akaija story. Does this not make the entire Akaija story unbelievable?

Therefore, I want to first share something in preparation…

What I write below is based on our observations, on reincarnation research regressions that we have undergone ourselves, and on messages from several mediums. However, we have no verifiable evidence. How could we possibly have that? In fact, we are not even sure if what follows is correct, as we have no conscious memory of it. Compare it to your first birthday… almost no one can remember that. If you later manage to tell something about it, it is almost always based on the stories, photos, and videos from your family that you later heard and saw.

What we know about Atlantis goes back much further, many incarnations and thousands of years. We cannot provide you with an eyewitness account of ‘then he said this, and then that happened.’ In a courtroom, everything would therefore be dismissed with ‘Insufficient evidence. Hearsay. Assumptions.’

What I ask of you is to listen to the essence of this story, to the message contained within it.

What we have experienced in this time are our personal life stories from this era. What we experienced in Atlantis are our distorted memories from a time when you very likely also lived. Your subconscious knows that, even if you have been told your whole life that it cannot be, that Atlantis does not exist, that past lives are nonsense, etc. Unconsciously, your soul knows… and that is your unconsciously present perspective on the events of long, long ago.

So please read this as a personal story, written by me, Wim, but what does it stir in you? It is like a whisper in an unknown magic forest through which you walk. How does it feel to be there? What do the trees tell you? How did you experience that time? What I tell you may activate your ‘dream consciousness’, from which sometimes dreams arise that we do not understand at all.

Old Sorrow

When I met Linda – she inspired me to create the Akaija after her passing – in 1983, I was caught off guard on my bike by a winter downpour with sleet. I had misjudged the speed with which that storm hit me, and I had no protection except for a winter coat. There was no shelter nearby, as I was riding on a bike path alongside fields. The only thing I could do was ride as fast as possible. I held one hand to my forehead because the sleet was biting cold. That evening, I had the worst headache of my life and developed a sinus infection.

The sinus infection was well treated, so after a few weeks I had recovered, but I was left with something for which there was no remedy: a weekly recurring runny nose. It resembled hay fever: itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, etc. But tests showed it had nothing to do with allergens like pollen and dust. This complaint returned every week, and on those days I was unable to work normally. Sometimes I sneezed dozens of times, usually very explosively; I couldn’t help it. Regular and even alternative medications only made it worse, and so years went by. All days combined, I spent more than 4 years like this. In the evenings, I was completely exhausted from a day of sniffing and sneezing, and when I crawled into bed, I often felt intensely sad, as if I had cried liters of tears. But I had no idea what the cause of that sadness was. I had no images, no memories, just an unclear deep sorrow at the end of such a day.

In 2001 Linda had passed away and I had started a new relation with Marianne. In 2016, when Marianne and I had been living together for many years, we visited a medium in Belgium, Lut van de Velde. Next to this, you see her logo for the “Association for Philosophy and New Mysticism.” Notice the round cross, almost the Two Roads. I told her about my runny nose days, without expecting her to have a solution for it. I had long given up that hope, although perhaps there was still a glimmer of hope left. Through Lut, one of her guides from the unseen world spoke, and this ‘spirit’ told me that I was being harassed by lost beings in the unseen dimensions. These beings sometimes feel attracted to living people to, as it were, warm themselves with their energy. Not that they are energy thieves, and they don’t necessarily have bad intentions, but they are drawn to us, which can drain energy and cause inexplicable fatigue. Or, as in my case, sniffing and sneezing.

Lut’s guide advised me to use a homeopathic remedy in a high potency: Burdock or Greater Burdock, better known as sticky weed. You know, that wild plant that makes little balls with fine hooks that stick to your clothing. That sounded fitting: a remedy against ‘lifters,’ as they are sometimes called. I only needed to ‘shake’ that bottle a few times daily to further potentiate it and then hold it a second under my nose and sniff the energy from it. That was all. Ingesting it was not necessary.

How it is possible that just smelling a solution of alcohol in which not one atom of the original herb is present can be sufficient to do what neither regular doctors nor alternative therapists have a solution for remains a mystery to me. But it worked!! From one week to the next, I had no runny nose days for at least half a year. Hooray!!

After half a year, I had increased the potency of that remedy so often that I had gone through all the frequencies of this remedy, and the complaint returned. Not only that… it was as if the complaint had never left. So we made a new appointment with Lut. She said she had expected this. She had helped others with similar strange complaints before. So we made a new appointment, and during that session, I was told a remarkable story. Her guide revealed that I was not only being harassed by unconscious beings but also by beings who were deliberately trying to eliminate me. This was related to the fact that I had been a researcher in a past life in Atlantis, and that I still am. As a researcher, I had had visionary gifts, and so I was a seer, as it was called back then. I had seen or discovered something that was so extreme that I was horrifically laughed at and humiliated for it. So much so that I never dared to use that gift again. Many others at that time suffered the same fate, and like many of them, I wanted to put an end to it.

Marianne was there too. She was a so-called ‘white woman,’ belonging to a secret priest class. She spent all her free time tracking down people like me to prevent them from committing suicide and preferably to help them resume their roles, as then they could assist with what was coming our way, which my prediction and research were about. She found me too, and fortunately, she was able to prevent me from actually committing suicide. But I refused to take up my work again.

In Thailand and Cambodia, we learned that people talk differently about and live differently with the invisible world, but it is only the way the East deals with ‘the spirits’ that is different from how the West does. This has to do with religion, which tries to channel contact with the unseen world in certain ways. Essentially, we are talking about the same thing: the invisible world, the home world of our soul, from which we were born and to which we return when our earthly life ends.

When we have to make difficult decisions, we want to make the right choice. This also applies to leaders whose decisions determine the fate of many people. We prefer to determine how that decision will turn out. If we have ‘the gods’ or ‘the spirits’ on our side, then we are good, right? This is where mediums, channels, shamans, seers, and also religious leaders play a role. A good medium who truly contacts light beings (souls that are in Love) will never tell us what we ‘must’ do, but they often do give us hints :-).

In Atlantis, medial abilities were the most natural thing in the world. Now it is different, especially in the West. In our Western world, science is the most natural thing in the world, for without the label ‘scientifically proven,’ something new quickly becomes questionable. I believe that the seers in the time of Atlantis not only received medial information but also researched what they had received. You could compare them, I think, to government advisors: people who conduct research, keep statistics, and calculate future models that policymakers need to make or adjust plans.

Of course, in influential positions there is often deception and that was no different in Atlantis. But back then, the role of the invisible world was much more accepted in decision-making. What I mean to say is that the function of a seer was not more special than, for example, the work of a government advisor today. It was a role that enjoyed more prestige, but there was a downside because if a message was unwelcome, the messenger could be blamed for it. He or she had not seen it correctly, had misinterpreted it, had deceived people, and could be severely punished for that.

Something like that had happened to me. The punishment was a very profound humiliation that caused such a great trauma that I still suffer the consequences of it in this life.

Seership and Regressions to past Lives

In Thailand and Cambodia, we learned that people talk differently about and live differently with the invisible world. However, it is only the way the East interacts with ‘the spirits’ that differs from the West. This is related to religion, which attempts to guide contact with the unseen world in certain ways. Essentially, we are talking about the same thing: the invisible world, the home world of our soul, from which we were born and to which we return when our earthly life comes to an end.

When we have to make difficult decisions, we want to make the right choice. This also applies to leaders, whose decisions determine the fate of many people. Ideally, we want to influence how that decision will turn out. If we have ‘the gods’ or rather ‘the spirits’ on our side, then we are in a good position, right? This is where mediums, channels, shamans, seers, and also religious leaders play a role. A good medium who truly connects with light beings (souls that are in Love) will never tell us what we ‘must’ do. However, they often give us hints :-).

In Atlantis, mediumistic abilities were the most natural thing in the world. Now, that is different, especially in the West. In our Western world, science is the norm, as something new quickly becomes questionable without the label ‘scientifically proven.’ I believe that the seers in the time of Atlantis not only received mediumistic information but also investigated what they had received. You could compare them to, for example, government advisors: people who conduct research, keep statistics, and calculate future models that policymakers need to make or adjust plans.

Of course, in influential positions, there is often deception, and that was no different in Atlantis. But back then, the role of the invisible world was much more accepted in decision-making. What I mean to say is that the role of the seer was not more special than, for example, the work of a government advisor today. It was a role that enjoyed more respect, but there was a downside, because if a message was unwelcome, the messenger could be blamed for it. He or she had not seen it correctly, had misinterpreted it, had deceived people, and could be severely punished for that.

Something like that happened to me. The punishment was a very profound humiliation that caused such a great trauma that I still experience its effects in this life.

What did people not want to hear? What had I ‘seen’?

I have understood that it is essentially impossible to close a chakra once it has been opened… not even in later incarnations. So this gift of seeing is still present, but I no longer dare to rely on it. Therefore, I try to investigate everything that is given to me from Above and find evidence for its correctness. What is happening to me now is that malevolent entities want to prevent me from using that chakra at all, because it does not suit their plans. That is why they are metaphorically putting that antenna, the third eye, under fire, resulting in the entire area around the third eye turning red and the release of large amounts of moisture. Lut’s guide added that the Light World consciously allowed this in a strange way, which was explained by saying that they were not allowed to do so because cosmic ‘laws’ play a role in this. But that if they did shield the dark forces, so much energy would flow through my third eye that I could not handle it: damage would occur. So, in a special way, they protected me by seemingly doing the opposite. Apparently, the dark forces did not always succeed, as evidenced by the Akaija and many other paintings and symbols that are given to me as messages from the Light. I suspect that the Light Forces finely dose the information I receive through my third eye: sometimes yes, sometimes no.

The Akaija has been given to us as a great gift from Linda and from the Light World of which she is a part. Perhaps she received it from an even higher vibrational octave. But I was not told what this Akaija symbol means and how it works exactly. Not in a way that I was aware of. So that was our task: go figure it out. But there are forces that deliberately try to thwart us, because such symbols have Power and can help people, and dark forces are certainly not in favor of that.

Let me first say something about regressions in general before I continue. People who delve into previous incarnations often want to hear that they were a special, preferably famous person. That flatters the ego. But it should be clear that in the vast majority of incarnations, we have all been very ordinary people about whom no history book writes. To say that I would have been a seer might also sound ego-flattering, and I want to put that into perspective.

Assuming that Earth is a school for the soul to grow in consciousness, we will have many experiences as part of the curriculum. A life as a financially wealthy man or woman seems much more attractive than a life in poverty. But do not be deceived by that! Great wealth can be a significant pitfall for young, still unconscious souls.

The same goes for health, which is also a form of wealth. Of course, we prefer to be healthy our entire lives rather than sick, but we only truly learn to appreciate health after we have experienced what it is like to be ill. A beautiful and attractive body is wonderful to have, just like a beautiful voice. It can make you very popular, but how do you deal with all those fans who are at your feet and take everything you do and say as an example? The same applies to an influential position, a political leader, king, emperor, president, etc. The responsibility and consequences of what you do affect many people.

Being a medium – seership is one aspect of mediumship – has its own challenges. In the current time, especially in Western countries, seers, mediums, channels, prophets, shamans, oracles, or whatever you want to call them do not play a significant role. Publicly, they are often ridiculed, even though they are consulted by many people. Of course, there are also many charlatans, and they are precisely the ones who have given communication with the invisible world a bad name.

This condescending attitude towards mediums is typically ‘Western.’ The further east you go, the more life is connected with the spiritual world. In Russia, shamans are often consulted, even within the government, as we heard about a shaman who regularly flew to Moscow. In India and in almost all Asian countries, there are countless names for angelic beings that guide and help us, as well as other beings that work against us. I write from the Dutch perspective, and there is not much room for concepts like guardian angels, spirits, reincarnation, karmic laws, etc. Although a lot has changed in the past decades!

Atlantean Regression - Pride Comes Before the Fall

What had I done? What had I ‘seen’? I was not told this by Lut, and I suspect the reason was that I had to unravel this myself. After all, it is more convincing to experience or discover something yourself than to be told. The advice was to visit a good regression therapist and go ‘into regression.’ I was also prescribed a new remedy to tackle the runny nose days: Anacardium in a very high frequency, intended to open the so-called cell memory. But there was a catch. It was mentioned that releasing traumatic memories from a distant past can have intense effects. Therefore, my consent was explicitly requested. I had to know that I was starting something that could have a significant impact on me.

The remedy worked immediately, because from the moment I started using it, the runny nose days completely disappeared again. I was once again amazed at the effectiveness of such remedies. But… even months later, nothing happened that I had braced myself for: intense effects. I had taken into account tough detox reactions, bizarre dreams, strange pains, or even fears, but nothing special happened. Only the runny nose remained absent, and I was already happy with that.

We visited the regression therapist that Lut had recommended to us, Nicole van Leeuwen. I had undergone regressions before, and this time it went effortlessly as well. Marianne was allowed to sit in, which was not usual because it can hinder the person undergoing the regression from speaking freely. In my case, it actually worked to my advantage, as Marianne later told me that she often already knew what I was going to say before I expressed it. As if she had been there, and in fact, she had.

What I ‘saw’ during this regression was that I initially saw myself standing dressed in a long robe that was spread out all around me on the ground. I felt a strong connection to the Earth because of that. On my forehead, I had a large, special ruby that helped me with my clairvoyance. Marianne later added that, according to her, the ruby did not hang loosely against my third eye but was embedded in my forehead, possibly placed there through some kind of surgery. I was the guardian of an enormous tower, of which there were only a few in Atlantis, but they were meant to protect all of Atlantis together. For that, they needed to be well attuned to each other. Those towers influenced the weather; they were essentially ‘climate towers.’ But I felt that they also affected the well-being of the people. Well-being may not be the right word, but they ensured that the ‘vibration’ remained high, which made people feel more comfortable and more connected to each other, thus helping Atlantis as a whole to function better and also be better protected against disruptive influences, no matter where they came from. That effect was a feeling I had. What exactly those towers did and how they worked was unclear to me, but there was an enormous power emanating from them. I felt there was an electrifying glow around an energy field. The people who operated them, the ‘guardians’ or ‘tuners’ or whatever they were called, were thoroughly trained to properly tune the towers under their supervision. Many factors had to be taken into account, such as what was happening in the country, what the weather was doing, how the harvests turned out, but also what was happening in the Earth’s crust and what was happening in space played a role.

What I had seen or discovered, along with others, was that something was coming to Earth from space. At that moment, it was unclear to me whether it was a celestial body or something else. Perhaps it was strong energies. The arrival of that required constant careful tuning of all the towers together; otherwise, the balance could be disturbed, and the protection undermined. Additionally, I realized during the regression that there was a saboteur among us, someone who wanted to gain power over the towers to exert power over Atlantis. This meant that the towers would no longer work well together to cope with the impending disruptions, which could be disastrous for Atlantis.

I reported this, but I probably did so to the wrong people. As a result, I was mercilessly punished and humiliated. The ruby was taken from me. What I did not see happening during the regression, but add in retrospect, is that not long after, Atlantis perished. I do not know whether this happened months or years later. When I began to delve into what other people had already written about Atlantis, I understood that there was great division in Atlantis, especially in the end times. My feeling during the regression was that if there had been more unity among the people, they could have better prepared for what was to come. Whether the downfall of Atlantis could have been prevented is uncertain. One might think that if there are significant tectonic shifts, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis, humanity has no influence over that, making people mere playthings of the elements. But I am not convinced of that. I will try to explain this further in a future newsletter.

Before the disasters cast their shadows ahead, almost no one knew what was about to happen. I do not know what ‘the seer’s guild’ had predicted, but I assume that almost no one could imagine that all of Atlantis could disappear beneath the waves. That is akin to predicting in 2023 that by 2028 the entire United Kingdom will vanish under waves. Such an extreme prediction would not be taken seriously by anyone. There is even a good chance that if someone influential makes such a prediction, he or she will be deemed insane. Unless there are already very clear signals.

Another example… Suppose someone had predicted at the beginning of 2019 that in 2020 everyone would be walking around with masks and that people would become angry with each other if someone did not comply… That predictor would surely have been considered not right in the head?

My feeling was that I had withdrawn at a crucial moment. While if I had been able to overcome my victimhood, I could have helped, for example, by warning people, better tuning the towers, whatever… anything that could help prevent worse. Now I had done nothing, and that might explain the sorrow that plagued me in this life in the form of runny noses and teary eyes.

That regression with Nicole van Leeuwen was years ago, and since then we have made many journeys and gained many experiences and insights. We have spoken to remarkable people, attended lectures, read books and articles, and of course, we have talked a lot about this with each other and with friends. Everything has had time to ‘ripen,’ and as a result, the insight has grown.

One of the later insights emerged while writing this article, as while you write, you relive and activate your memory. The large mantle in which I saw myself standing at the beginning of the regression, which was almost draped around me like a bridal veil, I had never been able to place well. Such a mantle is impossible to wear while walking, and it lay in all directions around me. But there was certainly no question of a wedding ceremony. The thought that Marianne had was that I did not see myself as a human in a mantle, but that I was, in a sense, the tower itself!

We are used to working with computers. Power plants have control rooms. A ship has a bridge. An airplane has a cockpit, which contains all sorts of buttons, levers, gauges, etc. So I thought that for managing such a large tower, there must be a control room somewhere in that tower where I sat behind the buttons and performed my work. I imagined that my work in the tower consisted of entering the right numbers, where I first had to concentrate on what I received through the red ruby so that I could intuitively input the correct values. From our computer-oriented society, that seems a logical thought, right?

I forgot that the technology of Atlantis was based on a very different principle. There was a much more direct use of natural forces. Now we burn fuel to drive a generator that produces electricity to power an electrical device. That is a long detour. In Atlantis, that detour was much smaller, and much more use was made of frequencies, vibrations, and resonance principles, and working with them was much more intuitive.

As I write this, we have also been to Egypt, and thus also to the Great Pyramid, which I feel is roughly comparable to the climate towers of Atlantis. I even briefly lay in the sarcophagus. Actually, we should have long since left the king’s chamber, as the guard was trying to get us out with all his might, but by grace, I was allowed to lie there for just a moment. In that one or two minutes, I experienced something that is directly related to this. I will elaborate on it during the report about Egypt, but for now, I just want to say that that experience helped me come to an insight.

Marianne suggested that at the beginning of the regression, when I saw myself as a human in a large mantle spread out over the Earth, I was actually embodying that tower! I was, in a sense, one with the tower because I had connected with it. From that connection with the tower, I could manipulate the complex energies with which the tower resonated much more directly than with a mouse, keyboard, and screen. The shape of the tower, as I drew it after the regression, gave me exactly the same feeling as that mantle gave me: a very broad connection with the Earth. What I experienced in the sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid was that if I could concentrate enough, I would become aware of the entire pyramid. I lay at the focal point where all the energies of the pyramid, and those of the entire environment, came together. Perhaps that is why it was good that I was only allowed to lie in the sarcophagus for a very short time. What happened to me was that I felt a wall of sound resonating around me as soon as I uttered an ‘aum’ sound. That completely surprised me!

At the moment you start experimenting with it without knowing what you are doing and what you are setting in motion, very strange things can happen… and primarily to yourself!

The towers in Atlantis were, in my perception, comparable to what the pyramids are today. Moreover, the sarcophagus is not a tomb for the dead, but the place from which you can connect with the entire pyramid, and who knows with what other energies. That can be very dangerous, and perhaps it is for the best that the pyramid is no longer complete. The climate towers of Atlantis have, as I understood from Lut, gained a very bad reputation. Think of the great towers in the stories of Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings. But I will come back to that later.

During later sessions with Lut, we learned that the role I had at that time was indeed an important one, but… that I also took pride in it. I felt elevated above the people, which was also the case physically. The saying “sitting in an ivory tower” could very well be an ancient Atlantean proverb, as it applied to me. I may not have been a bad person, but I did feel elevated above the ‘ordinary’ people, the ‘rabble’. That is one of the pitfalls of such a position! It is also one of the difficult lessons of such an incarnation.

I think you could say that I belonged to the ‘elite’. Whether that was truly the case, I do not know, but based on my behavior, the ‘ordinary’ people, those who had to work hard every day to make ends meet, must have certainly thought so. Pride comes before a fall.

Do you see the connection with this time? At the moment you start experimenting with it without knowing what you are doing and what you are setting in motion, very strange things can happen… and primarily to yourself!

The towers in Atlantis were, in my perception, comparable to what the pyramids are today. Moreover, the sarcophagus is not a tomb for the dead, but the place from which you can connect with the entire pyramid, and who knows with what other energies. That can be very dangerous, and perhaps it is for the best that the pyramid is no longer complete. The climate towers of Atlantis have, as I understood from Lut, gained a very bad reputation. Think of the great towers in the stories of Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings. But I will come back to that later.

During later sessions with Lut, we learned that the role I had at that time was indeed an important one, but… that I also took pride in it. I felt elevated above the people, which was also the case physically. The saying “sitting in an ivory tower” could very well be an ancient Atlantean proverb, as it applied to me. I may not have been a bad person, but I did feel elevated above the ‘ordinary’ people, the ‘rabble’. That is one of the pitfalls of such a position! It is also one of the difficult lessons of such an incarnation.

I think you could say that I belonged to the ‘elite’. Whether that was truly the case, I do not know, but based on my behavior, the ‘ordinary’ people, those who had to work hard every day to make ends meet, must have certainly thought so. Pride comes before a fall.

Do you see the connection with this time?

Atlantis, Lemuria and the modern time

I did not feel emotionally connected to what I was perceiving during the regression. To be honest, it felt more like I was giving my vivid imagination free rein. Nevertheless, I made a great effort not to fantasize but to simply let whatever came, come. After all, I had to try to translate something from a time when everything was different from this life into images and words of this life. Perhaps if Nicole had brought me deeper into trance, I would have experienced a real ‘re-experiencing’, but since we were working through a trauma, it is not always advisable to relive it as if you are experiencing it in the present. That can have very serious consequences.

Years later, during another session with Lut, we heard that Marianne had died in that enormous disaster and that I had survived the downfall and helped rescue people from the sea, which further contributed to my feelings of guilt.

Those who believe in previous incarnations, as most people in the Far East do, will understand that presumably everyone living on Earth now has also lived during the time of Atlantis. You too. Of course, we were not all in Atlantis at the same time, but somewhere else on Earth. Contrary to what some researchers say, I do not believe that Atlantis was merely a city. I see it as a continent or large island empire with a large population and a high technological awareness. There were indeed Atlantic trading cities or even colonies in the countries surrounding that island empire. In that case, the stories of these researchers still hold true, but it concerns a small part of a larger whole.

Everyone who lived then, whether during the disaster itself or in its aftermath, has retained a trauma from it. Based on what others have written about it, there has been large-scale and prolonged occurrence of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, many meteorite impacts, and other natural or otherwise disasters worldwide. In the legends of almost all primal peoples and also in the Bible, there is mention of a flood-like disaster long ago.

Besides natural causes, there is another perspective that is often described in the stories about Atlantis, namely that there was a high technological level that was accompanied by large-scale abuse of that technology. Crystal energy, weather manipulation, control of gravity, and DNA manipulation played a significant role in this. Some of those techniques are now being (re)used and also abused. There were many and large wars. It seems as if our current society is an echo of the Atlantean society, as if we are repeating history. I believe that is indeed the case, but I will return to that later, as that is what we are beginning to discover with the entire Akaija research. It is starting to look like that.

In any case, many people in the world who experienced this in a previous incarnation have stored this trauma as an imprint in their cellular memory, whether they experienced that disaster in Atlantis itself or elsewhere on Earth. This disaster affected everyone, and life on Earth afterwards was a matter of survival under extreme conditions. This is a trauma that concerns humanity as a whole.

Intense Consequences?

I had agreed with medium Lut that I wanted to use the remedy Anacardium and that I was aware of any intense consequences that the release of cellular memory could trigger. My runny nose had disappeared again, and that was the most important thing for me. But those intense effects… I hadn’t noticed any of them. Why were they so serious about it? Had I missed something?

With all this knowledge and regression insights in mind, we visited the Cape Verde Islands six months later, which are about 1000 km west of Africa. We had hesitated about going there because the Cape Verde Islands are not located at one of the anchor points of the Tipped Equator of Antiquity. In fact, they are quite far from it, almost 2000 km to the east. The correct anchor location can be found by following the line of the Tipped Equator and calculating the GPS location exactly halfway between Easter Island in the west and the Great Pyramid in the east. There is now only a large body of water, the Atlantic Ocean. Jim Alison had calculated the coordinates and had the inspiration to bring up one of the oldest sea maps that exist. Thus, he came across an old map that still captivates the imagination: the Piri Reis Map.

I had agreed with medium Lut that I wanted to use the remedy Anacardium and that I was aware of any intense consequences that the release of cellular memory could trigger. My runny nose had disappeared again, and that was the most important thing for me. But those intense effects… I hadn’t noticed any of them. Why were they so serious about it? Had I missed something?

With all this knowledge and regression insights in mind, we visited the Cape Verde Islands six months later, which are about 1000 km west of Africa. We had hesitated about going there because the Cape Verde Islands are not located at one of the anchor points of the Tipped Equator of Antiquity. In fact, they are quite far from it, almost 2000 km to the east. The correct anchor location can be found by following the line of the Tipped Equator and calculating the GPS location exactly halfway between Easter Island in the west and the Great Pyramid in the east. There is now only a large body of water, the Atlantic Ocean. Jim Alison had calculated the coordinates and had the inspiration to bring up one of the oldest sea maps that exist. Thus, he came across an old map that still captivates the imagination: the Piri Reis Map.

What did we discover in Cape Verde?

We can be brief about that: We found nothing!

If there was something that caught our attention, it was a feeling we both had while driving in our rental car across the island and looking at a strangely shaped mountain in the distance. That mountain evoked a gloomy feeling in me, a feeling of: I would rather not have anything to do with that. It felt eerie there. I didn’t talk to Marianne about it at that moment, so as not to read too much into everything. Stay sober, I thought. But in the evening, it came up anyway, and Marianne said: “Did you feel that too?” She had had exactly the same feeling. Perhaps these islands had once been part of the Atlantic continent and these mountains reminded us of something, but as a clue, we could do nothing with it. That was it, nice try. We were actually a bit disappointed because, of course, we wanted to find something, as we had found something on previous trips. We were being helped from above, right? But now it seemed like ‘they’ were doing nothing. I quickly pushed that thought away again because I certainly did not want to be ungrateful. They had already done so much for us!

The day before our return flight, we had to return the car. We had our papers with us, but of course, we wanted to enjoy a little before handing over the car. A small detour and a moment to sit on a beach that had made a big impression on us… such a beautiful bay with white sand, bordered by rock formations and some trees. Wonderful to rest for a moment, read a book. Just to savor before we would return to the cold spring weather of the Netherlands.

Suddenly, I heard Marianne curse loudly, and I was startled because she never does that. Just as I lifted my head, I was pushed hard forward from behind and saw hands tearing the backpack from between my legs. Thieves! We were being robbed!

At that moment, adrenaline shot through me, and faster than I or the robbers expected, I jumped up and began to chase two tall, dark African men less than a meter away. But right at the first step, my legs refused to cooperate… I couldn’t move at all for a brief moment. Annoyed, I gathered all my energy and took another step… and again I froze for a second. How bizarre! I had never experienced anything like it. But then I recovered and was able to chase the men, but now with three instead of one meter of distance.
In hindsight, I think we were being protected by my guide at that moment because otherwise, I would have truly grabbed one of those men by their clothes, and what would have happened then? I was no match for these young men in the prime of their lives, and presumably, we would have lost more than just a backpack and a handbag.
I chased them a few hundred meters to the edge of the forest where I would be out of sight of Marianne. Reluctantly, I had to stop, out of breath, but perhaps that was for the best.

What now? Our passports were in that backpack, and our flight was the next day!
Now it turned out that we were indeed being helped from above, but in a completely different way than we had expected. The owners of the guesthouse turned out to have excellent connections. One of them was on the list to become the ambassador for the Netherlands and Belgium in Cape Verde. Such people know exactly what you need to do and who you need to contact to arrange new passports and file police reports as quickly as possible. It was unbelievable!

Nevertheless, it was a significant blow to take, as we missed our flight home, and of course, it cost us money and a lot of hassle. The very first feeling was that we had become victims of thieves and that our trip had not only yielded nothing, but now we had also been robbed. We had to pay for extra nights, buy new belongings, and arrange new papers. But somehow, we switched gears in no time. We were not victims! We had been given a few extra days! We were being helped from all sides! Our friend Stepanida helped us with money from the Netherlands. The car rental company cut us some slack. The guesthouse owners drove us everywhere and ensured we had the right contacts. We were not lacking anything. We had just lost some money, but we could live and eat, and we were certainly not starving.

While we waited in the car in front of the police station for the report to be processed to apply for laissez-faire passports, and I reflected on everything we had experienced in the past few days, a light went on for me. Wait a minute! Where are we here?

Yes… on an island that very likely once belonged to the highest mountains of Atlantis. And what had happened in Atlantis? I had been robbed of the ruby on my forehead, removed from my position, and I wanted nothing to do with anyone anymore. I wanted to put an end to it. I felt like a victim. Marianne found me and prevented me from ending it, but beyond that, I wanted nothing more. And now?

We were here for the first time in thousands of years, in Atlantis, on its remnants. And again, I was robbed. Marianne was too, of course, but I’m speaking for myself now. Now I was also angry, but I immediately sprang into action… literally! I would not let this happen to me! I should have let the thieves go, but that was not the point. For a moment we felt bad, but within an hour we switched from being victims to pulling ourselves together, taking control, and making the best of what we could. We would not let ourselves be driven crazy! Come on!

And then I suddenly thought of those ‘intense reactions’ that Lut’s guide had talked about. Was this perhaps an example of that? Can homeopathic remedies even influence this by reactivating cell memory? Wow! The more I thought about it, the more logical it began to seem. Because however I looked at it… we had reacted well, and as a result, we had partially resolved an old trauma that had arisen because of what I had not done in Atlantis. A bit unexpected and quite costly, but… we had come out of it excellently. And I had another adventure to write about!
But we were not done yet…

Easter Island and Chile - Cape Verde Reloaded?

Talking, reading, and searching about Atlantis, you also come across stories about another lost continent: Lemuria or Mu. Atlantis is said to have been located in the Atlantic Ocean, while Lemuria was in the Pacific Ocean. It is still unclear to us how these two continents or civilizations relate to each other. Did they exist simultaneously or one after the other? And if they existed one after the other, how much time was between them? How long did the civilization of Lemuria last, and how long did that of Atlantis last? Based on the information we most often encounter, it seems that these realms each spanned at least thousands, and possibly tens of thousands of years together.

Our preliminary suspicion is that Lemuria existed earlier in time than Atlantis and that Lemuria was more ethereal and paradisiacal, with plants, animals, and humans being more in harmony with each other, more connected. We also believe that human bodies looked different then: lighter, more ethereal, less material. Atlantis, on the other hand, seems to have been more materialistic and primarily technological in nature, but its technology was of a completely different order than that of today. There would also have been contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations. Besides the human race, there were probably other intelligent humanoid races on Earth. It sounds like a story from Tolkien, but through Lut van de Velde, we understand that elf-like and dwarf-like races lived here. That sounds unbelievable, but it becomes less so when you consider what is now possible with genetic manipulation and who finances this research. Usually, if something is possible, it is also carried out.

Eliza White Buffalo, a mediumistic friend in Northern Ireland, writes in her ‘Two Roads Trilogy’ that she remembers coming to Earth as a soul in a large soul group. That was during the time of Lemuria. She and many others agreed to participate in a great cosmic experiment, namely to bring Heaven to Earth. They were guided by much more conscious souls, a kind of teachers. It could very well be that we all, or at least many of us, participated in that same experiment. And still participate!

She, or we, were well prepared, Eliza writes, but what we could not yet understand at that time because we did not have that consciousness, is that the Earth has a very strong magnetic energy field that strongly influences our lower chakras. We were used to communicating telepathically with each other and also with the plants and animals around us, but our earthly bodies also had vocal cords, and we were encouraged by our teachers to make use of them and not just rely on our telepathic abilities simply because that was much easier and caused fewer misunderstandings.

Over time, one after another lost the ability to maintain that higher state of unity consciousness. There was what is beautifully phrased in English: the Fall from Grace. In Dutch, we call that ‘uit de genade vallen,’ which is another term for the fall from grace. Fantasizing about how that could happen, I imagine that when we began to use our voice, we also discovered that we could say something that was not true. From a state of unity consciousness, that is impossible, but if your voice and thoughts are not in sync, you can lie. This automatically means that you separate yourself from the Whole, you fall from grace… into sin. Not that you are truly separated, for that is impossible, but in your illusion or perception, it can feel that way: thought creates.

I think we were still young and naive, perhaps even overconfident souls who chose the challenge of making a great leap in consciousness growth by leaving our safe home planet or planets and gaining experiences on another planet, in matter, in a more material vibration. Compare it to children born to wealthy parents who lack nothing, but who, to understand the outside world, first need to learn to deal with life as it is lived by most people, where not everything is taken for granted. To survive on Earth and preferably achieve something, you must think carefully about your choices here, for everything has consequences. You cannot materialize here with just thought power, or teleport yourself in a flash with thought power. Everything here goes slower and more laboriously. In the previous newsletter, I spoke about Samudra Manthan and the Medicine Wheel, the path of the Two Roads. That is the path of our soul. You can read that account of Samudra Manthan via this link.

Thus, the Earth is a school of learning, which holds us until we master the lessons and can overcome its magnetic pull, a challenge to return to that higher state of unity consciousness. When we finally manage to reach that state, it is something we have acquired after long study, through the repetition of many difficult exercises and the accumulation of an immense amount of experiences. That is no small achievement, but something very special!

It should be clear that this earthly school is not limited to one classroom or one incarnation, but that there are many classes. Perhaps multiple incarnations are needed for each class before we can move on to the next level, where new challenges await us again. If this is true, then this experiment is still ongoing, and we are still in this school here on Earth. Only our society is now structured in such a way that we no longer even know that we ever embarked on that experiment, to which we once very motivatedly said ‘yes.’ The Eastern way of thinking seems more open to this idea, but the current Western society is very focused on teaching us to think intellectually, rather than from our hearts. Western upbringing, education, and religious thinking have existed for a long time, and as a result, we have unlearned to believe in past incarnations. Many no longer believe in an invisible world of light where we reside between incarnations and where our deceased loved ones are. Many even do not believe that there have been higher developed civilizations in the past, while the countless proofs for that are worldwide and immense. How clear do you want it to be? The unwillingness or inability to believe that we are part of something much, much greater than we have been taught makes us feel cut off from the Divine Consciousness, which forces us back onto ourselves. That is not truly the case, but it certainly feels that way, making us vulnerable and impressionable, for example, to persuasive people who claim to know better. Think about what newspapers and TV tell humanity. People think that information is ‘independent.’ Really? You can find the answer to that yourself, but do you want to?

Somewhere we must draw that inner Power to rediscover that Connection within ourselves. We believe that the Akaija is a symbol that has been given to us from that invisible world of light as a reminder of… an object that serves as a Beacon to find our way back Home. It is a tool to stay on course in this life game, it reactivates our blueprint, so that we remember the original purpose we had before we came here. I write this with certainty; it is no longer a question for us, as it is based on years of gathering experiences from people whose statements can only be explained and understood in this way.

But let me repeat: all of the above is nothing more and nothing less than a thought of ours. Perhaps everything is completely different than we think, and who knows, we may tell this story very differently in 10 years.

Because we sensed a global problem coming without being able to name it precisely, we decided to travel to Easter Island that same year, 2019. What we found there is not important right now. What mattered is that after visiting Easter Island, we had another two weeks of vacation in Chile. One day, we unintentionally ended up in the city of Valparaiso. We had missed an exit in a strange way, and suddenly we found ourselves in that city, ten kilometers later. At traffic lights, someone hit the roof of our car, we looked at the person doing it, and at the same time, our tire was punctured on the other side. But we didn’t know that at that moment.

A little further on, I was forced to pull over to change our tire. Fortunately, I had the presence of mind to park next to a busy bus stop. Then we were helped by ‘saviors in need.’ They insisted on helping us, but I didn’t trust them. Still, I couldn’t get my thoughts straight; everything was happening too fast, and they kept talking to me, making it hard to think clearly and do what I would normally do. I tried to understand what was happening and why. In hindsight, it’s simple enough, but when you’re in the middle of such a situation, you usually lack that overview. We kept them at bay for minutes, and I managed to keep the car locked, but I had to get into the car at some point to grab something. That’s when it went wrong. I was pulled down, and in a flash, our bag was snatched from the car by another person, and the ‘saviors’ took off. Once again, we lost our passports, missed our flight, and once again, this cost us a lot of money and hassle.

But… we regrouped again, this time even within minutes. We were not victims; we got up immediately and put our shoulders to the wheel. And once again, we were helped by a lot of people. A gas station attendant helped change the tire. For some reason, I couldn’t find the wrench to operate the jack. It was in sight, but I hadn’t seen it. Someone offered us shelter and brought us free food. That man had experienced the same thing once and wanted to give us what he had received, just as others had helped him. Our guesthouse owners also helped us this time. They were angels and assisted us in dealing with the police, filling out paperwork, and arranging everything.

What was also remarkable was that during the day, we saw smoke clouds in the distance from a massive forest fire, exactly where we would have just passed if we hadn’t missed the exit. If we had gone there, we wouldn’t have been able to return that day via the only access road and would have had to spend the night on the beach, and our car might have caught fire, or worse, because there was a strong wind, making a forest fire life-threatening. Or… the same thing happened to us again. Quite unfortunate, but we were guided the whole time to find our way. There was help in abundance; we were protected! We only had to worry about the next step we needed to take on this strange path. And we could do that because we again did not fall into the victim role. Because if we had, we wouldn’t have seen all the help surrounding us. We would have been blind to the Light illuminating our way.

Then something else happened, just two days later, and that was the last straw for me…
The strong wind that had caused many forest fires made me nervous because our accommodation was in a dry, wooded area, amidst many houses, most of which were uninhabited. The high season was yet to begin here. From our accommodation, I saw strange clouds moving between the trees. Fire? We had already seen a small forest fire across the bay that morning. So I left the house, locked the gate behind me, and walked down the hardened sandy road towards the smoke clouds. If there was a fire, I wanted to call 112 immediately. But as I got closer, it turned out to be condensation clouds caused by the cold sea from Antarctica passing by this coast and rising over the subtropical warm land.
Relieved, I turned around and walked back to our cottage. As I walked, I heard a growl behind me… a large dog was chasing me.

No worries, I thought, just keep walking and don’t pay attention. That happens quite often.
But moments later, five large dogs with glistening teeth were following me, and they were closing in. Where had they suddenly come from? I might be able to handle one or two of those dogs, but how was I going to fend off five of those beasts?

I realized I was in great danger because these dogs behaved like a wolf pack surrounding their prey and exploiting every weak point that appeared. I growled, shouted, made gestures, and lunged, causing the dogs in front of me to retreat, but the dogs behind me came closer, and the circle grew smaller. If I made a misstep or wasn’t paying attention for a moment, I wouldn’t stand a chance. The cottage was less than 100 meters away, but I had locked the gate, so Marianne couldn’t help me, even if she heard me. Furthermore, no one responded to my shouting. I was all alone. I thought… what are my options? They are more in number and have teeth as weapons. What do I have? No weapons, but intelligence and creativity! So, be smart!

If I didn’t have a weapon, I needed to find one. Behind me, I saw a rock the size of my hand lying on the ground, which I swiftly picked up. How I knew, I don’t know, but I was certain that the dog in front of me was the leader of the pack, and I threatened him with this rock, knowing that I wouldn’t miss from two meters away. I looked him in the eyes with the thought: You might catch me, but first, I will get you!

And suddenly they were gone! I still don’t understand how those dogs had surrounded me so suddenly, but what I absolutely didn’t understand was that at the moment the leader broke off the attack and I turned around to walk away and looked back to see if I was indeed not being followed, I saw no dogs anywhere, neither close nor in the distance among the scattered trees. They seemed to have dissolved into thin air. No dog can run that fast!

To this day, I wonder if those dogs were real or not. Did this also belong to those ‘intense effects’ of the anacardium remedy that I had to say ‘yes’ to before being allowed to use it?
Did I already mention that we had been rear-ended in our car just before this trip? So within six months, we experienced two robberies abroad, a life-threatening threat from five large dogs, and a collision.
We assume all of this was related to the release of cellular memory… echoes from Atlantis.

But now it’s enough! Thus far and no further!

I wrote earlier: Pride comes before a fall. But the opposite may also be true: Humility comes before rising again. Perhaps that is the lesson I have learned from this. I hope so.

I approached our friend Eliza (from the Two Roads) and asked her and her guides to help us stop this energetically, how we could do that. And after we followed her advice, it indeed stopped. No more strange things happened.

But perhaps we celebrated too soon, because less than two months later, the whole world went into lockdown. The Corona crisis made its entrance… Atlantis reloaded?

Indeed, but now it was just beginning for real!
In future articles and newsletters, we will elaborate on this.

Below you can watch a very short impression of our trip to Cape Verde.

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Wim & Marianne

:Willem-albert : Roskam
:Marianne: Agterdenbos.
Gijsbrechtgaarde 316
[7329ce] Apeldoorn
+31 (0)55 5335747