Freedom in Bonding was painted in 2010.

It began after a request from naturopath Tineke Kleine Deters, to create something for her and her husband that expressed their special relationship together.

Freedom… that was the essence of this painting. I know that I am inspired during this process, but I usually do not know in advance what the final result will be.

I started with a well-known shape in Sacred Geometry, the Vesica Piscis, in which the Golden Ratio is made visible. This shape can be found all over the world, and one of the most beautiful examples is located in the Chalice Well Garden at the foot of Glastonbury Tor in England. I combined this shape with the Yin-Yang symbol. The painting that emerged from this has a diameter of about 70 cm, with the frame in gold leaf largely showcasing the Vesica Piscis. Omitted parts can always be recalculated in Sacred Geometry.

The lid of the Chalice Well in the Chalice Well Garden just below the Glastonbury Tor.
The Vesica Piscis, the zodiac symbol of Fish or Pisces, is essential in the Flower of Life, one of the most well-known symbol in Sacred Geometry.

A few years later, Tineke sent us an update about a special experience with this painting that I want to share with you (after consulting with Tineke, of course :-).

“I want to share a special experience with you. As so often happens in a (therapeutic) contact, the right things occur when you give in to your impulse. This morning, I took a client to the living room to show her your work Freedom in Bonding. She was deeply touched by it, got goosebumps, and became emotional. The session that followed was a continuation of this ‘meeting’.

Freedom in Bonding: two souls, each with their own color, connected through Light. A dynamic whole in which everyone unfolds and develops in their own way and pace without interfering in the process of the other. Strengthen the light within yourself, allowing you to touch the other (without words) and remind them of their own light. It was such a beautiful metaphor for what she needed (in relation to her partner), and combined with the energy emanating from the work, it gave her the realization that everything is open and that from the awareness of being connected in this Light, you can create what you want in complete freedom!

Your work is doing its work… still… and in a wonderful way.

Warm regards, Tineke”

Later that day, she added a few more lines:

“Did you know that from the beginning I only saw the colors and the cosmic whole? When a friend saw it a week after we hung it up, she was so impressed by the light within it. I was extremely surprised that I hadn’t even noticed the light. (me, who is solely focused on light!!) Since then, I have viewed the painting with completely different eyes. And the experience from this morning has completed the picture.”

Tineke has a practice as a naturopath: Natuurlijk Bewust (

The Chalice Well Garden in Glastonbury is well worth a visit!

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Wim & Marianne

:Willem-albert : Roskam
:Marianne: Agterdenbos.
Gijsbrechtgaarde 316
[7329ce] Apeldoorn
+31 (0)55 5335747