When the Sacred Heart is open
The Red Stone of Power shall sing
The divine plan shall be revealed on Earth
Praise be to The Beloved Source of All Things
Two Roads is a cosmic concept that emerged from co-creation with the Spirit World. The symbol and what it represents was already given by Spirit to Nicholas Black Elk (1863-1950), Black Elk was a Holy Man of the original inhabitants of America, the Oglala Lakota of the Sioux. More than a century later, Black Elk inspired the Northern Irish medium Eliza White Buffalo and explained the concept of the Two Roads to her.
Unbeknownst to this, in 2024 the Dutch artist Wim Roskam was inspired by Spirit in 2004 to create something new. It was about a cross, enclosed in a circle and simultaneously shaped like a bowl. Not viewed directly from above or exactly from the side, but from a different angle. That is the perspective. At that moment, he knew nothing of Black Elk or the symbol Two Roads.
When it was finished, he named the object ‘Faith‘ because the cross in a circle represents all belief systems in the world. Each faith is a unique perspective on what it is about within that belief system: the Connection with Spirit.

In 2003, shortly after Linda’s passing (who inspired me to create the Akaija), we had an appointment with medium Loes van Loon about the painting Lucia, which also represents a kind of cross, but without religious coloring. She made a casual remark that I would create another cross in the future. “A big cross. This big…” she said, holding her hand about a meter above the floor. I had no idea what she was talking about, as I really couldn’t see myself making a large Christian cross, especially not with a suffering Jesus on it. But she had already said more that turned out to be true. Over the years I forgot it.
In 2005, during a meditation, I had a pressing feeling to start on a new object that seemed to be ‘something with a tilted grail cross.’ I grabbed pen and paper, and later the computer, to develop that idea. I started with an isosceles cross in a circle. If you tilt that symbol backward, just as you look over a bowl or plate on the table in front of you, you no longer see a round circle, but an oval. You know it’s round, but if would you draw what your eyes see, then you would have to draw an oval shape. Nothing changes in the shape of the circle or the cross itself. The only difference is your perspective: from which angle you look at it.
With a photo editing program you can distort photos or objects. One way to do that is by ‘adding perspective.’ This way you make everything that should be further away smaller and what should be closer larger.
When I did this with the oval cross, something strange happened. The horizontal beam of the cross automatically shifted slightly upward, almost as if it had now become a Christian cross with a larger base.
During the meditation, I had ‘felt’ a bowl shape and thought of the Holy Grail. There are many legends about it. The blood of Christ is said to have been collected in it. The grail is also referred to as the womb. There are stories from very ancient times in which the Grail contains the elixir of life, the source of eternal youth. In the film “Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail,” this theme is spectacularly portrayed.
A few months later, when I had created this oval cross in a bowl shape with wood and plaster bandage I felt that something was still missing. The center seemed so ’empty.’ I thought that a red crystal should hang in the central part, and so I set that stone in a golden setting in the shape of an Akaija. That inspiration would later prove to be of great significance, but it took another seven years before we realized that.
The completed painting/object was named Faith. It symbolizes every conceivable way of referring to the Most Holy or the Source of all Life. Every religion does this in a different way but within each religion every person does it in his or her own way.
Of course, there are also people who believe in nothing, but that is also a belief or assumption. Unfortunately, followers of different religions do not always agree with each other; wars are even fought where religion is used as a weapon.
Everyone has a different idea about what gives us Life, about what connects us all, what makes us one. Everyone has their own perspective. Or as Spock once said: “Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations.”
Anyway… this was quite a large object, but it was certainly not a meter high, as medium Loes van Loon had predicted a year earlier.
Nicolas Black Elk
Nicolas Black Elk (Dec. 1863 to Aug. 1950) was a Wichasha Wakan (Medicine Man or Holy Man) and a Heyoka of the Oglala Lakota (Sioux). When he was nine years old he fell into a coma. People wondered if he would ever awaken, but after 12 days he came to. Four years later he reported that an important vision had been shown to him during his days of coma, and that in the vision he had seen a symbol of two roads which led to a prophecy of hope for his people and for all hoops of the world, and that all this had been explained to him by the Spirits. When the people heard this, they understood that he was a holy man, touched by Spirit.
At the age of 12, he was present at one of the most famous yet also horrific battles between Indians and whites: the Battle of Little Big Horn in 1876. A few years later he was involved in another well-known massacre: Wounded Knee. This last battle is particularly known for the many women and children who were killed there. Black Elk was also injured there, but he had miraculously ridden through showers of bullets without injury. He had escaped injury by imagining himself back into his vision, and it was only when he let that reality slip that he was hit across the stomach with a bullet. The rest of his life was primarily dedicated to helping people through the Powers given to him by Spirit in his vision.
In later years, he became friends with the writer John Neihardt, who wrote a book about his life titled: Black Elk Speaks.
Chief Si'ahl
Chief Si’ahl (Chief Seattle) was a highly respected and peace-loving man among his people, the tribes in the vicinity of Puget Sound near Vancouver and Seattle. He preferred a path of adapting to the white settlers. The city of Seattle in the state of Washington is named after him.
Si’ahl lived approximately from 1780 to 1866 and witnessed how the whites flooded the Indian territories. It was the time of the gold rush, and that especially caused the whites to show no respect for the Indians, their land, their way of life, or traditions. There was no stopping it.
When the whites again wanted a piece of land from the Indians, Chief Si’ahl delivered a special speech directed at the white chief in Washington. This speech or letter, from around 1854, has become world-famous as ‘Chief Seattle’s Speech,’ in which the Indian way of life in harmony with nature in gratitude for the Great Spirit takes a central place…
“The rivers are our brothers. They quench our thirst. They carry our canoes and nourish our children. So you must show the rivers the kindness you would give to all your brothers.
If we sell you our land, remember that the air is valuable to us, that the air shares its Spirit with all life it supports. The wind that gave our grandfather his first breath also received his last sigh. The wind thus gives our children the Spirit of life. So if we sell our land, you must consider it as sacred ground, as a place where people can taste the wind, with the sweet flavor of the meadow flowers.
Will you teach your children what we taught our children? That the Earth is our mother? What happens to the Earth happens to all the sons and daughters of the Earth.
This we know: the Earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the Earth. Everything is connected to everything, like the blood that unites us all. People did not weave the web of life; they are merely a single thread within it. What they do to the web, they do to themselves.
Our God is also your God. The Earth is something valuable to Him, and to damage the Earth is to show contempt for her Creator.”
In 2011, I used this speech as inspiration to write my own ‘speech,’ a letter to all governments worldwide, including the so-called ‘secret government,’ and also to all people, and thus also to you. This letter was published in the January 2012 issue of the magazine Spiegelbeeld, and it was actually sent to all Dutch ministries in 2021. Click on this button to read this letter.
Eliza White Buffalo
In 2011, I had the urgent feeling of wanting to become friends via Facebook with indigenous people from different countries, especially those from North America, commonly referred to as Indians. Thus, I became friends with someone with the melodious Indian name Eliza White Buffalo. However, she was not an ‘Indian’ but a medium-shaman in Northern Ireland who has an intense connection with Nicholas Black Elk. Black Elk told Eliza a lot from Spirit, about the symbol that was shown and explained to him by the Spirits during his coma. He passed his knowledge on to Eliza.
To begin with, Eliza and I did not talk about that symbol, only about her book titled The Two Roads. Black Elk advised her to send me her book. In exchange, I sent her a preliminary translation of my book The Fifth Day, the working title that would later become Opting for Freedom of Choice – The Lady of the Rings. That was how Eliza became familiar with the Akaija which is also an inspiration from the Spirits.
By reading Eliza’s book The Two Roads, we gained insight into what Black Elk had told her. I also read the book Black Elk Speaks by John Neihardt, and only then did I begin to see the connection between the symbol Faith that I had created 7 years earlier. Apparently, this project had long been prepared by Spirit, and we met the right people at the right time.
The only difference was that the symbol as Black Elk had shown it to Eliza was round in shape, while Faith was oval. Even the Red Stone was similar. The perspective is different, but it is absolutely the same symbol. But isn’t it true that every faith, every religion, is a different perspective, a different viewpoint, of what it is essentially about? Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Indians… they use different names and different rituals, but in fact, every religion is about The Holy God, The Great Spirit, the Source of Life, Love, Unity, and so on.
The Medicine Wheel
Eliza White Buffalo explains the meaning of the Indian Medicine Wheel, or the Two Roads with the Red Stone of Power. Below is a translated quote from her:
“Imagine a medicine wheel with 4 directions – North, East, South, and West. One road goes from South to North, and one goes from East to West. Then imagine the center of the wheel where both roads meet. This is the Sacred Center, the Sacred Heart, or the Red Stone of Power. The center is sacred because it is whole… here we know unity with the Great Spirit. Here we are of God, the One. I would like to call it the Christ Consciousness. It is the Creation of God, God’s Child.
There are 3 other directions – Above, Below, and Within. Above is the Holy Father, Father Sky, and below is the Holy Mother, Mother Earth. Within is the Sacred Heart, the Red Stone of Power, where the Holy Parents come together: Spirit and Matter. So within is the only place where you can receive and give their essence, Light and Love. What happens when the Red Stone of Power, the Sacred Heart, is activated, is that the attraction of the Original Soul becomes stronger because more and more Light fills the Heart, thereby elevating thought, spirit, emotions, and body even further. In fact, you come closer to the presence of Source, the Source, the All-Power within which your soul resides. (…)”
Note: This is not about a religion. It is about Universal Love, about becoming aware, being aware. Jesus was not Roman Catholic or Protestant. He was and is a perfected soul, an enlightened teacher for humanity, just like Buddha, Mohammed, and many others were and still are.
Two Roads
Here you see a Two Roads symbol that I made in gold for Eliza White Buffalo in 2011. Until that moment, she had only had a flat silver cross in a circle, but I understood that Spirit’s intention was now to create a Two Roads symbol for her, similar to the one I made that is called Faith, but in its original round form.
Vertically, you see the Good Red Road, the sacred path. Horizontally, crossing it, you see the Dark and Fearful Road. Where the two roads meet is a sacred place.
The dark road is the path on Earth, our path. That is the path you walk to progress on the spiritual journey. If you only stay on the spiritual red road, you can see the Light in the distance, but you won’t get any closer. To do that, you must walk both paths. But… the dark road will challenge you, and therein lies the danger. However, you can walk it safely by remaining connected to the Red Stone of Power, your Heart From there, you maintain perspective and can make decisions: that is choosing in freedom. This sacred place, the Red Stone of Power, is Black Elk’s expression for the Activated Sacred Heart.

The Birth Blueprint
Life is determined by the choices we make. The choice you make depends on what you want to achieve. What is your intention? The intention you have, that which you want to achieve, will determine which choices you will then make to reach that goal.
If you have become angry about something, there is a good chance that you will then make a choice, do or say something out of emotion, because that anger overshadows all the intentions you had for a shorter or longer time. Figuratively speaking, it is wise to count to ten before reacting.
If you want to be seen, there is a good chance that your ego influences your choice. Which choice leads to more recognition? Then you will quickly choose that.
If you want to become financially wealthy, you might choose an education that promises to make you earn as much as possible. For example, you would prefer a university or managerial study over a vocational trade.
You probably also know people who have strategically chosen their partner, for instance, to have an easy life where they do not have to work. With a wealthy partner, everything is within reach, right?
You might also be afraid of making the wrong choice. Then you will try to think as far ahead as possible, like a chess player does. Only then do you make a decision. Returning to your intention… Before you started analyzing, you had actually already made your choice. You already knew what you wanted to achieve; you just have to decide how you want to get there along the way. Often, situations are so complicated—especially when other people are involved—that it is difficult to think more than a few steps ahead.
Let’s take a step back in time… In fact, you made an even more important choice before you were born. That is your birth blueprint, the plan with which you descended as a soul into a body on Earth. As a soul in a body, we grow up as humans, we learn to walk, speak, and we learn many other skills. We need those skills to walk our life path.
Every life on Earth, every incarnation is just a fragment in the development of the Soul that we are. Just as children grow into adults, we also grow as a soul. Throughout our lives, we gain an unimaginable amount of experiences, encounter many countries and cultures, experience what it is like to be a man or a woman (or to be uncertain about it, perhaps because you had a different gender in a previous incarnation), and what influence your skin color and health have on your life. Thus, we become increasingly wiser and more perfected as a soul.
You do not make the choice for your birth on your own; you receive unimaginable help with it. And throughout your life, you are guided by your guardian angel who watches over your blueprint or life plan. However, your guardian angel is obliged to respect your Free Will. If you have made a ‘wrong’ choice, you will receive subtle hints and indications from him or her to make you aware that there are more options, better aligned with your blueprint. If we do not want to listen to that, there is a good chance that we will find ourselves in situations that do not make us happy after a shorter or longer time. Then we can fall.
Perhaps you start choosing from an emotion, from dissatisfaction, with a desire for money, with sexual desires, etc. That is part of being human. Those are the challenges. Our physical senses are very present and easily overshadow the ‘voice’ of our guides, who communicate with us through our Heart. This makes it difficult to have an overview like Light Beings do. And it can also be hard to listen to that quiet inner voice because the voice of the outside world is so much louder.
We also exist in Time. It is sometimes said that the Light World exists outside of Time. From that perspective, there is a Knowing of how decisions in the earthly dimension play out; cause and effect are one. Thus, perfected souls can guide us excellently and give hints.
Enlightened souls, whether they are Light Beings who speak to us through a medium or our fellow humans here on Earth, will never impose a choice on us, because then we place the responsibility for that choice outside ourselves with the thought: “But he or she said it!”
Yet we chose to act on that. But we can also learn from that, namely to always remain responsible for what we let in and what we do with it. This way, we also learn to better assess who we can and cannot trust.
You need your intellect; let there be no misunderstanding about that, but only your Heart is directly connected to your Higher Self. Use both!
The wrong Choice?
Now suppose you made a choice that turned out to be wrong. You might first ask yourself what is wrong? Because that may depend on what your intention was.
Did your choice not bring you the financial wealth you hoped to achieve?
Was the partner you chose, upon reflection, not the one you expected?
Did you insult someone who, in hindsight, was right?
Did you choose not to get vaccinated or did you get vaccinated, and now you have a big problem?
Did you choose to side with one political view or the other, only to find out that you were deceived?
How do you deal with that? Are you able to admit that you have fallen down the dark path? If you cannot admit your mistake, then you cannot rise again. Over time, almost all of us are capable of forgiving another for something they have done to us. However, forgiving ourselves for something we have done or allowed to happen to us proves to be very difficult for many people. Yet, that is an important part of rising after a fall.
The Two Roads symbol reminds you that your Heart, the Red Stone of Power, is located at the sacred place where all roads converge. From there, you have an all round overview, which can lead to insight. This can help you with forgiveness, both to forgive others… and yourself, but before forgiveness is possible, you must first gain insight into your situation. Saying “I forgive…” has no value if you do not truly want to look.
Have you fallen?
Who or what is the Great Spirit?
One of his journeys brought Black Elk to France and England where he became acquainted with the Christian faith. Then he learned that after all there was not much difference between the God of the whites and the Great Spirit of the Indians. In 1904, at the age of 40, he became the first Indian Holy Man to adopt the Christian faith.
It is certainly not the case that he renounced Indian traditions and the Great Spirit. He simply stopped performing certain sacred rituals, such as the Ghost Dance. He embraced both the Great Spirit and the God of the white man, knowing that there is no real difference. Not every Indian agreed with him, but he said: “My children must live in this world.” That is one aspect of the Two Roads symbol: roads come together.
Those who grew up in a strict Christian family will likely consider the Christian faith as the only true faith. I (Wim) was raised Christian, but my parents were not strict in their teachings. Therefore, it was easy for me to have an open mind towards other religions. One of the many questions I often asked myself was: “Suppose I had been born among the Indians… Or suppose I had been born in a Muslim family… Would I then want to profess a different faith?”
Perhaps it depends on how strict your parents are in their upbringing.
There are many religions and spiritual traditions (perspectives or beliefs) in the world, and within each religion there are countless movements. Why are there so many? Is one better than the other? Is the Indian tradition of the Sioux better than the Roman Catholic tradition? And how does this relate to Islam? What constitutes a religion? What is it really about?
Is it the worship of a god? However, in Buddhism, no god is worshipped. In Hinduism, many gods seem to be worshipped, but perhaps these are different aspects of the One. It seems that the word for ‘god’ falls short in precisely expressing what it is really about. And now we are only talking about earthly beliefs. God, Allah, the Great Spirit are all considered the Creator of ALL, right? In the universe, there are more planets than grains of sand in the desert.
Let me therefore broaden our horizon… Imagine living on the 4th planet of the star Sirius-B. What religion would be yours then?
You might also wonder if there are even people living on that planet. And suppose there are beings living there, do they speak a language? Or are the inhabitants telepathically connected to each other? Are they invisible to the human eye, just as we cannot see our relatives in the afterlife? How do they relate to… the Great Spirit or God? There are countless questions. They too are part of the universe, of creation. We humans are also connected to them. Akaija stands for We are one, and they are part of that too.
In all religions, there is something in common… the most sacred, or the highest, the source of Love, perhaps it is a God or a Spirit… There are infinitely many names for it. Could it be a being who once walked on Earth? Or is it a form of energy? I have no suitable words for it and consider this ‘Energy’ as the life-giving Spirit that resides in each of us, connecting us all, with Love as the connecting Energy. I assume that this Spirit exists not only in all people but also in everything else, in animals, plants, mountains, seas, rocks, minerals, and in the Earth as a whole. Every atom is imbued with it.
It is so vast that it exceeds my comprehension, so who knows, I might write something different in ten years from now.
Western societies recognize the Christian Cross, a cross with a longer vertical leg. There is also the Maltese Cross, the Celtic Cross, and the Russian Orthodox Cross, all of which are equilateral but look slightly different. Then there is the Swastika, which we encountered everywhere in India, and with which all important objects are blessed. And yes, there’s also the hooked cross that Hitler used, but that is not a Swastica as is often claimed online. Among the Indians, the ‘medicine wheel’ is the best-known symbol: also a cross within a circle. That is essentially the Two Roads.
The Sun Cross
The Two Roads symbol is also known by another name: the Sun Cross. If you search the Internet for Sun Cross, you will frequently encounter this symbol; it is sometimes almost a copy of the Two Roads. But another symbol also comes into play: the Swastika, a sacred symbol in India. Unfortunately, this symbol is often discredited by the hooked cross, the logo of the Nazis who were the perpetrators of World War II.
Thus, the Swastika is not a negative symbol. Rather, Hitler appropriated a symbol known to be very powerful. In both the Swastika and the hooked cross, you see that the four arms move sideways. What underlies this? Who conceived of that shape? Why is it so important?
These questions may never be fully answered, but during our research into the Akaija, we came across information that can shed (sun)light on this.
The Sun is a massive energy ‘plant’ that brings light and warmth to Earth. As an energy source, it emits not only light but also magnetic energy waves into space, but as the Sun rotates on its axis, those magnetic waves are deflected.
Magnets, as you know, have two poles: a positive (+) and a negative (–). Every few days, the Sun’s magnetic field switches from plus to minus or from minus to plus. From above (hovering above the Sun’s North pole) the distribution of positively charged and negatively charged solar wind roughly resembles a Swastika. This magnetically charged ‘solar wind’ is constantly changing and affects every aspect of our life on Earth. This magnetically charged solar wind has an unimaginably large influence on everything. Astrology is the science that studies this knowledge, based on interpreting cosmic influences on our lives. It is often laughed at, but let me explain it from another perspective… When lava cools from a volcano, it becomes stone. At the moment of solidification, that stone retains the Earth’s magnetic field. Scientists can demonstrate that the magnetic North Pole has not always been in the same place. Sometimes the magnetic North Pole was in the South or somewhere else. They can do this by measuring the stored magnetic field of solidified volcanic rock.
The same happens in our bodies. At the exact moment of our conception, that cosmic energy (including the solar wind) is recorded in our DNA, and thus our incarnation receives a certain coloring that can work in our favor during the unfolding of our Birth Blueprint. This is our ‘solidified’ path of the Two Roads.
In Russia, scientists discovered the outlines of an ancient power site/settlement in 1987: Arkaim, in the South of Russia just beyond the Ural Mountains. The remarkable thing about Arkaim is its ground plan (see drawing). What makes Arkaim even more interesting are the artifacts found there. Arkaim is also aligned with the stars and the Sun. Invited byf the Russian magazine Oracula, we, along with Eliza White Buffalo and another friend, Stepanida, were at Arkaim during the Summer Solstice of 2014 with a two-meter tall Akaija. Arkaim is also referred to as the Stonehenge of Russia. Every year, thousands of Russians gather there to celebrate the Summer Solstice. During and shortly after the construction of this large Akaija, all the people taking photos saw enormous numbers of orbs in all the pictures.

During our stay in Arkaim, something special happened that clearly bore the signature of our guardians. As we exited the small shabby restaurant in Arkaim, Marianne was suddenly bumped into by someone, and she apologized with “Excuse me.”
Russians do not say that. They have a very different expression for it. This man happened to be one of the very few Russians who spoke English, and he asked her what she was doing in this place in the vast taiga far away from all cities. She told him that she and three friends had set up a large Akaija the previous evening. Perhaps he had heard about it. He looked at her in surprise and said, “Whát do you say!? Akai…ya? Wait! You have to meet someone!”

That man had come to Arkaim with his own group of friends and family, and he brought them over to us. A little later, we were all sitting together around a few tables pushed together. It turned out that the man we ‘had to’ meet has a special name: Akay. And those who master the Russian language know that ‘I’ is written as Я in Russian. The pronunciation of Я is: Ya. When someone asks for your name, you say: “I am…” and then you state your name. In Russian, you can say: “Я Акай,” but also: “Акайя.” “I am Akay” or “Akay is me,” so the man would have said I am Akay Ya. Akaija is pronounced Akai Ya.
He had come to Arkaim because he was to meet two people. I was one of them. His normal name is Sergei, but in 2005 during the El Oyin, the world’s largest shaman festival in the southern region/oblast of Altai, there was a gathering of shamans where he received his shaman name Akay.
We received the name Akaija in the year 2005 from Linda’s mother, who heard it spoken, even shouted in her mind, whoever it may have been. Linda? Her guide? In any case, through Spirit. Akai is a busy historian whose father was an important leader of the shamans in Altai, far east of Russia in Southern Siberia. He does not speak English. He has a mission which includes bringing the spiritual philosophy of the Altaïski, the traditional inhabitants of Altai, to the outside world. The Altaïski live around the four-country area in the south of Russia formed by China in the south and Russia in the north, and then Kazakhstan in the west and Mongolia in the east. Do you recognize the Two Roads with the four cardinal directions?
With the help of Lebe Natur, ‘our’ Akaija distributor in Austria, we sponsored Akay to come and share his life vision during a shaman congress in Munich. This is how I learned that the ‘faith’ of the Altaïski is called ‘White Faith.‘ It is not a belief or religion, but as they see it, a Knowing. Their ‘knowing’ could be described as the essence of every religion and belief on Earth.
And so we are back to the object Faith, which is a perspective on the Two Roads symbol, symbolizing the essence of every religion on Earth, based on the magnetic fields of the Sun.
Two Roads through the ages
In history, the Two Roads shape has been used many times before. It was already known to the Copts and is therefore also called the ‘Coptic Cross’ (left). The Copts were convinced that they were the first true Christians. They are related to the Essenes and also to the Celtic Druids. The Celtic cross is depicted slightly to the right, photographed near Holy Head in North Wales.
In September 2013 I finally made the large cross that Loes van Loon had predicted for me many years earlier. It is an approximately 1-meter tall Two Roads, which is now used by Eliza during prayer ceremonies for the healing of the world and especially for people in need of help. The four energy spheres surrounding it represent the Four Pillars of Light. Eliza keeps a booklet for this in which all names are written down. During the prayer ceremonies (every Sunday evening) at Eliza’s home in Northern Ireland, the names are spoken aloud.
Here is a quote from Eliza:
“Black Elk’s spirit gave me the Two Roads Symbol, which represents the Christ Energy in perfect balance between Great Spirit (The Father) and Mother Earth. He asked me to keep a prayer list, a list of souls asking for ‘wholeness,’ to be happy. That is what everyone wants – to be happy – and true happiness can be found in the Christ consciousness within yourself. And thus, just as I also touched my heart and uttered prayers with the Christ consciousness so that others would find happiness, I now place myself before the Red Stone of Power, the heart of the great Two Roads, and pray for others to become happy, to be whole, to receive healing through Christ. It is already given, for within the Christ consciousness, everything is whole, in perfect balance between the sacred extremes, and by holding these people in their wholeness, in their inviolable Core, their Self, the illusion of being sick, of being unhappy disappears into nothing. I remember the words: ‘Ask and it will be given to you.'”
The Two Roads symbol below has a diameter of one meter, made for Eliza, with the symbolism of the four cardinal directions or Pillars of Light. In the center, a red rose is painted, containing a silver rose in which a red stone is set: the Red Stone of Power.
Newly added text from Eliza.
After checking this page Eliza asked me if I would agree to add the text below as it takes in her most up to date (November 2024) understanding of The Two Roads.
Of course! So let’s complete this text with Eliza’s own words:
“The Two Roads is my work, a spiritual path, an eternal truth.
There are two roads in all of life, a road of spiritual truth and a road of physical truth. Everything there is has two roads. That is in everything there are two roads, two equal and opposite states of the one thing.
For example, a human being is both spirit and matter, they have equal essences of both light and darkness. All beings are equal in light and dark, in reality and in illusion.
And just as all things have two roads, life itself has two roads, the conscious and the unconscious. And then there is everything in between such as subconscious, sensation, intuition. It is the intuitive senses that bring the unconscious world into the conscious world.
So you see, for every duality there is a central point where both roads meet. It is this central point, the centre of the human being, the centre of the two roads, where our existence makes sense to us, and this is because in the centre where the two roads meet we have an all round view of both roads, thereby enabling us to make decisions that will bring balance to anything we are focused on, and this is where we find peace.
All beings are afraid of what they do not know, but by coming to the centre where the two roads meet, we can become aware, and this gives us not only the clarity to know the unknown, to see the truth, but also the wisdom to know how to walk the truth.
We then walk onwards on life’s path with harmony and peace, empowered with love to overcome fear, and joy to overcome suffering. When we come into the centre where the two roads meet, we can be happy, and released from captivity of the egoic mind that only knows the disempowerment of an illusory existence.
Where is the centre of the human being?
The heart is the centre of our spiritual selves, and the solar plexus is the centre of our material selves.
But just below our physical heart, where the ribs meet, is a soft spot – this is the centre where the two roads meet.
This place is where we feel the resonance of the body as it responds to truth and illusion, and this the place where the our intuitive senses drop the bombshell of clarity and inspiration.
When we focus each decision and each step we take with clarity, inspiration, and resonance of positive energy, we walk through life’s ups and downs empowered with hope and strength, and when we do all that we do with loving intention we can never step off the path of the two roads.
The path of The Two Roads, the road of matter and the road of spirit, is an eternal path. This is because without matter one does not know spirit, and without spirit one does not know matter. When a soul passes from their earthly life into the life of spirit, they still know matter through those living in matter still, and we who are living in matter know spirit through those who have passed from this life into the other life, the life of spirit. Life is eternal, life is Two Roads.”
Eliza White Buffalo
The Making of...

The books of medium Loes van Loon (Dutch only, alas), uitgeverij Petiet.
Black Elk Speaks, John Neihardt