With the painting Aura Healer, the shape of the Akaija has been discovered.
Scientifically minded people will not easily accept that a painting can have healing properties. But consider that an image can evoke whole physical reactions. Most women are indifferent to pinups in men’s magazines, and people who do not have a phobia of spiders will not care that Frodo Baggins is threatened by a monstrously large spider in Lord of the Rings.
That is the power of visualization. Film makers and advertisement bureaus know quite well about this.
Going a step further, an image, as well as a text, a poem, a piece of music, a shape, and so on can contain Power, written with a capital P, because it is about the power of Love, a healing energy that is not perceivable with normal eyes, but does indeed work unconsciously on the environment. Something created with Love has Power.
People have forgotten this, but wild animals do exactly what is good for them: they go to certain places, stay there for a while, and feed on the energy of that place. Compare those energies with the color schemes of the landscape. Some talk about ley lines and water veins, but that is just one aspect of it. Animals know this and use it to stay healthy. Those in captivity have that ability very limited. People use their intellect but forget this: the mind thinks, but the heart knows. They often silence the signals of their heart, thinking that…
Although, that is not entirely true, because people who have been tired for weeks need a vacation. Their body and mind already tell them that they should go to an environment where they can find rest, e.g., in nature, by the sea, in the mountains. Colors are also used in hospitals. For instance, surgeons today wear green clothing because it is more calming for the patients.
Aura Healer is a work of art with the property that it can harmonize color energies. The original is made in such a way that the outer ring can rotate. The advice we received from Hébenes, the guide of clairvoyant Loes van Loon, was: Place it somewhere, or hang it up. Then turn the ring to a position that you feel is right, and every time you walk by, take a moment to look at it. And if you feel that the ring needs to be changed, turn it a bit again. This way, your energy field is harmonized by the painting.
We have been able to determine with various forms of electro-acupuncture that this indeed works. I, Wim, have even been able to relieve a persistent unpleasant stomach pain (probably something I ate wrong) in no time, using only this painting. With electro-acupuncture, we had only determined what was wrong with me, and that it had disappeared afterward, along with the stomach pain.
The symbol Aura Healer
In this painting, the Akaija originated in 2002. At that time, I did not yet call it ‘Akaija’, but ‘Reversal Symbol‘. I had finished the painting without a symbol, but it did not feel ‘complete’. There had to be something added, and I struggled with that. I wondered if I would ruin it completely because I already found it very beautiful as it was. But the feeling remained, so I started thinking about which symbol it should be.
Something has always stood out to me about spiral cords; you know… old telephones had spiral cords. Our children with mobile phones full of apps hardly know that anymore. While talking, we would thoughtlessly, perhaps bored, play with that cord. And what sometimes happened: that cord suddenly had a spiral going clockwise and a spiral going counterclockwise. What happened there, I wondered. And I noticed that it was always possible to restore it, not easily at least. In the middle, there is a strange ‘knot’.

I decided that the shape needed to turn a spiral from left to right should become the symbol on the Aura Healer. That seemed fun to me :-)). That was not so simple, and I took a spool of thin wire to try it out.

The simple shape on the right ‘spiral with U-turn’ did not feel right to me. In fact, that is the shape you see in the telephone cord above. The energy should continue, I thought. Not stop.
Suddenly, I found a shape that felt right. That’s a yes-feeling for me. I held the wire ball against the light, and I remember thinking: wow… I will often think back to this later. This is a memorable moment. Only to immediately think: what nonsense, am I making a fool of myself here.
Nevertheless, I sketched the shape on paper, worked it out in large, and applied it in gold leaf on the painting. I called the symbol a ‘reversal shape’, and the painting got the provisional name ‘reversal painting’. Only years later did we discover that this symbol contained much more than we realized at the time.
‘Our’ Austrian Akaija distributor (Lebe Natur in Mogersdorf) told us that a well-known dowser from Burgenland said that the image of Aura Healer effectively disrupts ley lines. You can print the image above yourself to try it out.