This page describes how we (Wim and Marianne from Akaija & Art) strive to live and work towards a new way of doing business, focused on a new world where the Heart is central and decisions are made from the Heart. This has more profound consequences than one might think.

Akaija & Art Life Work and Life Vision

Central to this text is the Universal Thought of the Akaija, which refers to both the form of the Akaija and its message ‘We are One’. All other art created under the name ‘Akaija & Art’ falls under this as well. I (Wim) expressed in 2002, after the passing of my girlfriend Linda de Redelijkheid (see the book Opting for Free Choice – Lady of the Rings elsewhere on this website), to ‘Above’ (the Spirit World) that from that moment on, I wanted to live my life in Cooperation with the Spirit World. I did not know at that moment how that cooperation would take shape, but the entire Akaija concept and all inspirations have emerged since then.

The Akaija, like the a.o. Suzy-ama, Dynamic, the Chram, the Two Roads, the Helix Healer, Sacred Heart, and all paintings and painted objects, has arisen from inspiration by the unseen world known by various names, such as Heaven, Afterlife, Light World, Other Side, Angel World, Spirit World, and other names. In the further text, we refer to this world as the Light World. Central to this is the thought of purity, honesty, Love, openness, freedom, living from your heart, etc.

We are definitely not part of any association, sect, religion, meditation group, movement, order, or any grouping whatsoever. However, we state that we do our work in cooperation with the Light World, without neglecting our own responsibility. We always take responsibility for our actions and will never relinquish that responsibility to the Light World.

We consider it our goal and task to bring the universal thought of the Akaija into the world and make it known, with the premise that the Akaija as an object must be accessible to everyone. We see this as a task given to us by the Light World in the trust that we can handle this task. We, in turn, trust that we are guided in everything to bring the Akaija, its message, and everything related to it into the world.

For this, cooperation with other people is desirable and even necessary. In the future, we will increasingly engage in new developments surrounding the Akaija and will need time and space for that, while other people handle the many other tasks related to it.


Part of this is to protect the Akaija, its message, meaning, and functioning.

We manifest the protection of the Akaija by approaching matters both intellectually and intuitively from the Heart. It is our task to guard against a wrong intention (such as financial gain as an end in itself, or another wrong intention) that could harm the functioning of the Akaija and thereby damage or even destroy our life work. We cannot and must not allow this, and that is the reason for vigilance.

In terms of earthly laws, the Akaija as a design and as the name ‘Akaija’ is limitedly registered. Global registration is unaffordable and even impossible and unnecessary as long as the energy of the Akaija remains pure.


In principle, signing contracts is not necessary for us, as everything comes from the Heart. When transparent contracts need to be drawn up for very clear reasons, we can agree to that, but even in that case, we consider such a contract, like all agreements regarding the Akaija, as a heart agreement with the Universe, where the signed contract is subordinate. We expect those with whom we make agreements to understand that these agreements are essentially personal agreements with the Light World.

This means, among other things, that all administration must be transparent and honest for us, our employees, and also for the regulators of the respective countries.

Not only will new developments continue to take place around the Akaija, but we will also increasingly establish global contacts with people who can support us in realizing the Akaija project in any way. We expect all these people to work from their hearts and to support the universal thought of the Akaija. Thus, we serve the Light World in the Akaija project.

In principle, we do not make concrete commitments during meetings and take all proposals home, taking the time to feel whether the proposed ideas can be turned into actions. For this, we will consult other people if necessary who can support us in this.

This means that we will maintain control over all steps that will be taken by third parties regarding the Akaija. Specifically, this means that no step will be taken without our knowledge. We must give our approval for an action. This is necessary to maintain oversight. This may mean that some matters may not progress as quickly as others might wish.

Bringing the Akaija to Market

Since the goal is to make the Akaija accessible worldwide, generating money is of secondary importance, but simultaneously necessary to take further steps. This creates a tension and requires all people, not least us, to be constantly ‘on guard’ to safeguard the right intention in all decisions to be made. As soon as financial gain, personal interests, or other influences, consciously or unconsciously, begin to determine decision-making, the promotion of the Universal Thought of the Akaija may be at risk, and this must be avoided at all times.

Specifically, this means that someone can only tap into a new field when our permission has been granted. This is extremely important because everything must be GOOD; the moment, the way, the intention of those involved, etc. This may also mean that upon further reflection, a certain decision must be completely or partially adjusted, whether temporarily or even reversed if necessary. We assume that we are all human and may make mistakes. We consider this as learning moments that, if handled well, will contribute to the goal rather than detract from it.

Collaboration with Others

We always maintain control. This is necessary because we know which processes are running in the background (new developments, agreements made, etc.). We must be able to feel and for that, we need space to see which people can and want to support the Akaija from their hearts in the long term. This may sometimes mean that seemingly small steps are taken.

From everyone involved with the Akaija, we expect:
– that they (try to) live from their Hearts and that they can fully unite with the Universal Thought of the Akaija.
– patience and willingness to take sometimes smaller steps than may seem rationally logical.
– open communication and willingness to collaborate
– personal responsibility

Just as we expect this from others, it can also be expected of us.

Terms of Delivery & Copyright

Through the links below, you can read our General Terms and our policy regarding Copyright.

This text is not fixed and may change over time. It is our attempt to express a feeling from our Heart in words. However, since written words can never exactly reflect the original feeling, we expect from the people for whom this text is intended that they at least try to understand what is originally meant and act accordingly.

:Wim: Roskam & :Marianne: Agterdenbos.

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Wim & Marianne

:Willem-albert : Roskam
:Marianne: Agterdenbos.
Gijsbrechtgaarde 316
[7329ce] Apeldoorn
+31 (0)55 5335747