
After someone had purchased an Akaija from us in the past and then, without asking us, registered the name ‘Akaija’ as a trade name with the Chamber of Commerce and subsequently started selling jewelry called ‘Akaija’, it became clear to us that we needed to clarify our position on this matter and also take action.

To begin with, every design, as well as all images and all information on this website, is protected by copyright. Therefore, before you wish to use anything from our website, we ask you to contact us. This sends a signal, not only to us but also to the Lightworld.

The Akaija is a gift from the Afterlife, from Spirit. We, Wim Roskam and Marianne Agterdenbos, consider ourselves the protectors/guardians of the Akaija and the Akaija energy that it represents. From the perspective of the Lightworld, we are not the owners. However, speaking in earthly legal terms, we are.

Listen to your heart and be integral in everything you do, including this.

Earthly laws cannot truly protect the Akaija from misuse. Someone who wants to exploit it will always find a way to do so and often gets away with it. Cosmic laws (Common Law) work differently and go beyond what people refer to as: your/my, property, possession, rightful, correct, legally established, black/white, boundaries, etc. To be in harmony with those laws, you must resonate with them and live according to them. That is what we mean by living from your Heart.

We cannot tell you here what you should or should not do, what is right if you want to use what we offer and that is under copyright. Our answer to this question can be different for everyone. It depends on what you do and plan to do. What is your goal? What is your intention? Why do you want this or that? And how will you then deal with what you have started? We also try to listen to our hearts.

Even then, we have no control over what you will actually do with it afterward. Every project in life can start with pure intentions, but when the tide changes, the markers are often moved. We do not know that, but your Higher Self, your pure inner Voice knows that. If you make agreements with us, we will ask you to listen to that: to your Heart.

What we appreciate and what we advise you is to approach us with your plans, questions, and reflections regarding the use of Akaija & Art names, symbols, texts, paintings, and other creative expressions.

Our society is undergoing fundamental changes because the Earth is being depleted by human actions. Our inner knowing tells us that the old societal laws will fundamentally change and that in order to continue living together on this planet, we will need to grow towards a society that lives from the Heart. Mutual respect will increasingly need to nourish our actions.

We are already trying to move towards that New Era, to take the lead, and to apply this in all aspects of our lives as humans and also in running Akaija & Art. For that reason, we have become so-called autonomous people, which means that we have officially made known to earthly authorities the soul right given to us from the cosmos to be born (incarnate) and to live on Earth. Thus, we are not citizens or persons, subordinate to the State of the Netherlands, but free and living people. In accordance with cosmic laws, we do pay taxes to the Dutch state and meet our legal obligations.

The Akaija is protected in this way, by cosmic laws. Cosmic laws can work in your favor, but they can also work against you. When that happens, there is a good reason for it. For comparison: those who understand the sea will always take its power into account and will carefully prepare for every sea voyage that is needed.

We will not claim that we always do it right ourselves. We also make mistakes, and as soon as we realize them, we correct our actions, adjust things. As we better understand the task we have taken on with the Akaija, we will adjust our actions accordingly. Cosmic laws are not learned overnight.

Does that mean you do not get permission for… whatever you plan to do…? We cannot answer that question here. Communicate with us.

Listen to your heart…

:Wim: Roskam and :Marianne: Agterdenbos

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Wim & Marianne

:Willem-albert : Roskam
:Marianne: Agterdenbos.
Gijsbrechtgaarde 316
[7329ce] Apeldoorn
+31 (0)55 5335747