This page describes the origin of the Akaija, written out by Wim in a book to be read in one breath: The Lady of the Rings – Opting for Freedom of Choice..

With as main themes: Freedom of Choice, Love, Healing the Soul, Reincarnation, Contact with the Spirit World.

Written by :Wim: Roskam, € 11.

People who read it were deeply moved, couldn’t put it down.

This book will haunt you, it will make you wonder, it will make you angry and it will make you cry.

After Linda got a diagnosis of cervical cancer in 1999, she and Wim decided to follow a road no one understood. Indeed that road was hard. Seemingly it was the worst road they could ever have chosen, but it was a choice made by the heart, and in the rear-view mirror their choice was the exact right one!

The most common reaction heard is: “I couldn’t put it down.”

People who have read this book were deeply touched by it, they usually read it in one breath deep into the night. This book makes you think about important choices in your life. People often let their choices depend on others, placing the responsibility for their lives outside of themselves.

Choosing Free Choice is 100% a true story!

Reality is often more exciting and mysterious than a movie. In this case it certainly is…

After being diagnosed with cervical cancer in 1999, Linda and Wim choose to take a path that few people understand. Not an easy path, and seemingly a totally wrong one, but it is a choice from the heart! And in retrospect, viewed from a higher perspective, it was exactly the right path.

This book is written like a thriller, highly recommended for those who are willing to take responsibility for their own lives and not let pre-programmed choices be forced upon them. Because that is what this book is about… weighing everything, thinking for yourself, feeling for yourself and finally making the decision from your heart. Whatever your choice is, whatever happens afterwards, and even if everyone thinks you’re crazy… it is the right choice. Then you will never have to regret your decision.

This is the story of…

Linda, who was very popular among her students, but in who in1985 was struck by lightning whilst driving her car.

Igor, a man from the 16th century, who was sent to battle while his wife was pregnant, and who finally ended up in the last days of the 20th century, like a time-traveller, looking for his love Nasja. Incredible, and yet this is a true story!

Amà, a cheerful woman from the Spirit World, who suggests that Linda builds a wall of Light around her home.

Marianne, who just started a career as a therapist when she gets a phone call from a very ill patient who has refused all regular health care.

Wim, who, during a beautiful nightly encounter, is briefly projected into the spirit realm; an experience that changes his life once again in a totally unforeseen direction.

A special Ring inspired by Linda, who also inspires Wim to find five other rings.  Secretly…. an unseen ring also, a ring that, in love, unites them all.

The Akaija, Linda’s gift to mankind, a tool that is already  in use by thousands of people worldwide, a tool that is surprising scientists and symbolizing ‘We are One’,  a universal and timeless concept.

 Above all, this is a love story, beyond the boundaries of life.

A love story, beyond the boundaries of life.

Eliza White Buffalo, plays an important role in the Akaija-story that is a result of Linda’s sacrifice. She has had her own tough story that she describes in her books The Two Roads. She edited the English translation of Lady of the Rings and she writes:

“Written with authenticity, the story is very real with real passion and acceptance, pain and understanding of pain. The message is clear: choice is a god given gift. You have free will to choose for yourself, and no matter what choices you make, acceptance softens the road and allows you to trust others too.

I believe Linda taught us to allow others to be who they are.

She is still teaching us this, and also to trust in others’ gifts, but not to the price of your own integrity because being you is the greatest gift you have; staying true to you, to your own unique path, will guide your choices, no matter how intense they may seem.

Ultimately, that will be your greatest success.”

About Wim, the author

Wim (1960) was educated to be a primary school teacher, but didn’t feel happy in the profession.

His love Linda allowed him to explore his creative side, even when it meant he didn’t contribute much to their income for long periods of time. Linda’s choices during her severe illness were his choices too, but it brought them on an isolated path and it had a deep impact on both of them. Her passing in 2001, and an incredible nightly encounter with her several months later, marked the start of Wim’s new art and writing.

Although Wim is not a medium in the commonly accepted way, there are countless indications that he is inspired by Spirit in his paintings, creations and in his writing. All his creations are messages.

The Akaija-symbol, that Linda inspired him to create is a healing tool that came into existence as described in his book ‘Lady of the Rings’. It has brought him and his new love Marianne (therapist and healer) on an adventurous path all over the planet.

Linda’s gift to the world, the Akaija, is now used as an healing tool by tens of thousands of people worldwide. It has brought Wim and Marianne into the lives of shamans, indigenous tribes, descendants from ancient races and many sacred sites all over the world.

Their company is called Akaija & Art, and one universal cosmic message stands out in all that they do: We are One.:

Is Linda the Lady of the Rings?

During the time this story plays (roughly from 1985 till 2002), there was no ring, yet.

It had to be made. This was done in the year 2018. But… the ring that plays such an important role in this book is what started the Akaija. In fact… the ring is an Akaija, in ring-shape! Like the ring, the Akaija consist of 5 rings, and invisible there is a 6th ring, connecting them all. What’s more… the design of the Akaija is anchored in ring of megalithic sites around over the world that also is called the Tilted Equator of the Antique. Wim and Marianne visited the five main anchor point of this ring, and discovered a.o. connections to Atlantis and even… to the towers of Middle Earth, because Tolkien – so the film makers suggest – seems to have written the Lord of the Rings stories from his soul memory.

The Lord of the Rings was a very evil man. To bring balance to this story I (Wim) named Linda the Lady of the Rings, because she inspired me to re-discover this ancient design that relates to a network of lines surrounding the Earth.

This started with a painting, on which a seemingly simple symbol had to be placed.

That symbol became an object.

That object became a healing tool.

This healing tool got a name from Linda: Akaija.

That name related to an island in the Pacific Ocean.

This island appeared to be part of an alignment of many of Earth’s most important megalithic sites.

The ring of ancient sites connects to Atlantis.

For this reason I decided that Linda’s book deserves to be titled: The Lady of the Rings.

Tolkien wrote: “But in secret, the dark lord Sauron forged a master Ring. And into it he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate all life. One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.”

This famous story tells about the quest to find this dark ring, and to destroy it in Mount Doom, the only place on Earth where that could be accomplished. But the deeper meaning of this story is about a soul’s journey on Earth, to overcome evil. May your heart be true when darkness falls. To complete this quest countless other souls help Frodo and Sam, and both Frodo and Sam are confronted with the challenge to overcome their inner darkness. This symbolizes the road that we all have to undertake on Earth, to overcome our inner darkness.

To give a positive twist to the dark words written above, we would like to mention another text:

“Five Rings, inspired by Linda, one for each element: Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire. But in secret she showed another ring, a unseen, hidden ring, connecting them all. One ring to find them and in Love… unite them. We are One.”

But… this book The Lady of the Rings – Opting for Freedom of Choice describes Linda’s story. In the next book, Finding Nasja, the Ring story will be told.

A few pages from the book

With thanks to ms. L. Slot and her cat.
TheAkaija Single Page NL


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Wim & Marianne

:Willem-albert : Roskam
:Marianne: Agterdenbos.
Gijsbrechtgaarde 316
[7329ce] Apeldoorn
+31 (0)55 5335747