Creation of the Suzy-ama
The Suzy-ama is a heartwarming piece of jewelry, originally made on commission from Suzy, as a gift for her husband who would remain on Earth.
Just like the Akaija, this piece of jewelry was inspired by Wim’s deceased friend Linda, thus inspired from the Afterlife. Of course, there is a story attached to this…
In 2003, we (Marianne and Wim) regularly visited people at home (in Belgium) to treat them, as Marianne is a therapist. Some of these people were very ill. So was Suzy. She had been suffering from bone cancer for eight years and was in a lot of pain. She and her husband Eric did everything they could to fight against it.
When we first visited them, it felt to me, Wim, as if I was transported back in time, as I immediately recognized my own situation with Linda when she was extremely ill. Linda had cervical cancer and, like Suzy, experienced a lot of pain that nothing could alleviate, neither alternative nor conventional medicine. Suzy and Eric were going through exactly the same thing, and I recognized their despair all too well, suddenly feeling completely back in that heavy feeling of hopelessness from then. It was probably meant to be that we ended up there, as we could empathize with their situation like no one else.
Suzy was worn out and close to despair. She was so ill that we could hardly do anything for her physically, but because Marianne and I visited every week, we could be a support to her and Eric. Marianne treated her and also her husband. She had treated Linda during her last months as well. While Marianne was measuring, I was able to reach them in a very different way by talking to them, precisely because of my experiences with Linda’s illness, which made them feel better understood. Moreover, I felt supported and helped by Linda while talking to Suzy, who knew exactly how it felt to be in Suzy’s shoes and helped me find the right words that Suzy would understand.
A special friendship developed among all of us in a short time, during which we unfortunately had to accept that Suzy had only a short time left to live. This was understandably particularly difficult for Eric. Suzy sensed this all too well, and a few weeks before her passing, she asked me in the hospital if I would make a special piece of jewelry for him. I told her that I probably wouldn’t be able to finish it in time, but she understood that. I showed her the sketches of this pendant and also the small sapphires I would use, which she was very pleased with.

The shape of the Suzy-ama is based on the Celtic knot, with one point stretched downward. In the distance, the jewelry resembles the Evenstar from the Lord of the Rings, known as the pendant that Aragorn wears as a sign of Love from Arwen. For Eric and Suzy (but also for us), that story and its backgrounds played an important role in their lives. Also because Eric is an excellent rugby player/coach, which quickly brings Celtic influences into play. The sketch I made, which Suzy reacted to with joy, is depicted alongside.
About six months after her passing, it was evidently the right time, as I was able to make the pendant in a short time and give it to Eric. That is the pendant you see in the photo. The pendant is made of 18-carat gold and contains 3 oval-cut sapphires and 1 triangular sapphire in the center.
Because we were increasingly approached by people who found this pendant so beautiful, I eventually asked Eric for permission to reproduce this pendant. For this, I did not use Eric’s original pendant, but created an entirely new model based on the original sketches. The pendant is therefore exactly the same, but does not contain the personal energy of Eric and Suzy, while the symbolism and the power of Love are still present.
After Suzy’s passing, Eric went through the same process as I did, a very difficult time that undoubtedly many can relate to. Eric focused on writing poetry, and he manages to express with words what I try to convey in paintings and jewelry.
On the last page are two of his beautiful poems, which reflect much of what the Suzy-ama embodies. As he himself says: a sad poem and a happy poem. Is life for each of us not exactly like that?

Working of the Suzy-ama
This piece of jewelry certainly has ‘power’ within it. That power is related to Love. The Suzy-ama is ‘heartwarming’. We initially couldn’t articulate this well ourselves, and we asked medium Yvonne Baank from Friesland about it. She received the following words in response. The remarkable thing was that I already knew this, as all these words had gone through my mind as thoughts or feelings while I was working on the design. Yvonne confirmed what I had half-consciously already received.
Wings unfolding
Separate yet together
Open and closed
Future in the afterlife
Below and above
Third eye
Connection forever
Receiver of messages
This piece of jewelry works on the meridians and on the blood circulation. It is a comforting and warmth-giving piece of jewelry. Marianne says about her Suzy-ama that she feels as if she is surrounded by angel wings.
Dr. Doris Ehrenberger from the Lebe Natur institute ( in Austria also wears one and reported in early 2015: “Habe auch Erfahrungen mit dem Suzy-ama – da geht die Schwingung ganz schnell rauf, aber man wird sehr empfindlich. Man spürt andere, auch Tiere, wie sich selbst und kann schwer ertragen, wenn sie leiden.” (Translated: I also have experiences with the Suzy-ama – the vibration rises very quickly, but one becomes very sensitive. You feel others, including animals, as you do yourself and can hardly bear it when they suffer.)
Choice of the stones
The gemstones add value to the Suzy-ama, but their effect is determined by the interaction with the person wearing them. If you are considering acquiring a Suzy-ama, please do not rely on what you read in books and on the internet about the effects of gemstones, but listen to your heart!
Which stones do you find beautiful?
What brings you joy?
What gives you a good feeling?
Where does your attention go?
Those are the impulses from your heart. An amethyst that provides relief for one person in a certain respect may work completely differently for another person. We advise against choosing stones based on what is written in books, which leads to a rational choice, but instead to choose based on what your heart tells you. Then you pick up the signals from your own guide and choose exactly right.
Example: You read somewhere that an amethyst works well against headaches, and because you often have headaches, you decide that amethyst is the right stone for you. But in reality, you found a red garnet much more beautiful. That red garnet might have helped you detach from the stress of everyday life more easily, allowing you to relax, and thus indirectly reducing your headaches.
In other words… books can be right, but a book does not know what you need most. Your guide does know, and he or she influences you through your Heart.
The Meaning of 'Suzy-ama'
Suzy is the woman for whom the first, original pendant was made. It was therefore natural to use her name. However, we have supplemented that name with the name of Linda’s friend from the Light world with whom she made contact during her illness and who helped us enormously with her humor and love: Amà.
The word ‘amare’ in Latin means to love. Therefore, the name Suzy-ama could be translated as ‘Suzy, the beloved’. And that is precisely what this piece of jewelry wants to convey: You are loved!
Two of Eric's poems
With Eric’s permission, we have placed some of his poems on this website. As he himself says: a happy poem and a sad poem. If you are also impressed by his poems… please let us know and send us an email, and we will ensure that this email reaches Erik. These poems have been translated into English and thus will not ‘feel’ as good as in the original Belgium/Dutch language. But at least you get an idea.
She sleeps so tenderly
She sleeps so tenderly as the night,
That beautifully laid full of stars,
In quiet twilight, she shines softly,
Rest in her eyes, her face,
Enhances her sweet strength,
And leaves behind gentle dreams.
Her smile so lovely and carefree,
Asks to please with a clear fragrance,
And on her lips and rosy cheeks,
Gently glows and without complaint,
A whisper in a silent longing,
For the togetherness of former days.
More shadow or some evening light,
Did wonders for her serene beauty,
And gave her curls, her face,
All the love she thought of,
With eyes full of wonder closed,
She kisses the child that laughs at her.
Eric Willemsens, Antwerp
The sorrow of farewell is empty
In the unspeakable moments, we are powerless,
Frozen in silent despair, left in a hopeless night,
My mind rests invisibly, my words are lost,
Read now my heart, come closer, you can hear that silence.
But a hasty shade of nostalgia chose a path,
To my fate that I recognized when I saw it,
What you do in eternity resonates in my life,
Where ordinary things are elevated to compassion-driven.
Like wind over the hills, my existence has passed,
I listen to the sun reflected in the weeping water,
And think of the evenings when I could warm your heart,
Held your hand with a feeling of endless embracing.
Then quiet waters come into motion and I feel forces,
That carry me breathlessly past pain and discomfort,
And I look up at the southern starry sky as a remembrance that you live,
Frolicking, transparent, and fragile like a silky butterfly wing that floats.
Eric Willemsens, Antwerp
Examples of the Suzy-ama
Below you can see some examples of the Suzy-ama.
The silver Suzy-ama is cast and finished by the same foundry in India, Riyogems. Gold Suzy-amas come from a foundry in Germany and are manually polished by Wim. The basic parts are cast, but the finishing takes a long time. The Suzy-ama is only available in yellow gold. The choice of stones can be customized as desired. Even diamonds, sapphires, rubies and combinations with other stones are possible in consultation.