
The Dynamic is a vortex jewel, whereby perspective plays a significant role. It suggests to be a 3-dimensional spherical object, but when viewed from the side, it appears quite flat.
The original model in the photo with the black background was made for my mother in 2002, shortly after my father passed away. It generates an energy field from the back, so when she wore it, her heart was enveloped and protected by this field, which was much needed during that difficult time of mourning. We called it ‘Cosmos’ then. Later, through medium Loes van Loon, it was given the astral name: Dynamic.
The intention is to eventually have this jewel reproduced in a smaller form than depicted here. For now, Wim makes these on order, but they are not available in the webshop. You can send us an email about this via the contact page. Expect a price of 650 euros for a silver version with a zirconia stone. Other versions, such as those with a real stone, will be higher in price. Each Dynamic will be unique and will look different, with different planetary orbits.
When Riyogems takes over the reproduction using the lost wax casting method, the basic shape will remain the same, but the size will be slightly smaller.
The Coming into Existence of the Dynamic
The first version of this object was made by me (Wim) in 2004, for my mother. I then called it Cosmos, which you can see here (left). My father had died shortly before, and my mother had a hard time dealing with this, as can be expected.
Because I had just begun some courses in silver/goldsmithery, I wanted to make something special for her that would be in harmony with what I expected my father would appreciate as a special gift for her. After all, stars and galaxies run in the family. My grandfather was one of the last India sailors in the Dutch navy way back around 1890 and had spent many nights in the crow’s nest as a lookout, and watching the countless stars at clear nights was normal then.
After this jewel was finished, then one day in 2005, my mother consulted a well-known Dutch seer, Loes van Loon. She had brought it with her, and at a certain moment, she showed it to Loes. Loes works together with her guardian angel Hebenes, and together they have written several beautiful books about the Spirit World.
Loes looked at it for a while, playing with it in her hand, turning it over and over, and suddenly said: “You think this is the front side…” and she pointed with a finger to the side that I indeed had intended to be the front side, because that side shows stones flat surface, unlike the back side that shows a point. She continued: “But in fact, this is the front side,” she said, and she pointed to what I had destined to be the back side.
“Oh no, not again,” I thought. I had learned that working together with Spirit, being inspired, is a guarantee for being surprised all the time. There’s always a ‘catch’, something out of the ordinary. But it would become much weirder still, because Loes had only started telling what she was given to tell us.
Of course, we wanted to hear more, so Loes continued saying: “On the backside, there’s a bluish pyramid-shaped energy field. Not to be seen with the normal eyes, but it’s definitely there.”

It was several weeks later that I suddenly understood the meaning of this. When my mother wears this as a pendant, the front side faces front, away from her. Then the pyramid shaped energy field that Loes was talking about then is inside her body, surrounding her heart region. And after the transition of my father, my mother’s heart could indeed use some protection! I can tell by experience, because after my love Linda had died, for weeks my heart area physically hurt. I really felt like something had been ripped off me there. I don’t know how else to describe that awful feeling, and I ‘knew’ without doubt that this was not a sign for an upcoming heart attack.
The year I write this, 2010 (though in 2024 I have edited the text), I tried reproducing this jewel that still had the name ‘Cosmos’. It took me most of the year as I had to start all over again… and yet again. It was too thick, too big, too small, too unbalanced, too fragile, etc. Finally, I succeeded in making a good original basic shape and had it cast at a casting company. It got a new name now: Dynamic. Because it’s dynamic. Every Dynamic will be different. But let’s not walk ahead.
Technical explanation
High and low frequencies or dimensions can exchange energies. On Earth, we live in a dimension with a relatively low vibration. Throughout it can be other dimensions in a different vibrational state. Take, for example, the Spirit World. We humans can’t see it, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
The Dynamic pulls, just like the Akaija does, energy from other vibrational frequenceis into this dimension. Its construction generates a focal point of energy in the center. Take a look at the illustration. When you follow the coloured lines, you’ll discover that there are two separate patterns, symbolizing two dimensions. Compare this to water in a bath running away through the outlet: it starts whirling because of the gyroscopic forces that make our planet (and every object in the universe) rotate.
1. Energies from one vibrational octave are attracted and move through the red vortex upwards to the center. During the whirling, the energy accelerates and enters a state in which information can be exchanged with other vibrational octaves.
2. In the center (the red stone), energy is exchanged with the other vortex. The red vortex now changes color to yellow-orange.
3. The yellow-orange vortex moves away from the center and spreads out through the universe, here depicted as the orange–red circle.
4. The same applies to the violet–blue energy of the other vibrational octave that is drawn to the center stone. While exchanging information with the orange-red vortex, it changes color and becomes pink rose. Please understand that these colors don’t represent reality. I used them only for visualization.
5. During the great circle in the universe, energy changes color because that’s the nature of energy. It flows and undergoes changes all the time. This is the breathing of the cosmos.
6. Note: The Akaija is also a vortex tool; it influences spirals or energies by inverting the rotational spin. In fact, the central stone could be seen as an Akaija or Akaija-Iloa.
Please take a look at photo sequence above, where you can follow the construction of a Dynamic.
The basic shape of the Dynamic (the outer circle with the vortices) is cast at the casting company in Pforzheim, Germany. A Dynamic would be way too expensive if this part had to be constructed from scratch every time.
The planetary tracks however are made by hand, as is the setting of the stone. This allows me to add subtle differences and also adapt to various sizes and shapes of stones. This is important for the individual working of each Dynamic.
A question people sometimes ask is this one: “Why does this work?”
After all, it’s a flat piece, and vortices are three-dimensional. Besides that, it’s made of metal, and energy is immaterial. It doesn’t move. So… how can this be?
A partial answer to this is that by looking at the Dynamic, your imagination is activated. Whether you are aware of it or not, your mind completes the picture of what you see. A universal law states: Mind over Matter, meaning: The mind creates.
Everything works like that. Symbolically spoken: when you always see a cup as half empty, then after a while, you discover that all things are against you, everything goes wrong, nothing is good, etc., and time upon time you are confirmed that indeed… life is half empty. Poor you! So you get jealous of happy people who seem to be like this without effort. What’s going on? How can this be? As you see your cup as half full. Mind over matter. You created your own life!
The same cosmic principle is at work here.
Unpleasant example: Remember your last visit to the dentist, leaning backward in the chair. The drill starts, and you feel the vibrations in your head. You hope the dentist knows what he’s doing, not drilling too deep, causing sudden pain, so you squeeze your hands in anticipation and your body tightens for the impact of sudden pain. If there’s one thing you’re not, then it’s being relaxed. Meanwhile, ether vapors fill your nose, and a bright lamp heats your face. Then the dentist makes that typical remark to the assistant: “Please prepare a filling for number 4 right below.”
Are you seeing it already? Do you feel as if you’re there? Or shall I elaborate a bit more? 🙂
Nice example: Think back to your first date. How did you feel just before, anticipating seeing him or her? You’re wondering what will happen next. You’re full of expectations, though you don’t really know what it will be like. Will (s)he answer my love? Does she love me? Will he kiss me? Am I saying the right thing?
Can you imagine?
Imagine! John Lennon’s song is all about imagining a better world. He knew! And let me guess… you already hear the song in your mind! :-). That’s mind power.
Imagine – John Lennon
Coming back to the Dynamic… It is made nearly flat, but it represents special cosmic principles, and it has been made with the illusion of more than two dimensions, so your mind can create the full object. It will even understand more than what is visible. I know, that because inspiration is at work here, there are principles or energies involved that even I don’t know about. Usually, after months or years, I begin to realize that my hands had made more than I knew. The Akaija is a great example of this.
So another part of the answer has to do with what the Spirit World adds to every Dynamic. Below you can read about this aspect. Words from Spirit about the Dynamic…
September 29, 2010, when I had just finished the very first two versions of the Dynamic, it happened to be that we ‘accidentally’ had a meeting with medium Loes van Loon.
Let me introduce Loes a little, because she plays an important role here. Loes is a well-known Dutch seer who has written several very informative books about the Spirit World. She works closely with her soul group of guardian angels, but mostly with her guardian angel Hebenes. She’s one of those psychics who don’t miss a thing, who talks fast because visual, audible, sensory, feeling, smell, and even transfigurational impressions come to her at full speed.
She can put you back on your feet in the most loving way, often with sparkling humor. You simply know that she has a real connection with the Spirit World, as everything she says falls into place effortlessly and with much love. Though not all her messages are what you wish to hear, once you can accept the message for what it is, you probably will soon realize that such messages are always given for you to find your way back on track, on the road in your life that makes you truly happy. But always her guardian angels respect your free will.
So let me repeat what Loes has said about the Dynamic. I refer to Loes, but in fact it is her guardian angel Hebenes who speaks, along with Linda, my deceased love who inspired me to create the Dynamic. And present too, of course, was my own guardian angel Amhirez. But as I can’t see nor hear any of them, Loes’ voice is the only voice, and it’s not always clear who is actually the source of the message.
Keep in mind that we consulted Loes about 5 or 6 years earlier with the first Dynamic (Cosmos) that was made for my mother. At that time, she told us about that pyramid-shaped energy field that was shown to her emanating from the backside of the pendant that. Since then we had not spoken to Loes about this pendant. We showed her two Dynamics, the one that I had made for Marianne with a zirconia, and the one for myself with an amethyst.
Loes: Beautiful man. Beautiful! What kind of stone is it?
Wim: This is a zirconia, and that one is an amethyst.
Loes: It’s just like a pyramid what it does. I see a pyramid. Absolutely pyramid-shaped.
Wim: I tried making a smaller one first, but I was unsuccessful, even after more attempts.
Loes: But I see a smaller one coming soon. It’s absolutely a pyramid that does it.
Wim: The question is about other stones, because this is a genuine amethyst.
Loes: It’s not the stone. It’s in the rest. The stone adds a different color to the inside of the pyramid, nothing more. Same effect. the pyramid does the work and not the inside color. Same effect. Same effect. Absolutely the same effect.
Wim: Then what’s the effect?
Loes: It gives energy, this one (she holds the amethyst version in her hands)… standing inside the pyramid. It’s like… I’m mirrored. I see myself. I feel myself. Awareness. Making conscious. It makes things… call it sharper, clearer. I’m mirrored in this one.
Wim: Can you use it as a therapist during a treatment session, or is it meant for wearing only?
Loes: Well, no one wants to live in a pyramid forever, is what they said to me. So that’s fine as a temporal aspect. Don’t waste time searching for the right colored stone, like: this stone has that color force. That has nothing to do with it. Even without a stone, it would work the same. The stone only adds color, but that’s all there is to it.
Loes now takes the Zirconia version in her hands.
Loes: This one spins. This spins.
Different. They are different! Different working.
Chakra closed… and this one causes the chakra to open. This changes the whirl (the ‘whirl’ is how she sees the whirling energy of a chakra). This one spins. I see a whirl that is closed… then someone doesn’t feel quite fit… then I see that when you put this on, I see it going outwards. (She gestures that a chakra that is inward and closed now opens outward.)
Wim: So they will all be different then?
Loes: Absolutely. It changes your…
Marianne: Chakras?
Loes: Their working! Not the chakras themselves. It spins! What they’re showing me is such a… call it a tornado, with the point here and the wide part there… (she gestures showing an opposite working chakra) that isn’t the way it should be. Then people are stuck. Then I see when you put this (the Dynamic) on, then I see it… then I see it turned over, rotating the other way round, going outward again. Then it works again for some time. That’s what it does. That’s what it does. Absolutely what it does.
I also get to see one with a red stone…
Wim: Ruby, artificial ruby?
Loes: Do you have one like that?
Wim: We have the rubies…
Loes: So you plan to make one?
Wim: Yes.
Loes: Yes, I see one with a red stone.
(She again takes the amethyst version). With this one, I get the feeling to sit down. Take your seat, do rest a while. Be just who you are.
This (the Zirconia version) makes your chakra rotate differently.
This one doesn’t (again the Amethyst version).
Then there must be a working in the stone, isn’t it, Heeb? (she often calls her guardian angel Hebenes ‘Heeb’). Because I see only a different color inside the pyramid. Maybe I’m wrong then, speaking too fast.
(She’s silent for a moment and then continues).
It’s not in the coloring of the stone. Okay. A different light. Haha… now he shows me the Amsterdam Red Zone! (with all the red lights behind windows)
Okay, funny guy.
This one makes me quiet, rest, settle down. I don’t need to stress. Wow… that’s the one I should wear! Yeah… that’s a good one. Always. Ideal! I also become alert, focused. Like… well that’s relevant and this… don’t pay attention to it. This makes aware, sharpens my vision, my viewpoint, shows priorities. What’s important, and what isn’t? It breaks through my… call it routine behavior. That’s what it does.
Pay attention to your knee! My knee starts hurting. Or is it you? (she nods to Marianne)
Marianne: Yes.
Loes: Yeah, watch your knee. But… you won’t listen. (laughter)
(…) I wish to change things when I’ve been inside this, this pyramid. I wish to remodel things. I want to see logic, usefulness. And I don’t want to… all that is nonsense, useless… Great! This gives… a clear view of vision.
Wim: Focus on what’s sensible?
Loes: Absolutely. The rest goes away. That’s what it does. That’s what it does…
Wim: But is that… difference between the two caused by how I make them, or does it have to do with the stone inside?
Loes: It has nothing to do with the stone. It’s the shape.
Marianne: Look here, this one you’ve made differently… the planetary orbits.
Loes: Yeah, it’s in the shape. And it’s also because of what the Spirit World decides how it has to work…. er… this side is further apart than that side (she points to certain differences between the 2 Dynamics). Even the outside circle is important. What you wanted to be… let’s say… round… It isn’t round… it’s in the shape. And it’s because of what the Spirits determine how it should work. You may have tried to make the circle perfectly round, but you didn’t succeed. No, that wasn’t meant to be. (laughter)
Remark from Wim: I have indeed tried for hours and hours to get the circle round and got frustrated in the process, not understanding what was happening. The first time (five or six years prior) that we consulted Loes about the Dynamic (that we then still called Cosmos), Loes had remarked the same thing, namely that the outside ring wasn’t round (and not supposed to be round) and… that stone was placed crooked.
Believe me that I had tried at least four times over to get the stone fit precisely vertical. Every time I did calculations, positioned the stone perfectly, and at the moment I was welding the casing of the stone, it somehow changed position and the result was that it was crooked! Welding silver and then disconnecting the parts and getting ready for doing it all over is time-consuming and not much fun to do.
Same problem with the outer ring. Whatever I did, I simply couldn’t get the left and right side symmetrical. So after wasting an entire day or maybe even more, I decided to leave it like that, in the hope my mother wouldn’t mind, appreciating the gesture that I had made for her a tool as a gift from my father who had passed away two years before.
I had told Loes nothing about this struggle then so I felt a bit silly when she made these remarks about the imperfections, that she clarified then to be perfect, meant to be so! During this conversation she made the same remark as six years ago, and I”m certain that she didn’t remember what she had said then.
Marianne points at the center stone: that one too is crooked!
Loes: That too was meant to be. That was meant to be.
Circular fields give energy shapes and as a shape… er… that has a function, a reason. That’s the advantage of handmade. So where people see small imperfections, those are the perfections of the whole, says Heeb.
Wim: That’s what I felt. But this working… that’s good to know. But I always try!
Loes: Yeah… it’s nice that you try, but if ‘they’ don’t agree, it won’t work whatever you do (laughter). You can try, do your best, but it doesn’t impress them. You won’t win. You shouldn’t even dare trying.
Note from Wim: Indeed I have spent many hours trying. I carefully considered the option that it was ‘meant to be’, but didn’t dare accept this as truth, because of my education that everything you make as a goldsmith should be… ‘perfect’. Loes didn’t know a thing about my struggle; I hadn’t told her.
Loes: It’s alright this way.
Chakra’s. Spinning. He shows me a whirl, spinning like this… and then it starts spinning the other way like this. I can steer with it. I can direct chakra’s with this. Nice. Beautiful.
But I definitely see a smaller one coming. I see people wearing it. Smaller.
Wim: I’ve tried several times to make a smaller one too, but I haven’t succeeded yet.
Loes: But I absolutely see it smaller too, about this size (she points out about 2/3 size).