This newsletter is a wish connecting us in this extremely precarious time in which the Earth and all life on it finds itself.
Because of the very critical situation in the world (NATO versus Russia & Israel versus neighboring countries), the possibility of a world war is greater than ever in the past. Through this message we want to pay attention to this and offer you something you can do yourself.
Sent on November 21, 2024
Wij are One - Akaija - Sanjeevini
Lighting the Way Together in This Time
Many groups all over the world, many more than we know, connect among themselves and with each other by praying, meditating, helping others, lighting a candle for Light, etc. We too want to contribute to that in our way with the Akaija energy.
We have no idea how many people wear an Akaija. We do know for sure that more than 30,000 were made that ended up somewhere in the world. Three of them are 2 meters tall. One of them is at our friend Sylvia’s house in Eck en Wiel near the river. One is in our garden, and one is in southern Germany. Over twenty 55 cm stainless steel Akaija’s have also been distributed, including two in the USA, and further in Australia, Belgium, Germany and of course several in the Netherlands, including two on Ameland.
The small portable Akaija’s have arrived in almost all countries. Most of course in the Netherlands, but also (many) hundreds in Russia, Germany, Austria, USA, Belgium, Denmark, Japan, England, Switzerland, Vanuatu, etc. In smaller numbers also in many other countries, even in Africa, South America and several countries in the Far East.

What do all those Akaijas do? To be honest, we are not sure. What we do know for certain is that the Akaijas (and also the other jewelry we bring out) are worn from the Light. We were and are inspired by Light beings, being part of a much larger Light project that has many names. The foundation of that project has everything to do with Love, Light, Peace, Togetherness… and also with We are One. That is what we stand for; we made that choice a long time ago, and it has not changed.
We do not watch TV and we do not read newspapers, but of course, we do pick up on the important things happening in the world, sometimes a bit later and sometimes earlier. No one can have missed that the firing of Western tactical missiles into the interior of Russia represents an escalation that could suddenly escalate into WWIII, with all the consequences that entails.
Do we want that? Do we choose war?
Whoever we believe in or support does not really matter. These are things people can have differing opinions about, but unfortunately, differences of opinion can lead to division. We can be misled by information sources and think we are choosing for ‘the Good,’ but perhaps we are actually supporting ‘the wrong.’ That can happen if ‘the wrong’ gets more attention and is presented more convincingly, while we do not take the time or effort to inform ourselves further. But in reality, that still is merely superficial display.
What is much more important is what we truly choose.
What do we stand for?
What do we want for the World?
What do we want for our modern Society?
What do we want for our Country?
What do we want for our Family?
What do we want for our Selves?
It is no longer about: “They must…”
It is about: “What do I choose?”
That is how we take our responsibility.
What we want to encourage, to begin with, is to ask yourself this question more often throughout the day. For example, when you see or touch the Akaija. Realize that all those Akaijas are everywhere on Earth. The Akaija can remind you that you have that Choice. The subtitle of my book is not coincidental: Choosing for Free Choice.
Secondly, we want to share something we came into contact with during our Akaija journeys: Sanjeevini.

How did we learn about Sanjeevini?
In the first years that we sold Akaija’s, we became friends with two enterprising German men in Italy whom we decided to visit. However, we missed the flight and then decided to ‘just’ go by car. We left at 11:00 in the morning and arrived in Luca in the middle of the night. We had everything with us, no traffic jams, we even drove over the Gotthard Pass, and when we arrived at 02:00, we weren’t even tired.
Our friends had done something that surprised us all. They had accompanied us throughout the journey using Sanjeevini. They had just forgotten that they needed it too, so at 03:00, they were almost falling asleep while we were still wide awake. “So that’s what Sanjeevini does!” we thought. Wow.
What is Sanjeevini?
“Prayers can move mountains” is a teaching that all religions share. Saints, sages, and seers have been saying this for thousands of years. In India, where countless people live who cannot afford to pay a doctor or therapist, a prayer was sent out to heal quickly in a natural, effective, simple, and inexpensive way. A response came…
In 1994, Sanjeevinis were introduced to healers, and this knowledge spread all over the world. The results are often astonishing, miraculous, and immediate. Sometimes someone takes granules with this Energy, sometimes someone only has a photocopy with the right symbols. In fact, Sanjeevinis are healing vibrations, focused prayers to God (*). What you see are round symbols with a kind of barcode within the circles. These have been carefully selected and tested.
*Note… We use words like Above, God, Light World, etc. However, we are not religious. What we refer to is the Universal Source of all Love. What name you give it is up to you.
These circles can be combined to work on something specific, for example, to heal a certain disease. But these ‘prayers’ can be used for anything and are therefore not limited to a person. Sanjeevinis are also for Peace, and that is what we are discussing now. Below you see a sheet with the Sanjeevinis. This sheet is called: Peace and Harmony between Countries at War.
How can you work with this ‘broadcast sheet’?
At the bottom, you can download the PDF with only the Sanjeevini and the prayer.
You send something out, you could call it a prayer or a wish. Print this sheet on A4 and place it somewhere quiet where it can remain undisturbed. This sheet comes with an explanation that Marianne has translated.
Focus your consciousness completely on the broadcast sheet. Feel Oneness (Akaija) at the Soul level with all the people affected by the war. Pray from the depth of your Heart for a minute or longer for Peace and Harmony between the Nations and for the holistic well-being of all these people. Every prayer from every belief is equally powerful.
“O Source of Love, I/we pray to You to grant Your healing Love and grace to all beings affected by the war between NATO & Russia and between Israel and its neighboring countries. Forgive and transform all those involved in brutal violence. May they all be free from hate and greed. May their hearts be filled with unconditional Love, forgiveness, and compassion!
Forgive us all – the entire family of human beings – for the mistakes we have made individually or collectively, at the level of thought, word, and deed, consciously or unconsciously, in this life or previous lives, causing so many people to suffer unspeakably due to this war.
Please bless every human living in all war-torn countries with peace, harmony, and prosperity. Lead us all – the world family of human beings – from untruth to Truth; from the darkness of ignorance to the Light of spiritual wisdom, from the death (of our ego) to the experience of the immortality of the soul.”
The Sai Sanjeevini healing broadcast for Peace and Harmony between the Nations and the holistic well-being of all people in the Warring Nations is now ‘on’. This broadcast will continuously be active 24/7 until you express your intention to end it.
It is highly recommended to renew this broadcast once a day, every two days, or once a week, depending on our inner guidance. The broadcast is renewed by bringing it into our consciousness and offering our fervent prayer from the depth of our being for about a minute each time.
How long? Until there is Peace and Harmony between the two Nations.
Note: We say of the Akaija-Iloa – the double Akaija that is neutral, thus both left and right turning – that you can use it to strengthen a wish, for example. You could also print this prayer with the same intention and place the Akaija-Iloa on it, focusing your consciousness on it regularly.

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