5. Rapa Nui - Verlangen naar Lemurië

Introduction to our Research Journeys in Search of Answers

The Akaija is an inspiration from the Light World. Linda inspired Wim in 2002 to create this symbol that, had she still been alive, could have helped her enormously to cure her chronic fatigue by strengthening her energy field. For that is the effect of the Akaija: to strengthen your energy field by re-activating your connection to the Unity Field.

The word “akaija” means We All on the Island of Aneityum, the 1st anchor point of what is now known as The Tilted Equator of Antiquity. The shape of the Akaija-Iloa is created when you merge a normal Akaija with its mirror image. The same Akaija-Iloa shape also arises when you draw circles around each anchor point of the Tilted Equator touching the nearest anchor points.

The numerology of ‘akaija’ as a word yields an unusual number sequence: 111111
So Linda’s message is: We All + 111111 = We all are one.

But Linda wants to tell us even more. We went to investigate and made several world trips to visit the five main anchor points, hoping to find further clues. Here are our main questions

1. What is so important that “the ancients” created this alignment around the Earth?
2. If the Akaija as a pendant amplifies people’s energy fields, could a world-sized Akaija do the same for the entire Earth?

The 5 anchor points of the Tilted Equator are the 5 tangent points of the Akaija-Iloa.

These are the 5 nodes that anchor the Akaija-Iloa around the world.
🟢 Aneityum, Vanuatu island republic, ±1000 km north New Zealand
🟡 Easter Island, Chile, ±4000 km west of South America
🔴 A lost island, shown only on an ancient map by the Turkish admiral Piri Reis
🟠 The Great Pyramid, Egypt
🔵 The Angkor temple complex, Cambodia

Each point is exactly 72º away from the next point. 5 x 72º = 360º. That is the circumference of the Earth. Each point lies on a straight line running at an angle of ±30º to the normal Equator. Hence the common name: Tilted Equator of Antiquity.

To find answers to our questions we use:
– Discoveries by other researchers, which we name as much as possible.
– Knowledge from mediums and reincarnation therapists.
– Our own “memories” from previous incarnations.
– Our ability to connect information.

Our life assumptions:
– We all live multiple incarnations on Earth.
– There is life beyond Earth.
– We are connected to our invisible brothers and sisters in Light who help us.
– Our body is a light body that is much more complex than the physical body we can see.
– Highly developed civilizations existed in the past.

From a scientific perspective, something happened in the distant past that changed the entire world, a disaster of unprecedented magnitude, which seems to repeat itself every 12,000 years, a cyclical disaster.

Viewed from a spiritual perspective, this cycle is considered part of Creation, with key moments that bring the consciousness of Humanity to a higher plane on a grand scale.

Our thinking is that advanced civilizations in the distant past were more aware of this cycle than our current civilization, and had the knowledge to deal with it. But this knowledge has been forgotten over the millennia. There are still archives of knowledge that have preserved this information. Some are in the hands of powers who keep this knowledge to themselves for their personal benefit. Some are in the hands of powers who give this knowledge to humanity at the right time and in doses to help humanity.

The answer to the questions we are trying to answer presents itself naturally and is confronting. It is disturbing, but it can also be hopeful, depending on how you look at it.

Armed with this knowledge, we set out to investigate and tell you, the reader, what we have discovered. This website (akaija.com) is dedicated to making this knowledge public as far as we have it. With the sale of the healing tools and reproductions, we try to fund this research and sharing of this knowledge.

This page is one in a series about our world travels to key locations in search of answers.

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Wim & Marianne

:Willem-albert : Roskam
:Marianne: Agterdenbos.
Gijsbrechtgaarde 316
[7329ce] Apeldoorn
+31 (0)55 5335747