The story surrounding the Akaija has become very extensive, and even now (while I am editing this text, it is summer 2024), new developments continue to emerge. To keep an overview, also for ourselves, below is the Akaija Timeline. The story begins around 12,000 years ago, at the end of Atlantis, and perhaps even much longer ago. But this is what we know or strongly suspect. Everything on this website, including this about Atlantis, is part of the Akaija message that we received from Linda, from the Afterlife. To appreciate and interpret her message, a chronological and, of course, as truthful as possible presentation of all data is necessary.
Approximately 11,000 to 13,000 years ago – Final Days of Atlantis

Wim (in a previous incarnation) works as a seer/tuner/advisor in one of the large climate towers of Atlantis. He discovers that undermining forces are at work to gain power over the towers. He reports this, but is then publicly ridiculed and severely humiliated. After that, he wants nothing more to do with his work and even with his gift. He even considers ending it all.
Marianne, his life partner in the 21st century, is at this time a white woman who, in her free time, tries to locate people like Wim to prevent them from taking their own lives. These people possess knowledge and skills that are urgently needed to withstand the expected great cosmic influences in the near future. However, she cannot get him to resume his work. This feels to her like a failure.
Shortly thereafter, when the Earth faces great cosmic turbulence while Atlantis simultaneously suffers from severe conflicts and sabotage – including the misuse of one or more climate towers – Atlantis perishes. Wim’s guilt for having withdrawn at a time when everyone’s contribution was of great importance weighs heavily on him. This proves to be the cause of a trauma that will manifest in a future incarnation.
A few thousand years B.C., Egypt
Wim and also his guide in this life around the year 2000, Amhirez, are both scribes of hieroglyphs somewhere in Egypt. Hieroglyphs are the characters of the alphabet of the written Egyptian language, and working them out on parchments and walls had to comply with strict rules. The ‘writers’ had little freedom here, but it was an excellent training for the painting they would focus on in later incarnations

Around 1300 Florence, Italy
In 1984, when Linda takes Wim for his first visit to a good medium (Maya Storms), he is told that he needs more self-confidence and learns through her that he was once a fresco painter in Florence, Italy. She even shows him images of his work, which is characterized by being lighter than the dark painting style preferred by the church up to that point.
1532 – Uzbekistan - Uzbekiya
Igor (= Linda, Wim’s life partner in the 20th century) is married to Nasja (= Wim, Linda’s life partner in the 20th century) as a strong young man in a small village in Uzbekija. It is the time of Ivan the Terrible, and all young men are being recruited to fight. Igor is also conscripted and weeks later confronts a much stronger enemy. He is injured in his leg and falls.
The enemy has free rein, opens his belly, and leaves the battlefield. While his comrades die one by one, Igor is left alone, calling for Nasja, who is almost ready to give birth at home, seven months pregnant. He survives for another five days and five nights, hoping each morning that someone will come to help him. When he finally dies, he does not accept his death and has since been searching for Nasja.
This entirely true story is extensively described in Wim’s book The Lady of the Rings – Opting for Free Choice.
Wim and Linda have lived multiple incarnations together. One of them takes place in England, where Linda is a researcher into the oxygen permeability of frog skin. Wim is her assistant. They dissect many frogs for this, which has consequences in their incarnation in the 20th century.
1983 – Wim and Linda begin a relationship
Linda: de Redelijkheid (teacher) and Wim: Roskam (airbrush artist and calligrapher) begin a relationship, unaware that they are the incarnations of Igor and Nasja.
1985 - February - Wim in hailstorm - sinusitis - runny nose problem
When Wim cycles from his parents’ home to Linda’s apartment, he is caught in a rapidly approaching winter shower with ice rain. He is not dressed for it and cannot find shelter. That evening he has the worst headache ever, and the next day he has sinusitis. This is treated, but a complaint remains that does not go away: sneezing for a whole day once a week with a lot of water coming from his eyes and nose. It resembles hay fever but has nothing to do with allergies.
Only around 2018 does this change.
1986 - Linda - lightning strike next to car - chronic fatigue
When Linda is driving home from school in her car, lightning strikes the road right next to her car while she is holding her head out the window to see the road. It is an exceptionally strong discharge that cuts off electricity and TV in part of Apeldoorn. This moment marks the beginning of her chronic fatigue, which becomes increasingly severe over the years. The cause is the lightning discharge. No treatment for it has any effect.
Only in 2001, when Linda is treated by Marianne Agterdenbos using Bio-photon therapy (, does this condition receive a name: electron spin inversion.
This lightning strike also marks the beginning of the Akaija project, but it will take until 2005 before Wim and his future partner Marianne discover this.
1999 - October - Linda diagnosed with 'cervical cancer'
2000 - January - Linda refuses the operation at the AMC
After all examinations are completed, a communication problem arises with the hospital in Apeldoorn, and Linda is referred for a second opinion to the AMC. The doctors at the AMC are unaware of this, take over the treatment, and propose an extremely serious operation to Linda that she must agree to immediately. Linda, supported by Wim, refuses this.
2001 - augustus - Linda herinnert zich haar incarnatie in Uzbekiya
Extreme pain leads Linda to seek distraction in creatively dealing with words in various languages. Eventually, she develops a ‘personal’ language that can likely be traced back to an old incarnation in Uzbekistan. When she receives a note from a clairvoyant woman describing what happened in that life, the memories suddenly surface.

2001 - August - Marianne discovers the cause of Linda's chronic fatigue.
Marianne is a therapist specializing in Biophoton therapy. Her website is She uses a form of bioresonance, meaning she measures the meridian points of hands and feet to test the condition of the associated organs/body systems.
She is the last therapist to treat Linda. The first thing she measures is a condition referred to within biophoton therapy as an electron spin inversion. This can occur when people come into contact with a stronger electromagnetic field than their own energy field (aura) can handle. The personal energy field becomes overwhelmed, is no longer in balance, and can no longer adequately protect the owner from all stimuli. Chronic fatigue is the most common result.
2001 - November - Linda asks Wim what she can do for him when she is no longer here.
A few days before her passing, Linda poses this question to Wim: “What can I do for you to let you know that I am still here, somewhere?”
Wim responds with a counter-question: “Would you inspire me, if possible?”
2001 - December 5, 15:55 - Linda passes away.
2001 - December 10 - Wim expresses a wish: To be one.
During Linda’s funeral ceremony, Wim expresses a wish as his final words, which fortunately has been captured on video. These words later prove to be of great significance.
Great Friend, find your way home.
You are free!
My wish is to often accompany you.
And to find together what we are both searching for.
To be one.
2002 - February - Wim reads an article by Loes van Loon
When Wim reads an article about Loes van Loon in the magazine Paravisie at Linda’s parents’ house, he decides to order her book: Connected by Light. He also writes a letter to Loes van Loon, which he sends to the editorial office of Paravisie.
A few days later, he receives a call from Loes herself, who convinces him that Linda is with her and is ‘impatiently waiting’ to tell him things.
2002 - Spring - Wim expresses a wish to the Spirit World.
Assuming he is being heard by the invisible light world, he expresses the wish to be in collaboration with the Light World for the rest of his life.
Medium Vera Fischerova - speaks about a ring of Linda
Medium Vera Fischerova, who still knows Linda, tells Wim that Linda advises him to find and wear an old ring of hers.
Wim and Linda lived together for 18 years but were never married and never exchanged rings. Wim wonders: Why now?
2002 - July 10 - Wim posthumously proposes to Linda with a sketch of a ring
After medium Vera Fischerova (then Vera Bal, Apeldoorn) tells Wim that Linda wants him to wear an old ring of hers, he realizes that she actually wants to give him a ring. Wim then decides to design a ring and proposes to her with this sketch (kneeling on one knee in front of an apparently empty bench).
To make this ring, he must first become a goldsmith. This skill will later come in handy to create the Akaija. However, this ring proves to be so complicated that it will take until 2018 for him to realize it. It is necessary to learn how to work with a 3D program first.
2002 - July 13 - Out-of-body experience - Download of information - Linda's answer
During a life-changing night, Wim has a transformative contact with Linda. It also feels as if he is being overwhelmed with a wealth of information. After this experience, he writes down what he has experienced and notices that Linda seems to be within him, providing answers to his questions. But he cannot distinguish who is who. Is Linda asking the questions, or is he doing it himself? Is he answering himself, or is he receiving answers from Linda? This experience of unity will greatly influence later creations.
Linda’s answer is a very emphatic: YES!!!
2002 - July 15 - Wim's father passes away
2002 - July 26 - 1st Inspiration - painting Marisun for Marianne.
The contact with Linda and the information download have an effect. For the first time since Linda’s passing, Wim creates a new painting using airbrush technique. This painting is intended for Marianne as a logo for her practice Marisun. He hopes for inspiration from Linda, as agreed.
Something happens while creating this very first painting since Linda’s passing.
Wim randomly places the stars with chalk on the already painted background, without any knowledge of constellations. In the evening, he searches for a constellation book, hoping to find something that matches. He does not find it. But the next day, he looks again, holds the book upside down, and finds a perfect match with the constellation Aquila or Eagle.
Wim finds a story on the Internet from ancient Mesopotamia, where the constellation Eagle was connected to the legend of Etana, who flew to the heavens on the back of the Eagle god Shamash to find a pain-relieving medicine for his pregnant wife. Wim and Linda also wanted to move Heaven and Earth to help Linda get better, using visualization in which Linda flew on the back of a great Eagle.

2002 - August - Painting Lucia is created

Medium Loes van Loon plays a significant role in the Akaija project. She is the one who gives Linda the chance to connect with Wim and supports Wim in the grieving process. In the years following this moment, there is regular contact with Loes. As a thank you for her invaluable help, Wim wants to create a painting for her. This becomes the painting Lucia (Loes = Lucia = Light).
2002 - August/September - Painting Aura Healer is created
Wim creates a new painting that combines the 7 colors of the rainbow with the 12 zodiac signs. In the center, the RGB colors form a palette in the shape of a Triskelion.
When the painting seems finished, Wim still has an indefinable feeling that it is not complete. Something else needs to be added… a symbol. Wondering what that symbol should be, he suddenly thinks of a ‘problem’ he struggled with as a small child: the knot in old telephone cords. How is it that after a knot in a spiral cord, the direction of rotation changes from left to right?
Playing with a silver wire spool from Linda’s school supply box for her work as a crafts teacher, Wim comes up with a solution that can only be found by thinking in three dimensions. At the moment he finds that solution, he ‘hears’ applause around him.

2002 - Autumn - Painting Life Cycle is created.

This painting tells a story that Wim will only begin to understand in 2024. It is suspected that part of the hidden message in this painting relates to what will later be called ‘the Galactic Sheet’, a recurring cycle of energy waves that sweeps through the entire Milky Way galaxy and activates all stars and planets in that wave to increased activity every ±12,000 years. This wave motion has various names, such as Parker Spiral and Galactic Sheet.
When Wim and Marianne show this object to medium Loes van Loon, she says: Life Cycle. When Wim wants to ask further questions about it, the answer remains: Life Cycle. No additional information is provided.
2003 - January - Wim and Marianne begin a relationship
This is actually quite soon after Linda’s passing. However, it should be noted that Linda had already suggested this to Wim before she passed away and had given her consent during the out-of-body experience. Moreover, the ring, when it is completed, will also be worn by Marianne. However, Linda has been wearing it on an astral level since Wim’s proposal.
2004 - May - Painting Faith.
Wim begins the painting-object Faith, which is a fusion of all the crosses (religions) in the world, including the Holy Grail.
In the center of the main part hangs a red stone, set in an Akaija setting. The name Akaija will only come in October 2005, but the symbol has existed since 2002.
At that moment, Wim does not know what the function of the red stone is.
2005 - Autumn - Shamanic ceremony El-Oyin in Altai, Russia - Akay
Sergei, whose father is a leading shaman in the Altai province in southern Russia, receives his shaman name: Akay during an important gathering of shamans from the entire region. In Russian, this can be pronounced as Акайя or Akaija if said: “I am Akay.” Wim and Akay have never met, but their paths will cross in the future when Wim, Marianne, Eliza, and Stepanida come to Arkaim at the invitation of a Russian magazine (2014).
2005 - October - Inversion symbol on Aura Healer works against electron spin inversion

Marianne’s daughter Lianne studies at the Show Musical Academy in Amsterdam and comes home weekly for treatment against electron spin inversion. It turns out that the combination of the physically exhausting training and the excessive radiation from electrical equipment and the electrical overhead lines of the tramway next to Lianne’s apartment in Amsterdam is too much for her system.
For this, a drop of Lianne’s blood is needed, with which Marianne can reverse the spin inversion. Lianne always recoils from this prick, and at that moment, Wim walks in and asks if they can do an experiment with the inversion symbol he used for the painting Aura Healer. Inversion is another word for inversion.
This proves to work, and this initiates the development of a new symbol that will be named Akaija.
2005 - November - Linda's mother receives the name 'Akaija'
Colleague biophoton therapists of Marianne confirm that the reversal symbol is also effective for their patients as a substitute for a drop of blood in patients with spin inversion, and thus Marianne and Wim decide to market the reversal symbol.
Linda’s mother hears this and asks if the symbol already has a name, as that is naturally part of it, she says. For several days, she hears a loud voice in her head shouting Akaija!
When Wim and Marianne search the internet at home for a possible meaning of ‘akaija’, they discover a linguistic work by a missionary, John Inglish, who conducted his mission (18th century) on an island in the South Pacific: Aneityum.
While translating the Bible into the language of Aneityum, he learned that the Aneityumese language distinguishes between six types of ‘we’. Below you see the different words, with ‘Akaija’ encompassing the largest group, and it can even mean: We… the entire Creation.

2005 - December - First advertisement for Akaija in the magazine Paravisie
2005 - Wim creates a new piece of jewelry: Suzy-ama
Marianne treats several people weekly in Belgium because her colleague and friend Nico IJff is abroad for an extended period. Among them is Suzy Willemsens, a woman who has been suffering from bone cancer for eight years.
She and her husband Eric fight against it just as Linda and Wim did when Linda had cervical cancer. Suzy knows she will not make it and asks Wim if he would be inspired by Linda to create a piece of jewelry for her husband Eric when she is no longer there. Wim gratefully accepts this task and makes several sketches for Suzy, which she approves.
Shortly thereafter, she passes away, and in the following months, Wim creates the jewelry as indicated by Suzy.
Remarkably, Eric’s pendant is out of balance; the wing at the bottom right has become too large. Eric says this is correct. That is the imbalance he feels now that Suzy, his angel, is no longer there.

2006 - A numerologist tells Wim the numerology of 'Akaija': 111111
With the help of numerology, letters of words and names can be converted into numbers. So A=1, B=2, C=3, etc. Numerologists make statements based on the found numbers and number combinations, just as an astrologer makes statements about the time and place of birth.
A numerologist, who bought an Akaija and looked at the name Akaija, calls and tells that she has discovered something special. A=1, K=11, A=1, IJ=1, and A=1.
It should be noted that double digits such as 11, 22, 33, etc. are master numbers and are not reduced to a single digit. IJ is a letter combination that was only used in the Netherlands for the letter ij, which used to be written as one letter. For that reason, and because it concerns one sound, the i and j may be combined and reduced to the smallest number. I=9 and J=10. Together that is 19.
19 consists of 1 + 9 = 10.
10 consists of 1 + 0 = 1.
Ultimately, it results in Akaija = 111111.
Looking back at Wim’s recorded wish during Linda’s funeral ceremony (see December 10, 2001), it appears that Linda has answered Wim’s wish.
2006 - First trip to India
Wim becomes so busy with finishing Akaijas cast in the Netherlands and Belgium that he cannot focus on anything else. On the advice of a friend, they search for foundries in India that can take this work off his hands. Two foundries initially agree to do this for them: Silver Maya and Riyogems.
This is the link to the report of the trip to India, in search of the right foundries.
2008 - Second trip to India - foundry Riyogems
This trip seems to aim at finding a second foundry for casting/finishing the Suzy-ama. This yields nothing. However, the effect is that foundry Riyogems suddenly delivers a much better quality of Akaijas
2009 - Wim's book Lady of the Rings - Opting for Freedom of Choice is published (in Dutch)
The true story of the origin of the Akaija, which begins when Linda and Wim meet each other in 1983
2009 - Painting Rose is created
This happens after a question from Linda to Wim via medium Loes van Loon. Linda has an intention with this question that goes much further than making a nice painting for her ‘House in the Spheres’. This painting is connected to various other creations that arise through Wim’s hands, such as the symbol and the painting Two Roads and the painting/object Faith
2010 - Double Akaija - Akaija-Iloa
For years, Wim has felt that the normal Akaija and its mirror image (a reversed-turning reversal symbol) can be connected. On the advice of a woman in South Holland, he responds to the impulse to solve this problem.
The video below shows how a normal Akaija and a mirrored Akaija come together to form an Akaija-Iloa.
2011 - February - Jim Alison's research in video by Mal Cockburn
When Wim searches the internet for the name ‘Anatom’, the French name for Aneityum, he finds a video made by Mal Cockburn, an American math teacher, for his students. This is about a remarkable alignment of ancient sites on Earth discovered by Jim Alison. At that time, video editing was still in its infancy.
An MS-Office turtle speaks the text. A few photos are later inserted by Wim. In this video, the island Anatom is mentioned. This feels very surreal to Wim because there are tens of thousands of islands of approximately the same size on Earth. It takes a long time for him to believe that it is indeed about Aneityum.
The incredible thing is that this island is exactly located on what Jim Alison calls: The Ring of Ancient Sites. And exactly halfway between Easter Island – Angkor Wat. Based on this information, Wim and Marianne decide to travel to this island to speak with the original inhabitants of Anatom/Aneityum.
2011 - April - Eliza White Buffalo
Wim and Marianne seek contact via Facebook with people with Indian names and thus come into contact with Eliza White Buffalo, a Northern Irish medium, who plays a role in understanding the painting Faith that Wim created in May 2004, but of which he did not understand that there is still a story to tell. Faith turns out to be the same symbol as the symbol Two Roads described by medium Eliza through Nicolas Black Elk, once Holy Man of the Lakota-Sioux. The only difference is that Faith is shown from a slightly different perspective. This, however, is exactly the meaning of Faith, which symbolizes every religion on Earth. Because every religion is a unique perspective on the Essence, the Divine, our Connection with the Higher (or whatever words you want to give it) that every religion is about
2011 - Summer - Wim creates Two Roads as a symbol
Two Roads is essentially an isosceles cross in a perfect round hoop or ring. Vertically, it is the good red road to the Light. Horizontally, it is the dark and dangerous road. In the center, where both roads meet, is the Heart, symbolized by the Red Stone of Power. On Earth, we walk both roads. To progress on the Red Road, you must walk the Dark Road, but that road will challenge you. By always staying connected to your Heart, making decisions from your Heart, you can safely walk the Dark Road.
In 2018, when Wim and Marianne visit the temple complex Angkor in Cambodia, it turns out that this symbol has already been told in the Mahabharata as the epic: Samudra Manthan.
2011 - 'Letter to All Governments', based on 'Speech by Chief Seattle'
Chief Seattle gave a speech long ago that has become known worldwide. Keeping that speech in mind, Wim writes a modern version of this letter, addressed to all governments around the world, including the so-called ‘secret government’.
Albert van de Louw, owner of the magazine Spiegelbeeld, asks if he may publish this letter in the January 2012 issue.
2012 - January - Wim's 'Letter to All Governments' is published
The Letter to All Governments published in Spiegelbeeld contains these words:
“You now demand that our daughters be vaccinated to protect them from cancer. Scientists say this is for their health, but other scientists say it is poison. Who should we believe? Science should be honest, shouldn’t it?
If the science you always cite to support your plans presents two contradictory viewpoints, then one of them must be a lie.
That is scientific logic.
Are we being lied to now?
And if an epidemic breaks out, as is the case every year… do you then want to inject us all with that same poison? Wouldn’t that make us sick?”
In December 2019, the terms ‘influenza’ and ‘epidemic’ will be replaced in the statistics with ‘corona’.
Subsequently, vaccinations will be enforced that will have terrible side effects for millions of people and cause worldwide deaths.
2012 - Wim and Marianne visit Aneityum, the first anchor point of the Tilted Equator
The name Akaija is used on the island of Aneityum in the South Pacific as a word for ‘all of us’. It turns out that Aneityum is exactly halfway between Easter Island and the temple complex Angkor in Cambodia, and also on a ring of even more important archaeological sites, so Wim and Marianne decide to visit this island and hopefully connect with the inhabitants of Aneityum. Who are they? What is their story? Do they know anything more about their ancient history?
They come into contact with the island’s storyteller, Reuben, and with his knowledge of history, they learn some interesting things.
2012 - Summer - Wim creates the large cross predicted by Loes
Loes had already predicted in 2002 or 2003 that Wim would create a very large ‘cross’. He could not imagine what that would look like, as he thought of a religious Christian cross.
It turns out that Two Roads symbolizes all crosses in the world, including the Holy Grail and the Indian Medicine Wheel.
2012 - Wim discovers the documentary Revelations of the Pyramids
Besides Jim Alison, another mathematician has discovered the remarkable alignment of thousands of years old megalithic structures: Jacques Grimault.
Filmmaker Patrice Pouillard has made a brilliant documentary about this lasting 1.5 hours. This video cannot be shown here, but below you can watch some excerpts from it. Aneityum is not mentioned in this documentary. Patrice told Wim that this is because there was nothing special to find in Aneityum. No megalithic objects, just a few petroglyphs. Therefore, it was not interesting enough to send a whole camera crew to Aneityum.
Where Aneityum is located in the video, a later inserted remark appears on screen.
2013 - Polish magazine Nieznany Świat publishes an article about the Akaija
This Polish magazine publishes an article about the Akaija that has such a large impact that within six months, many thousands of Akaijas are sold in Poland.
The article is read by tens of thousands of Poles, thereby triggering a series of extraordinary events.
A Russian woman, Natalia Ananeva, approaches Wim with the request for him to donate an Akaija to her. She turns out to have actively helped contain the nuclear catastrophe of Chernobyl, but suffers from its consequences. These people are referred to in Russia (translated) as liquidators, heroes who ensured that the disaster was limited.
Later that spring, Wim and Marianne meet her, her son, and daughter-in-law in the Netherlands as she visits the Keukenhof as part of her Bucket List. She herself has developed cancer. She receives several dozen Akaijas because she is in contact with a group of survivors from this disaster, all of whom are seriously ill as a result.
2013 - Summer - Warsaw, Poland - Lecture - Tomasz and Olga
To support the article in the magazine Nieznany Świat, Wim and Marianne give a lecture in the bookshop of the magazine in Warsaw.
During this meeting, they come into contact with Tomasz Kierzkovski, who works in Moscow, speaks Russian, and is familiar with the editor-in-chief Olga Monakova of the large Russian magazine Oracula.
2013 - Summer - Stepanida creates a draft for the Mission and Vision for Akaija & Art
Akaija & Art is, as Wim requested in 2002, a collaborative project with the Light World, in which Linda plays a key role.
Collaboration with the Light World, thus with divine energies, requires sincerity and purity of action, transparency, honesty, etc.
Using Stepanida’s text as a starting point, Wim writes the Mission and Vision for Akaija & Art, which entails a different form of entrepreneurship, where the earning of money is not the starting point, but the dissemination of the Akaija philosophy in the world.
2014 - January - Warsaw, Poland - Trip - Tomasz and Olga
Wim and Marianne discuss with Tomasz and Olga the possibilities of publishing articles in Oracula, along with advertisements. To sell Akaijas in Russia, a Russian company must be involved. Olga’s partner, Andreï, is a shaman and has a business and will sell the Akaija.
They also discuss the possibility of promoting the Akaija at a power spot in Russia during the Solstice that year. For this, a two-meter large Akaija needs to be made, which is dismountable and can fit in the airplane.
2014 - Solstice June 21 - Trip to Arkaim in Russia - Akay
Together with their friend Stepanida (whose mother was Russian) and Eliza White Buffalo (a shaman from Northern Ireland), Wim and Marianne visit an archaeologically interesting location in Russia: Arkaim. Within a time frame of about three quarters of an hour during the setup and activation of the two-meter large Akaija, something very special happens. Countless light balls or orbs appear on all the cameras of those present.
During the setup, Wim becomes stressed and is assisted by a rocket specialist from the Russian space industry.
Afterwards, Russians stand in line from 5:00 AM to 1:00 AM to be able to stand in the Akaija and experience the energy themselves. Unfortunately, there is little communication about their experiences due to the language barrier.
The next day, Marianne comes into contact with a group of Russians who have come to Arkaim at the request of their shaman, who had told them he needed to meet someone. The shaman’s name is Akay. He received his shaman name in 2005 during a shaman congress in Altai.

2014 - August - Wim's mother passes away
2014 - December - TV recording Moscow - Chernobyl - Financial blow
Due to all the publicity in Poland and Russia, Wim and Marianne came into contact with a woman who had helped contain the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, Natalia Ananeva. She had worked for the Russian Ministry of Energy.
Wim and Marianne spoke with her during a trip of hers in the Netherlands and gave her several dozen Akaijas to distribute among fellow sufferers who have suffered greatly from the radiation they had been exposed to.
For promotion, a recording was made for a TV broadcast in Russia that unfortunately was never aired. Natalia reported on her extraordinary experiences and those of several other people who had started wearing the Akaija.
Many Akaijas were sold through the advertisements and articles, but Olga’s partner turns out to be unreliable and does not pay a cent of what was agreed.
2015 - Summer - Wim and Stepanida visit Akay in Altai
At the invitation of Akay, Wim and Stepanida travel to the Altai province in the far south of Russia. This trip is marked by unforeseen problems and developments that challenge Wim and Stepanida to the utmost.
But the goal is achieved, resulting in Akay attending a shaman congress in Munich the following year, sponsored by the natural remedies specialist Lebe Natur in Austria.
2016 - May - Akay speaks about his background at a shaman congress in Munich
Akay speaks at the Shaman Congress in Munich about his shaman-Altai background, as a representative of the Altai people, the indigenous inhabitants at the crossroads of four major world countries: Russia, Mongolia, China, and Kazakhstan.
2017 - May - Marianne's mother passes away
Now that both mothers have passed away, there is time and money to make the remaining Akaija journeys
2017 - Autumn - The creation of the Chram
Wim and Marianne design the Chram together.
2017 - November - English translation of Choosing for Free Choice is published under the title: Lady of the Rings
The English translation of Wim’s book is pubshised.
Shaman Eliza White Buffalo has edited this translation into spiritually appropriate English.
2018 - February - Wim and Marianne visit Angkor Wat, 2nd anchor point of the Tilted Equator
Angkor Wat is located on the Tilted Equator of Antiquity, where Aneityum is also situated. Marianne and Wim visit these temples and discover more evidence supporting the idea that Akaija is connected to this.
2018 - October 8 - Wim and Marianne sign a 'registered partnership'.
Linda has been wearing this ring (on an astral level) since Wim proposed to her. However, the physical ring could not yet be made due to the very small complicated 5-pin stone settings. He had already understood from Linda at that time that when this ring was ready, he would offer it to Marianne. Thus, there is a relationship involving three people.
2019 - March - Cape Verde, 4th anchor point of the Tilted Equator
Cape Verde is not exactly on the Tilted Equator of Antiquity, but it is ‘reasonably’ close. The island that is on it no longer exists, but it is depicted on the ancient map of Piri Reis from the time of Columbus.
Marianne and Wim visit Cape Verde but find no physical evidence like they did on Aneityum and in Cambodia.
What they do experience is that the old memories of their lives during the end times of Atlantis are activated here. This is of great importance for Wim’s healing process.
Moreover, they discover that this link with Atlantis reveals that in the present time (21st century AD), the Earth is facing the same problem as Atlantis did back then.
2019 - The role of the Sun in the Akaija message - Life Cycle
Wim has been subscribed for years to the newsletters of astronomer Ben Davidson, who manages websites related to space weather ( The Sun plays a central role in the weather on Earth. Its magnetic influence on the Earth’s energy field goes much further than was previously known.
Further study of Ben’s video material teaches Wim that there is a solar cycle of roughly 12,000 years that causes great destruction each time. Ben calls this the Cycle of Destruction. He demonstrates through historical research that this cycle will repeat itself within a few decades.
Wim links this to the alignment with the stars of several sites they have visited or will visit. Both the Angkor temples in Cambodia and the Great Pyramid in Egypt are demonstrably aligned with the starry sky as it was approximately 12,000 years ago.
It also turns out that the painting Life Cycle refers to this cycle of over 12,000 years.
2019 - November - Easter Island, 5th anchor point of the Tilted Equator
Marianne en Wim hebben het dringende gevoel niet langer te moeten wachten alvorens naar Paaseiland af te reizen, het 5e ankerpunt van de Gekantelde Evenaar.
Tijdens hun verblijf in Chili na afloop van hun bezoek aan Paaseiland worden ze nogmaals geconfronteerd met het oude Atlantische trauma: ze worden wederom beroofd van hun paspoorten (identiteit).
2020 - The beginning of the Corona crisis reactivates old memories from Atlantis for Wim
The reactivation of the trauma that has burdened Wim since the end times of Atlantis occurs in several stages. The robberies in Cape Verde and Chile and the death threat from a pack of dangerous dogs are just a few components of this.
Wim had long anticipated the Corona Pandemic, as evidenced by his Letter to all Governments.
2021 - The first version of Sacred Heart is created
Wim creates a new piece of jewelry/tool but has significant problems getting it cast correctly, so it cannot yet be produced.
2021 - German translation of Choosing for Free Choice - Eine Freie Wahl, gibt es die?
The German translation of Choosing for Free Choice is titled Lady of the Rings – Eine Freie Wahl, Gibt es Die?
Stone expert Karin Steiner has edited the translation into spiritually appropriate German.
2022 - September - The Great Pyramid, 3rd anchor point of the Tilted Equator
After the Corona crisis, Marianne and Wim visit the Great Pyramid in Egypt, the only anchor point they had not yet visited. They do this in the company of German Egyptologist Axel Klitzke. While lying in the sarcophagus, Wim feels as if he is in a control room from which he senses the entire Pyramid as a transmitter and receiver of energies around him.
This realization is connected to his regression to Atlantis, where he had control over one of the large climate towers of Atlantis. Read about ‘The Role of Atlantis in the Akaija story.’
2023 - June 10 - The very first Akaija day - Presentation of discoveries

2023 - Sacred Heart is completed and goes into production.
Through medium Loes van Loon, Wim receives guidance to resolve the issues with getting the Sacred Heart cast correctly
2024 - Spring - Wim finally understands the Atlantic trauma
he process of healing the Atlantis trauma spans many years. It was reactivated in Wim’s current incarnation in 1985 during the ice rain, which caused him to develop a sinus and related runny nose condition.
Through medium Lut van de Velde, he was offered a cure in 2018 to reactivate the cell memory. By early 2024, this process seems to be completed. Parallel to healing this trauma, memories of Atlantis are being brought back into consciousness, providing insight into the role of Atlantis in the Akaija project.
2024 - Further development of Helix Healer