First the short answer.

Basically, all Akaija’s do the same thing: strengthen your energy system so that you are better protected against burdensome ‘energies’ from outside. The bold Akaija has more capacity to protect you longer under severe conditions, so it doesn’t fill up quickly. The Akaija-Iloa has that too, and in addition, something extra that I can’t explain briefly. The earrings are lighter and each has little capacity, but together they can still provide you with protection. These are not sold separately for that reason.

If you don’t know which one to choose, go with your feeling: which one do you find more beautiful? Then that is very likely the right one for you.

Now for the longer answer.

Let me start with the difference in size. The image below illustrates that. How large, and thus how heavy an Akaija is determines how much mass the different Akaija’s have.

The normal Akaija is the Akaija with which everything started in 2005. This one is the most common and works fine. We have also used it with horses, and the horses reacted very strongly to it. They are sensitive beings. The bold Akaija and the Akaija-Iloa are not better, just different. For some people, a normal Akaija is the right choice, for others the bold Akaija or sometimes the Akaija-Iloa. If you are dealing with noticeably high radiation, our advice is to take the bold Akaija.

The bold Akaija and the Akaija-Iloa are each more than 2x heavier compared to the normal Akaija, which means that these Akaija’s have more capacity. What does that mean?

Let me compare it to a bathtub where the tap is wide open and the drain plug has been removed. A lot of water is flowing in, but it flows out just as quickly. If you compare water with energy, you can compare the bathtub to your energy reservoir.

Under healthy conditions, your aura, your energy system can handle large amounts of energy. When I talk about energy, don’t just think of energy from radiation, but also of energies from other people, from the Earth, from nature, from information flows, from smells, sounds, thoughts, food, etc. As living beings on Earth, we deal with energies every second, in whatever form. Radiation is just one type of energy.

But now compare all those types of energy with water. Water flows into the bathtub and out of it. Energy flows into your aura and flows out again. You, the human or the soul that you are, do something with that. It gives you information, knowledge, you resonate with it or not. One nourishes you and the other costs you energy. But if you feel good, you can handle all those energy flows well. Your aura filters what is too much.

Note… it is not about holding onto energy. Energy – translate it as Love – cannot be held onto and does not need to be because it is infinite. Everything is energy! Be like a hollow bamboo stalk… let it flow through you and do with it what you feel you ‘must’ do. Let it go again, and you create space for new energy. Then everything flows.

Now suppose there is a problem in your life. For example, you are stressed by an unpleasant comment from your employer who thinks you did something wrong. Or perhaps someone from your friends or family has passed away. Or maybe you have neglected yourself and have not thought enough about yourself and your rest…. Such things can cause you to become overloaded with ‘energy’ of a certain kind. That overload is like pollution in the water (pollution is everything that you do not know how to handle well), which hinders the flow of energy. In other words, the drain can become clogged. If the water cannot drain properly, the bathtub will slowly fill up, and at a certain point, the bathtub will overflow.

This doesn’t happen quickly. In general the unhealthy situation will have lasted for several weeks or months before the bath overflows. The normal Akaija is quite strong.

If this happens, you get a flood in your house. Or if that happens energetically, you get an energy overflow in your energy system or aura. This usually manifests as unexplained fatigue, a down feeling, sadness, depression, and especially having too little energy. And that while you are wearing an Akaija! That is very strange.

If you take off your Akaija, you will probably start to feel better (lighter) within a quarter of an hour. If you look at your Akaija, you will almost always see that your Akaija does not look clean: dull, dirty, and sometimes even a bit blackish. You have not cleaned it properly. Especially during periods of extra stress, illness, and problems, it is important to pay good attention to your Akaija and to clean it physically if necessary, with a cloth and some copper or silver polish. And preferably also with a cord to clean it from the inside. When it looks nice again, its function is restored.

Returning to the difference between the normal and the bold Akaija: a bold Akaija, and also the Akaija-Iloa, could be compared to a larger bathtub. It can store more unwanted energy, contain more water, before it overflows.

So clean it. And if your situation improves again, you will also notice that your Akaija almost automatically becomes clearer again. So pay attention to your Akaija.

Now the Akaija-Iloa

The normal and bold Akaija’s are left-turning. Perhaps the right word is ‘right-turning’, but that is just a word. It has a certain direction. It is actually ‘out of balance’. To be able to walk, you first have to bring yourself out of balance; otherwise, you cannot lift one leg to take a step. Being out of balance is therefore not wrong; it is necessary to get moving. And while walking, you will tilt to the left and then to the right. But while walking, you still remain in balance by switching your balance left and right.

The Akaija-Iloa has both directions simultaneously within it. So you will first have to bring it out of balance. But unconsciously, everyone has already done that because everyone (as far as we know) buys an Akaija for their health, protection, etc. So an Akaija has already received a task.

Compare the Akaija-Iloa to a large snowball at the top of a mountain. If it is perfectly balanced, it will stay there. As soon as you metaphorically blow against it, it will start rolling in a certain direction. Giving a task is comparable to that little push. If you want, you could give an Akaija-Iloa a wish, for example, to help you with… etc. But we always say: take responsibility for what you wish! The Akaija-Iloa will likely (because we do not know exactly how that happens either) strengthen your wish. And what you wish will somehow come back to you. So always be aware of what you wish for. What you radiate, you attract.

But you do not ‘have to’ activate the Akaija-Iloa with a wish. Just keep it close to your heart. That is actually enough.

Since 2017, the Chram or Akaija-Chram has been added to the instruments with a clear healing effect. Some people are now wondering which instrument/jewelry is most suitable for them.

We have received a number of striking reactions about the Chram. It can have a quite intense effect that people are not prepared for. What it appears to do, to begin with, is to cleanse you of old traumas and burdensome energies. It can happen that you suddenly confront an old sorrow, an old pain, an old anger, an emotion that has been buried for a long time. Such energies play a burdensome role in your life, and the Chram brings them to consciousness so that they can be processed.

After this… cleansing, the Chram seems (at this moment) to play a protective role, helping you to be more in your own energy, providing a sense of protection/embrace to be who you are.

The Akaija and Akaija-Iloa can also bring old traumas to consciousness, but this does not seem to be their standard effect. These Akaija’s primarily aim to help you become aware of your blueprint, your life purpose. If you have ‘deviated’ from that, the Akaija will try to guide you, slow you down, or push you forward. If an old trauma has, as it were, overshadowed your blueprint, the Akaija can also work on this. However, in daily life, the Akaija mainly has an additive/protective value for your energy field, but this protection arises from strengthening your energy field.

If you do not know what to choose for yourself or for someone else, we advise you to choose the regular Akaija or Akaija-Iloa. Do not buy a Chram as a gift just because it looks nice. Akaija’s, and certainly the Akaija-Chram, are not ‘ordinary’ jewelry for outward display. They are instruments or tools that are connected to Light Power, universal life energy. Connecting with this has consequences… positive consequences, but not everyone is always waiting for that.

After someone in the past purchased an Akaija from us and, without asking us, registered the name ‘Akaija’ as a trade name with the Chamber of Commerce and subsequently started selling plastic jewelry under the name ‘Akaija’, it was time for us to determine our position on this matter. How do you protect something that has been given from the Light? Should you even protect it? It is given from the Light, from a divine source.

Hence our next words…

To begin with, every design, as well as all the images and information on this website, is protected by copyright. Therefore, before you wish to use anything from our website, we ask you to contact us.

Additionally, there is something else at play that is at least as important…

The Akaija is a gift from the Hereafter, from Spirit.

We, Wim and Marianne, consider ourselves the protectors or guardians of the Akaija and its energy. Not as owners. But… speaking in earthly legal terms, we are indeed the ‘owners’.

Listen to your heart and be integral with everything you do, including this.

Earthly laws cannot truly protect the Akaija from misuse. If someone really wants to, there is always a way. Cosmic laws work differently and go beyond what people call: yours/mine, ownership, possession, rightful, correct, legally established, black/white, boundaries, etc. To be in harmony with those laws, you will have to live by them, and that means ‘living from your heart’.

We cannot tell you here what you should or should not do, what is right. Because our answer to this question may be different for everyone. It depends on what you do and plan to do. What is your goal? What is your intention? Why do you want this or that? And how will you then deal with what you have started? And even then, we have no control over what you will actually do with it afterward. Every project in life can start with pure intentions, but when the tide changes, the markers are often moved. We do not know that, but your Higher Self, your pure inner Voice does know that. So if you ask us about this, we will ask you to listen to that: to your Heart.

What we appreciate and advise is that you approach us with your plans, questions, and reflections regarding the use of the Akaija as a symbol and as a name.

Our society is undergoing fundamental changes because the Earth is being depleted by human actions. Our inner knowing tells us that the old societal laws will fundamentally change and that to continue living together on this planet, we will need to grow towards a society that lives from the heart. Possession will then be interpreted differently, and mutual respect will increasingly nourish our actions.

The Akaija is protected in this way.

We will not claim that we always do it right. We also make mistakes, and as soon as we realize them, we correct our actions, adjust things, as we better understand the task we have taken on with the Akaija. Cosmic laws are not learned overnight. Our goal is always to remain pure in our actions. If we do not, we too will face the consequences of those cosmic laws and may find ourselves completely ‘alone’, not living from Akaija – We are One.

When you’re interested to learn about this in more detail, then we encourage you to read our Mission and Vision.

Actually, we should include this question as part of the ‘experiences’, and that will still happen, but it’s nice to pay some attention to it here.

What we have heard several times is that cats often react ‘strangely’ to people wearing an Akaija. We heard from a woman who is friends with a cat owner that whenever she visited, the cat would immediately disappear and not show itself again. The cat simply wanted nothing to do with her. When she first visited wearing an Akaija around her neck, this cat did something it had never done before: it sat down on the ground in front of the woman and stared at her intently for a long time. The owner remarked in surprise, “What is that cat doing, how strange!” She said she had never seen her cat do anything like that.

Eventually, the cat turned around, wanted to walk away, but then reconsidered and turned back to look at her again.

We have heard similar accounts from people visiting cats. It is also striking that it often happens that cats want to touch the Akaija the whole time. Well, cats tend to like things that hang and move (as I know from years of experience, because I love cats), but it becomes something else when horses start to exhibit this behavior. This happened to a man who came to our home one day. He told us that he had been walking in a forest where half-tame/wild horses roam. These horses came up to him and licked his chest where the Akaija was hanging. He found it so bizarre that he excitedly recounted it in vivid detail.

Horses react very sensitively to the Akaija. In 2006, we conducted a small experiment in consultation with a number of horse owners. In exchange for a regular ‘update’, these horses were given an Akaija to see how they would react. The reactions were remarkable. For two horses belonging to one owner, Akaijas were put on them, but without consulting the horses themselves. One horse took 5 minutes, and the other horse took 24 hours, but once they discovered what was going on, they quickly rubbed off and trampled their Akaija. They felt something, didn’t understand it, and wanted it off immediately. In hindsight, this should have been discussed with the horses, namely that they were getting something that would help them.

A horse owner in Zeeland, with three horses in the pasture, received 2 Akaijas. She did consult her horses about this. Two of her horses had some issues, not very extreme, but still troublesome. One horse was already quite old and had various health complaints. The other horse had not been treated well by the previous owner in its youth and had behavioral problems. The third horse had no issues at all, which is why we didn’t think it was necessary to give it an Akaija. That was a wrong assumption. This third horse was very upset and disappointed, probably even jealous, and constantly licked the other horses where the Akaija was hanging. We received a phone call about what was going on and decided to send another Akaija. When this horse also had an Akaija on, it was incredibly proud, and we heard enthusiastic stories about how it walked around the pasture. It now felt like it belonged.

Interestingly, it was no longer allowed to touch the Akaijas. As soon as it did, it was gently but firmly bitten by the other horses. So, no touching. (We have heard this reaction from several horse owners.) It was notable that the area around the Akaija on one of the other horses was noticeably much warmer for many days or even several weeks than the rest of its coat. Both horses temporarily experienced old ailments and complaints returning. One of the horses could not stand up for a whole day. Also, for a while, pus came out of a small wound, which the owner said was a good sign of detoxification. She only had to clean the wound, and after some time, it closed on its own. The other horse has become much calmer and also much more manageable. The woman said that continuous improvements were visible across the board. Even after more than two months. And even a year later, she was still very happy with the Akaijas. Another reaction was observed in two old shepherd dogs (from different owners) with incontinence problems. These incontinence issues have completely or almost completely disappeared in both dogs.

By the way, if you would like to order an Akaija specifically for your pet or, for example, for your horse: we have a special arrangement for this. Please inquire about it.

Especially for animals, we have unpolished bronze Akaijas available. Bronze is a hard metal, so difficult to bend, and that is especially necessary for horses. These Akaijas are available at a much lower rate.

The Akaija is much more than a piece of jewelry. The word ‘jewelry’ is an incorrect term for the Akaija. It is an energy jewel, a harmonizer, a tool, an Aura healer, and a message from the Cosmos. It is also a scale model of the Earth-spanning network of energy or ley lines of the Tilted Equator from ancient times. And… it works! Akaija & Art has been built from the ground up precisely to bring the Akaija into the world, i.e., design and development, legal advice, profit margins, research, taxes, brand and model protection, advertising, web design, travel costs, etc., and above all… countless hours.

We still do almost everything ourselves, but for production in larger quantities, we have sought help abroad.

All precious metal objects or ‘jewelry’ from Akaija & Art are handmade. By that, we mean that they are usually cast based on a master model and then sanded, polished, set with stones, etc. Purely mechanical finishing would even be impossible for the Akaija, but at the same time, also undesirable. Each piece of jewelry requires a lot of care, attention, and time and is subsequently personally checked and activated by us. There is a whole story behind it, and if you are interested, we recommend reading the fascinating illustrated report Akaija Goes India.

No. Don’t do it.

It is of course your own decision, but if you ask for our advice in this matter, this is our answer. Your Akaija is personal. When you have worn your Akaija for a while and lend it to someone else, there is a good chance that it will still work well for that person, but when you get it back, you will most likely notice that your Akaija no longer fits you. We have heard this multiple times, and to summarize, the findings come down to: ‘It no longer feels like mine.’ ‘It now feels like I have a dead thing hanging around my neck.’ ‘It no longer does anything.’

This is probably related to our guides and mentors. They ensure that you receive something that they find important for you. When you give it away…

The intention with which you do something like this also plays an important role. It is a very loving act to give your Akaija to someone who is sick. That will certainly be appreciated, also by your guides, and the Akaija may work excellently for that person. But perhaps it now has to work very hard, and it is not unthinkable that the Akaija absorbs toxins and/or energies as part of its function for that person. Regular cleaning can help (and is even a pressing recommendation), but sometimes that is not enough. So keep that in mind.

By the way, you don’t have to worry that temporarily giving your Akaija to someone else, for example, to show and feel it, will negatively affect its function. Almost everyone does this as far as we know.

Yes… but… this requires some explanation.

We (Wim & Marianne) have come into contact over the years with various people who were severely troubled by what they call dark forces. They hope for help from the energy of the Akaija.

Many people (especially sensitive individuals), and those who search for it on the internet can completely lose themselves in it, are aware of, for example, the Illuminati, the ‘secret’ government, the Bilderberg conferences, HAARP, 9/11, MH17, Maui, LA and Paris as false-flag operations, vaccinations, Nibiru, Annunaki, etc. etc. So various matters that seemingly play a dark role in enslaving humanity. At least… that is the story, without wanting to deny or confirm it here. These people are very much aware of it, they know everything about it, and see evidence everywhere that these forces have targeted them personally.

The consequence of having a lot of knowledge in a certain area is that you can start to resonate with it. In this case, because it concerns such dark facts, it can lead to seeing dark things everywhere, being harassed, being overwhelmed by creepy insects, being beamed at, being psychically eavesdropped on, etc. etc…. searching for something behind everything. You delve into darkness, you start thinking about it, and before you know it, you are caught up in it and you go under because of it. You could say that these people suffer from paranoia, but that is a label that does not do them justice, perhaps applied by people who have no insight into the backgrounds and are not affected themselves.

Resonating with… due to being excessively preoccupied with… results in attracting darkness into your life. Your life becomes dominated by it. You see evidence everywhere. The strange thing is that you create the world around you that indeed is as you think. ‘Thought creates’ is a principle that you can take literally. Sensitive people are often very strong in creating their own reality. It is their strength, but also their pitfall. The consequence: you can no longer resist anything, and living on Earth becomes hell. We have seen and heard examples of people who lie in bed all day, who touch nothing related to electronics, who wrap themselves in foil for protection against radiation, who have lost their friends, who see creepy beings, lice, intruders everywhere, who have fled to a remote area, who no longer leave their homes, who have gone completely ‘crazy’ from… without wanting to label them as ‘crazy’, because however you look at it: their complaints are indeed present. Their world is real. And we (Linda and Wim) have personally experienced how (in our case due to the actions of an ‘astral doctor’) you can make your life on Earth a hell.

But still… you allow it yourself. You are always responsible for what you let in. Moreover… you are responsible for the world you live in, but explaining that is another story. In the regular circuit, people with these complaints are often dismissed as crazy, and in that circuit, doctors unfortunately cannot do much more than what the protocol prescribes: providing pills, such as tranquilizers or stronger ones. Or otherwise, having them admitted, but that often turns out completely wrong for these people.

In addition, there is radiation in this world, abundant and present everywhere, and it is very real, not visible, but definitely palpable, and to a greater extent threatening for sensitive people, but also for plants and animals. They react to it. Your heart reacts to it, all scientifically proven, but not generally recognized. I have seen with my own eyes what radiation did to my deceased friend.

In fact, our ‘modern’ society does not know what to do with these people. That people and animals can become ill from radiation is widely denied (financial interests) and the unseen world, etheric bodies, reincarnation, etc., is also regularly denied, and from such a position, a regular doctor usually cannot help these people, although an increasing number of doctors are indeed aware of it, don’t be mistaken!

The answer to all this radiation violence may not always be effective, and not equally for everyone, but fundamentally one thing is of great importance, and that is to keep your own energy field strong. Or to strengthen it. With a strong energy field, you are able to filter out what does not belong to you, to keep it away. There are various ways to achieve that, not always easy, but one way is: stand in the Light. Connect with Light! There are thousands of ways to do that, but you start by wanting to!

My (Wim’s) mission is to remind people that we are beings of light, and to create something as an artist that reminds people of our origin: the stars, the Light. In simpler terms: to create paintings and objects that can help you reconnect with that Light. And it certainly does not have to be about religiously tinted artifacts that believers like to surround themselves with, although there is nothing wrong with that, as that is their way of connecting with Light. But differently believing people may become shy of it. Religious people in the Western-oriented world deny the existence of reincarnation, auras, clairvoyance, etc.

In ancient Lemuria, for example, people were very etheric, functioning at a high vibration. Yet it could happen that people threatened to lose that high vibration, and what helped against that were (among other things) everyday objects that had a higher vibrational energy in them, to which they could consciously or unconsciously reconnect. So, for example, beautifully shaped and painted amphorae, cups, harmonious music. That was the task of artists. And in fact, we are all artists: poets, storytellers, cooks, musicians, actors, architects, and so on. Also think of Rivendell (in Lord of the Rings) with its beautiful Jugendstil-like forms. Our society is very industrialized, so we have become accustomed to forms that depend on what machines can produce. Hence our rectangular houses, windows, and objects, because the motto is ‘efficiency’: uniform and cheap. But nature is by no means rectangular, and therefore it gives us Strength.

In this world, you see many examples of lower energies: energies that do not help us to rise to a higher level. Although… those energies also have a task: namely to help you become aware, to help you make a choice of ‘I never want that again’ or ‘I choose this!’. Every experience, however seemingly negative, helps you to become aware. The image next to this (Blue Star) is an example of that. A seemingly negative experience (the impact of a star, caused by an ‘accidentally’ spilled drop of ink during painting) results in the heart opening and overflowing with Light in all colors of the rainbow. It only depends on how you deal with that experience. If you take on the victim role, you will not get any further. You can also deal with it differently, and then such an experience can work to your advantage. This painting was made for a beginning medium that initially connected with lower forces and was almost overwhelmed by them.

The best protection against such energies is to no longer connect with them. So once again: stand in the Light! Build a wall of the purest and whitest Light you can imagine around your house and do it with humor. Positive humor is a very powerful tool. Do not think about negative energies in this world anymore. You do not have to deny them, but do not invest energy and time in them. Pay attention to your thoughts, all day long. Stay aware of how you react to, how you judge what you read and see, how much you are influenced by, for example, violence on TV. Do not judge anymore, let it be, and choose something more positive on TV (or turn it off). Shut yourself off from violence and negative news in the newspaper. Look for positive news and talk to people who have a positive outlook on life. Strengthen each other in positive thinking, give compliments, light a candle for someone in need, accept loving help. Ask for help from Above. Meditate, pray, recite mantras. Preferably eat vegetables and fruit, and if you eat meat… then preferably no meat that contains suffering and death agony. All these things help because they are nourishing and giving, and thus your energy field becomes stronger.

What happens to these people is that they have become so entangled with dark energy that their energy field has become less light. And dark cannot emit light. I do not mean to say that these people are negative! Quite the opposite. They are often sensitive people who become victims of… precisely because they are sensitive. Their energy field is no longer nourished with Light. In other words… they no longer have an energy field around them. And thus… everything comes in unfiltered and hard, with the current radiation from GSM, 4G, DECT, etc. leading the way, because that radiation is indeed very strong and you need a strong aura to withstand it.

Because their situation is so extreme, these people often see no other way out than to end it, legally or illegally. Linda, my deceased friend, also frequently toyed with this thought and endlessly confronted me with it. She even wanted me to do it for her. But I did what I could to keep her from it. One night I received help: I was shown in a ‘dream’ a future in which I…

Visualizing the normal Akaija

Start by creating a horizontal glowing circle around you.

Follow the movement of the circle counterclockwise, so in front of you to the left and behind you to the right.

After one or more revolutions, you depart (this is a moment of choice) from a point on the circle approximately to your right.

Then you go in an arc to the upper left behind your head and back down again.

You go well below the chair or bed, right in the middle below you, and then you come up slightly to the left of the center in front of you. In doing so, you first cross the horizontal circle and immediately after that the first upward arc.

Finally, you go in an arc to the upper right behind your head to the left-back and you land with a nice gentle landing first along the intersection of the descending first arc and immediately after that you land back on the circle, but then clockwise, so the direction is now reversed.

Note 1
Starting counterclockwise is how the Akaija works, but you can of course also start clockwise.
We still know too little about the other direction; it may work better, for example, in the Southern Hemisphere, or for certain people, or for a specific purpose, whatever that may be. More on this later. It concerns the left- and right-handedness (chirality) of, for example, molecules, high- and low-pressure areas, etc. Very important!
Keep in mind that the only thing needed is that moment of choice… (is symbolically the choice to no longer be afraid of change) after that the movement unfolds ‘by itself’.

We appreciate it if you would like to share your experiences with us.

Visualizing the double Akaija or Akaija-Iloa

We do not show it here as a photo because you can visualize it more easily without an image. This exercise can also be done in a wheelchair or while lying in bed. You are not your body, but much more than that. If you can stand, do so; if not, imagine that you are standing as described below, or lying down if you want to do it in a horizontal direction.

1. Stand upright with your legs wide apart and your arms stretched out to the left and right.

2. Imagine that you are in a bulging shape. Along the bulging outer edge, you will now draw energy paths, so do not draw straight lines from foot to hand; always follow the spherical shape.

3. Start at your head and draw a line along the inside of the sphere to your left foot.

4. The energy path or line continues, but now goes behind (following the spherical shape) to your right hand.

5. and in front to your left hand

6. then behind to your right foot

7. and in front to your head.

Note 1: you have now gone around once in the Yang (or maybe it is the Yin) movement. You have visualized one of the two single Akaija’s. Now we will do the other…

8 Now you continue in the same way (just continue where you left off), but now you start from your head behind to your left foot. And so you continue. I will not describe them anymore because you can figure it out yourself. Thinking for yourself and puzzling is good for you :-). There are 5 large circles to be made, which together form a 5-pointed star or pentagram. The centers of these 5 circles are your head, hands, and feet.
Center head > the circle goes via left and right hand
Center left hand > the circle goes via head and left foot
Center left foot > the circle goes via right foot and left hand
Center right foot > the circle goes via left foot and right hand
Center right hand > the circle goes via head and right foot

Note 2: You can expand this exercise by choosing a different direction each time you reach one of the anchor points (hands, feet, head). The ongoing movement will always bring you to one of the other 5 circles that make up this shape. You can also choose to temporarily stay on the same circle and then choose to continue via the other circles. For example, at your head, instead of going to the left foot, go to the right foot, or vice versa. But for now, start with the first shape. For this exercise, however, do not draw lines to the nearest body part (e.g., from your head to one of your hands).

This exercise is a very powerful meditative exercise that you can also do with groups of people. Do not let anyone convince you that the pentagram (because that is what you are visualizing around you) is negative. It is not. Read with all certainty what we have written about the pentagram, a little further down this page. That knowledge is essential foundational knowledge for this exercise. There is a lot to tell about this. It is important that it can provide you with very powerful protection and help you connect with Light. However, believers have been made afraid of it, and unfortunately, that is difficult to break through.

This is the real pentagram, the 3-dimensional 5-pointed star. All images and symbols of pentagrams in books and on the internet… are depicted flat, sometimes with lines crossing in front and behind each other, suggesting depth. They symbolize a 3-dimensional shape that contains both yin and yang energy! And then you are talking about the Akaija and Akaija-Iloa: about We are One. This shape is even anchored around the Earth, recorded in megalithic structures on the Great Circle of ancient structures or also known as the Tilted Equator.

If you link this shape to the knowledge of the 5 elements, with its nourishing versus depleting, as well as its harmonizing versus conflicting energy movements, and what the 5 elements stand for, then I suspect that you will quickly gain more insight into this extremely important knowledge for the world. Unfortunately, my knowledge of the 5-element theory is currently too limited, which is why I only mention it here.

In most cases, we assume that an Akaija goes well with (not too many) other special jewelry. However, we have occasionally heard from people that Akaija does not go well with their existing jewelry. This could be due to the Akaija or the other piece of jewelry, but it could also have to do with the person themselves, without implying that the person is not okay. On some days, it may simply be better to wear either an Akaija or no Akaija at all. Everyone is different.

If you feel that you can better wear the Akaija alone, or one day wear an Akaija and the next day another piece of jewelry with special properties… listen to your feelings. If you prefer not to have anything around your neck at night… take it off. Feel free to experiment, think for yourself, and don’t be afraid to act according to your feelings.

Especially in the beginning, we advise letting the Akaija do its work and not having too many other things alongside it. Sometimes people experience certain reactions after wearing the Akaija for the first time. This is generally good, but occasionally those reactions can be unpleasant. Apparently, something is being processed that is now the right time for. It doesn’t seem wise to have more alongside it at that moment. Don’t overdo it.

Perhaps a crooked comparison, but my (Wim) personal experience with the Akaija was (right at the beginning, in 2006) that I couldn’t sleep for a second for three days and nights. I was polishing the very first 50 Akaijas from the foundry during those days. Only on the third night did I realize it was due to the Akaijas… (I just couldn’t understand it).

But you understand that during those days I shouldn’t have had another piece of jewelry with specific properties alongside it. This was intense enough. At the same time, it convinced me that the Akaija is evidently a powerful tool… a valuable experience.

We have now heard from various people that they became very tired from the Akaija from the moment they came into contact with it. A very friendly, but very hardworking woman who never reported being sick, even told over the phone that she had worn the Akaija for a week and during that week had done nothing but sleep apart from working, and even had difficulty keeping her eyes open during the day. For the first time in her life, she even stayed home for a day. After that week, she also discarded the Akaija; she was fed up and did not want to be dictated to by such a piece of metal.

What stands out to us upon inquiry is that all these people lead a very hectic existence, often have responsible positions, and are not quick to take time for themselves.

This effect of the Akaija is related to harmonization. In Russia, the Akaija is referred to as a harmonizer, as we learned. The energy pathways are opened, restored, strengthened, etc. by the Akaija. You can compare it to a blood vessel system. People with clogged energy pathways have little energy. By wearing the Akaija, they will notice that they gain more energy. However, if people demand too much from themselves and do not want to listen to what their body is asking of them, they open their energy pathways a bit further and can continue for a long time on pure willpower. However, this is a form of exploitation and causes changes in the energy pathways over time. The Akaija restores these energy pathways. Those people will notice that they need a lot of sleep to begin with, sometimes even extremely much.

If you do not want that, we can only say: Do not wear an Akaija.

By the way, the woman mentioned above was out of commission for a month a few weeks after that phone call. Burnout. But fortunately, she had already been somewhat warned.

Not everyone will notice that the Akaija helps them. There are several reasons for this:

If you do not have a headache and you take a paracetamol, you will not notice anything from that paracetamol. In other words, especially people who feel good and have a healthy energy system will not always notice much from the Akaija. However, what we often hear is that they simply find it a very beautiful piece of jewelry and feel attracted to it. The symbolism appeals to them. Moreover, the Akaija will still provide them with protection, even if they do not notice anything. In very simple terms: The Akaija keeps your energy system going.

Another reason that the Akaija does not work in some cases, while those people are very sick, may be that the Akaija is not allowed to work, or only works to a very small extent. This is a loaded statement that we certainly do not want to use as an excuse in case the Akaija does not work as you hope it will, because perhaps certain expectations are raised in you by all this information.

The thought here is this: We are on Earth in a school of learning, and sometimes a certain illness is part of the curriculum. Our guides in the Light World oversee that curriculum, that plan that has to do with the reason we are born on Earth, e.g., overcoming fear, learning to accept, learning to cope with, becoming stronger in… whatever. They will ensure that the Akaija does not conflict with that. But just as well, the Akaija can be part of that same plan and you receive relief or help at the right moment through an instrument like the Akaija.

A frequently heard statement from people is that they feel immensely attracted to it when they first saw an Akaija, or a photo of it. It just stayed in their mind. If you had that feeling when you first saw an Akaija, you can assume that a gentle impulse was placed in you by… your guide? It is not for nothing a piece of jewelry from the Light World, made to help us humans on Earth, to provide relief. Then an Akaija does not just come your way.

This is complicated material that has to do with the purpose for which we are on Earth, the meaning of being ill, growing in consciousness… and Love. This can be a very burdensome subject for you to confront, as some of you might be seriously ill, experiencing unpleasant things (or know people who are…) and may wonder why God, the All-Powerful, allows all this. My deceased friend Linda (and I no less) asked herself this question endlessly when she was sick and in tremendous pain and could not sleep.
I will suffice to touch on this in just a few sentences. If you have questions about this or want to talk about it, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

PS. for the pessimists among us: do not immediately think that if you do not notice or feel much from the Akaija, that you therefore have a ‘serious illness’. Or that if your Akaija gets crushed under a table leg, it is therefore not meant for you. Indeed, it may be that you no longer need the Akaija, need to put it away temporarily, or may not have it for whatever reason. But… perhaps you should keep it closer to you instead of constantly placing it somewhere else. Or perhaps you just need to learn to be careful… In other words, do not generalize too quickly, but keep thinking and feeling.

The silver Akaija is made of 1st grade or sterling silver, which means that 92.5% silver is processed in it. This is common for silver jewelry. The other 7.5% mainly consists of copper, and sometimes minimal amounts of other metals are added that influence the liquidity of the silver during casting, the hardness, the ductility, etc. Pure silver is indeed ‘butter soft.’ Moreover, no nickel and cadmium are used in the Akaija’s.

Additionally, the current Akaija’s are provided with a super thin layer of rhodium. Rhodium is also a (expensive) precious metal, is slightly harder than silver and somewhat more scratch-resistant, and also provides better protection against silver tarnishing, which is simply a property of silver. Silver can sometimes turn black. A polisher from the royal house once said that if it has snowed outside, he then had extra work because silver quickly turns black. Sounds strange, but he would know.

During the warm summer of 2006, we received a lot of questions from people whose Akaija had become dull. This is presumably related to the sweaty warm weather. So that is one possible cause.

In the meantime (at the moment I am writing this, it is – a rather cool – summer 2007), we have brought quite a few Akaija’s into circulation, and through people’s experiences, we are beginning to suspect that the dulling of the Akaija may also be related to a number of other causes.

Just a reminder… the story below is not scientific, but based on our findings, in response to your questions and experiences.

There are certain types of people who seem to be extra sensitive to the dulling of their silver Akaija:
– people who deal with a lot of stress or carry unresolved traumas (e.g., grief processing)
– people who are exposed to a lot of electromagnetic radiation. Think of high-voltage lines nearby, railway lines, computers, DECT phones, transmission towers, etc. It is even the case that an Akaija lying in front of a poor-quality monitor can become very dull over time. It doesn’t even need to be worn.
– People who use a lot of medications, although this probably does not apply to all medications.
– People who are addicted to, for example, cigarettes, alcohol, etc.
– People who are very depressed (but these people often also use medications and often smoke more. No judgment here, but it is just a fact and very understandable. Everything is interconnected after all.
– People who are very sensitive or even mediumistic and are exposed to ‘attacks’ from entities because they do not yet know how to shield themselves against it.

What the Akaija does is protect these people from these influences, as it absorbs these energies and tries to send them away, transferring them to the cosmos. At the same time, its own energy system is strengthened, making it harder for new negative energies to anchor themselves in your system.

Normally, the dull shine is best removed by applying a bit of silver polish on a cord or string and moving it back and forth through the Akaija. I personally use a bench vise to clamp one end and use special polishing pastes, but your Akaija has already been polished, and for restoring the shine, silver polish is sufficient. Clamping one end of the cord under your foot is also handy. You need three ‘hands’: two for holding the cord and one to move the Akaija back and forth.

In rare cases, even that is pointless because ‘it’ (the substance, the color, the energy) has been drawn through the metal. The latter was the case with a man who smoked a lot of cigarettes and drank an average of 4 to 6 beers a day and had been doing so for years. His Akaija had not only become very dull after three months but even bright yellow. I spent minutes polishing with a polishing machine to get it clear again, but that did not work at all. There was not even a visible effect, while polishing agents usually quickly wear away a layer of silver. Apparently, the Akaija either absorbed the nicotine through sweat or the bile from his system, because with excessive use of medications, cigarettes, alcohol, but also due to, for example, chemotherapy, the liver comes under significant pressure. That organ tries to eliminate toxins (by the way, negative energies and stress are also ‘poison’ for the liver). He now has a new Akaija that is also turning yellow, but not as quickly as the first. We have heard the same from more people, but not always observed it ourselves.

We have not yet heard that the gold one has become dull.

What matters is that this phenomenon is part of the functioning of the Akaija, what it does or can do for you if necessary. After all, it is not just a piece of jewelry, but primarily a cosmic instrument meant to help you.

Our family/friends in Australia, Jaap and Irma, recently told us about their experiences in Australia. They sometimes visit remote farms that are not connected to the electricity grid. Instead, they use solar energy, which is based on direct current instead of alternating current with a certain (alternating) frequency. They noticed that there is such a pleasant calm on all those farms. It ‘feels’ different there, quieter. Jaap and Irma themselves also live quite remotely, but they are connected to the electricity grid. However, sometimes it falters, and then the power goes out. One day they even had a power outage that lasted all day, and they noticed that by the end of that day, they had become incredibly calm. They found that really striking. What I think is that the Akaija gives you that same calm. Throughout Europe, the ether is disturbed by the vibrations of electromagnetism, from electricity networks. Those vibrations reach very far and merge together, forming a large blanket of electrical mist, electrosmog, over the continent, with so-called hot spots in many places… where radiation levels are unprecedentedly high.

Since mobile telephony, in addition to electricity networks, GSM transmission masts have been added, which also emit these vibrations. Currently, there is a lot of effort to declare the UMTS transmission masts ‘safe’ as well. There is an insane amount of money involved in this. We are therefore exposed to an abundance of vibrations, and only more are coming. All those vibrations affect us, but we are no longer even aware of it. Only when we can stay far away in the vast nature do we find peace. The vacation itself brings that with it, of course, but it is also the absence of such influences. However, even at our vacation addresses, there are now transmission masts. And in space, there is a shield of hundreds of satellites…

Compare it to the water of an indoor swimming pool early in the morning. That water is completely still, as smooth as a mirror. You can see every object on the bottom sharply. If you disturb the water with one finger, it begins to ripple from that point in concentric circles. If you add multiple fingers at different places along the edge, the water becomes increasingly restless. The circles reach each other, and at those places, the waves become twice as high (hot spots). The entire pool has become restless; the bottom is invisible. It is the same with all artificial radiation around and above us… the contact with the cosmos is blocked.

From the many reactions of people who wear an Akaija, it appears that by far the most heard reaction is that people feel ‘calmer’. We suspect that it is the calm of being connected with the cosmos and with the vibrational field of the Earth itself (the Schumann frequency). Those are our sources of life energy that are drowned out by electromagnetic vibrations. We lose contact with ‘above’ (the bottom is invisible), and our body becomes unbalanced. Research has shown that people who stay day and night in a so-called Faraday cage, and are also shielded from daylight, develop a very different sleep pattern after a number of days. They are shielded from the Schumann frequency, the basic rhythm of the Earth. In remote areas, where the blanket of electrosmog is virtually absent, on mountain tops without transmission masts, at sea, in nature reserves, you can still connect with that energy field. There you find peace, there you can meditate, there you reconnect in silence with…

‘That future is a mystery to us; we do not understand why all the buffalo have been slaughtered, the wild horses tamed, the hidden corners of the forest filled with human scents, and the view over the green hills drowned out by talking wires.’ (Chief Seattle, during a speech to the white chief, 1851)

The Akaija gives you that connection back with the cosmic energy field surrounding us. Your energy is replenished, flows better, and you are less sensitive to disturbances, including electrosmog. The Akaija does not neutralize that radiation but strengthens your own energy field, precisely because of that connection. Because for now, we will not be able to do much against the influence of so many billions of euros that are at the basis of mobile telephony. And the electricity grid is still necessary now. But it would be fascinating to outline a future with a world that has renewed its contact with cosmic energy. Then we as a civilization will truly move forward, instead of being increasingly shielded from the source of our life energy.

The Akaija helps you with that. It is a piece of jewelry from the Light World.

I tried that. In the beginning (late 2005), I made dozens of Akaija’s completely by hand. I spent hours on each Akaija. I have not received any training in Schoonhoven (School for Goldsmiths), but I gained my knowledge through courses, and when I had mastered that a bit, I used Linda’s inheritance to renovate and furnish a room with all the tools, materials, and equipment. Maybe a bit naïve, but it took quite a while for me to understand that almost no goldsmith is able to make every piece of jewelry entirely by hand and continue to enjoy their work while also making a living from it. Almost all jewelry is cast and finished. Unique jewelry does exist, but is usually quite unaffordable. So we started looking: who can reproduce the Akaija for us?

Reproducing jewelry usually means making a mold from a master model, which is then used to create replicas through the lost-wax method and vacuum casting, which are then finished either mechanically or manually.

It would have been a problem to find a foundry for a ‘normal’ piece of jewelry… but for the Akaija, it turned out to be much more difficult. The problem is that the Akaija is a so-called ‘hollow wire shape.’ Europeans think in terms of ‘machines’ to take work off their hands. But… machines cannot handle the Akaija. The shape of the Akaija is the ‘problem.’ It took us a while to discover that, because what turned out (after we confronted 6 foundries and even 2 dental laboratories with the Akaija) was: they can’t do it! Except for one foundry, but none of them could finish it. I felt and knew that there had to be a solution for this, because in the meantime, I had been doing nothing but finishing hundreds of Akaija’s for months. Finding that solution has become a story in itself. It is actually a journey of discovery for two people who do not know what they have gotten themselves into and have to figure everything out themselves, with accompanying mistakes and blunders. And all of this was set in motion by that mischievous deceased friend of mine: Linda. Maybe it’s my own fault, by the way: I asked her to inspire me. And yes, indeed…

It was initially written from internet cafes directed at our friends and ‘Akaija fans,’ so to speak, hmmm… Akaija fan club, sounds good :-). Photos have now been added.

Read Akaija Goes India on this website

This was a comment from someone who apparently stumbled upon our site by accident and wanted to respond briefly. But it is interesting to touch on this… After all, we say of Akaija & Art that we bring ‘healing art’ to the world.

It is already the case that a large part of alternative healthcare works with vibrations and frequencies, because everything in the universe is based on vibration. Do not think of one specific vibrational frequency, but of a harmony of infinitely many vibrations simultaneously.

The combustion process that takes place within a single cell produces a seemingly infinite harmony of light frequencies. Especially the meridians are the light pathways through which that light is distributed over the body. And in the energy field/the aura, that becomes ‘visible’, especially for clairvoyants. However, we unconsciously perceive each other’s energy fields all the time. Moreover, there is equipment that can ‘detect’ this light. We are talking about photons, and sometimes there is talk of bio-photons.

Every combustion process thus generates a vibrational spectrum, but that same combustion process is also driven by a spectrum of light vibrations. It is a continuous interaction of exchanging vibrations.

If the vibrational harmony of a cell (or organ, or whole being) is harmonious or ‘sounds’, or gives a beautiful color, then that cell (or organ) is tuned to the rest of the body and to the soul. If an organ is sick, then the vibration is disharmonious. The same applies to the entire body in relation to the larger whole. Some people do not fit into a certain group. For example, it is better not to place a vegetarian in a group of steak-snacking teenagers. Can you picture it?

Compare it to an orchestra… if every musician knows what he or she is doing, then the music is in harmony. You may find it beautiful or ugly, but the music is in harmony. A dull violinist can undermine such a symphony considerably until he is called to order by the conductor. But strangely enough, a shrill passage, which seemingly sounds false, can serve the function of elevating the entire sound symphony to a higher level. These are often moments that evoke emotion. So even false-sounding tones have a function: they can awaken consciousness in the rest.

With beautiful music, you feel supported, and sometimes emotions come into play. Photos evoke memories. Books let you daydream in adventures. Movies leave less to the imagination, but are certainly capable of ‘touching’ you. Purposeful use of frequencies in music or in images can initiate healing and even cure at a much deeper level than a synthetic drug ever could. This is how shamans worked in the past (and still do), who are laughed at and ignored by current science. A beautiful saying about shamans that I recently read is this: “The shaman understands that nothing is as it seems.”

But perhaps the following comment is better understood by the man who made this remark (the title of this text): Take a random edition of Playboy and study the image that appeals to you the most carefully… what happens to you? And don’t forget to call Lulu Live at 06-69etc. Do you still want to insist that images and sounds do nothing to you? :-))


In 2012 and again in 2019, the Akaija was scientifically researched and certified by the International Society for Electrosmog Research (IGEF). The results were sometimes so astonishing that the researcher had to repeat the measurements multiple times because he could not believe his eyes.

Visit the page of this research HERE TO ADJUST LINKS

and read the remarkable emails during the research from researcher Wulf Dietrich Rose.

Also, excellent water crystal photos of the silver and gold Akaija were taken by Masaru Emoto’s laboratory in Europe. The photo of the gold Akaija is harmoniously comparable to Emoto’s top crystal photo of Love and Gratitude. You can request this from us (email:

In 2022, new photos were taken using the same technique but by a different laboratory. There are no financial restrictions associated with publicly sharing these photos. You can see these photos here, taken from different angles.

You see it correctly…

But it is both an ‘upside-down’ pentagram and an ‘upright’ pentagram. In the advertisements of Akaija & Art, you can see an Akaija where, with little imagination, you can also see an upside-down pentagram. The Akaija as it is worn is, by the way, with the point upwards, so ‘upright’. We consciously chose this at the time, but only much later did we begin to understand why it is good that we did it this way, because it makes something very important clear…

We believe that symbols and numbers are neutral. It is people who pass judgment on them. For example, the number 13 has been made into an unlucky number in popular belief, while it is actually a transformation number where you leave the old behind because you have outgrown it. In Hebrew, it is therefore the number of maturity. But not everyone wants to change and let go of the old. If you are confronted with the loss of your job, it can be interpreted as negative. How do you deal with it? You can be furious at that boss who does it ‘just like that’, or sit in despair because the crisis has now come very close. What often turns out, usually only in hindsight, is that the loss of that job has proven to be a blessing to give your life a new direction.

Maybe you had become terribly sick in that job due to stress and dissatisfaction. Maybe you now have the opportunity to completely change your life with a whole new job, or perhaps as your own boss. But… how do you deal with it? If you keep mourning the loss endlessly while you can’t change anything about it… please change your perspective on life. Turn your inner rudder around and look ahead. Then you transform, and you go along with the movement of the cosmos. Then your guides can finally reach you again to help you. A boat that is stationary does not listen to the rudder, while a boat that is sailing, even if it is in the wrong direction, can be steered and participates in life. It depends on how you deal with it, what you want to see in it.

Another example… Look at the cross to which Jesus was nailed. Originally, it is a symbol of Love, of the sacrifice of Jesus out of Love for humanity. But through all the crusades, witch hunts, inquisitions, the ‘conversion’ or conquest of Native Americans and other indigenous peoples, often with the cross at the forefront, supposedly in the name of God, this cross has taken on a negative connotation. It is now used by various churches, but it is not their property or logo. Jesus was not Catholic, or Lutheran, or Protestant, no matter what ‘people’ want you to believe. His non-judgment, his forgiveness, even towards his betrayers and murderers, his unconditional Love, has made the cross on which he died a symbol of Universal Love.

The pentagram has received something similar. It is an essential symbol in Sacred Geometry, as it consists solely of lines that represent the Phi ratio, and that ratio, which has everything to do with the Golden Ratio, is at the basis of all Creation, which you will quickly discover as you delve into it. For example, read the books of Drunvalo Melchizedek. Moreover, the pentagram, like every symbol, is originally not flat, but three-dimensional. And then you suddenly discover that, if you turn the pentagram ‘upside down’ (but what is upside down?) and tilt it a little towards you, a symbol appears that is nothing less than a heart surrounded by the circle of ‘We’, or “Your heart is protected.” That is the symbol that Linda has passed on. The Akaija contains both symbols, depending on how you look at it. That too is a symbol of Universal Love…

Strange actually when you think about it. Perhaps that was the thought of some forces in the distant past… to appropriate a universal symbol and give it a negative connotation through their actions, so that the healing powers would not be discovered either. Perhaps it is finally time to show the symbol and make clear what it is ultimately about: Universal Love. We are One.

‘We’ ultimately means everyone… so also the villain and the wise, the saint, the murderer, the child, the victim, the bird above you, the tree in your garden, and your deceased father. Oh yes, also the Aboriginal, the Indian, the pale face, the Muslim, the Christian, the Samurai, El Loco, Catweazle, presidents Obama and Putin, the Rockefellers, the Tutsi, the Hutu, the Syrian, and also you with all your good… and your bad qualities.

During our conversations with people about the Akaija and their reactions to it, we notice that there are remarkably many people who suffer from fatigue symptoms, who feel drained, while they are actually very sensitive and spiritual.

Becoming more sensitive means being more open to what is around us, to the world, to people, and also to the invisible, to signals that you pick up. When you are aware of the needs of other people, you can put yourself in their situation, and you understand what concerns those people, you understand their problems, their pains.

What happens then is that you become attractive to people who need help and attention. People with problems can unload those problems on you, and they feel better because they are understood; they find a listening ear, a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on. Someone who has a problem, a sorrow, an illness, who therefore needs help, finds his or her problem important. In their perception, THEIR problem is central. A sick person may be selfish because he or she needs to get better. They, but this applies to everyone, have the right to ask for help. That is fine, as long as they do not go too far in their request for attention. And in this, it is important that they know where the boundary lies. They usually cannot determine that boundary themselves, but it needs to be pointed out to them.

Setting boundaries is what it is called, and sensitive and spiritual people often struggle with that. They sacrifice themselves for the benefit of their fellow human beings. “They need help, don’t they?” they say. “I have to do this, right? That is what is expected, isn’t it? That is good, isn’t it?”

For example, suppose someone calls you with a problem they are facing. You listen to the story, give some advice, empathize… But then it can happen that the other person keeps pulling at you. You want to end the conversation, but you notice that the other person brings up something else, and then something else again. They sense that you find it enough for now, but the conversation does them good; they gain energy from it, etc., so the longer they keep you on the line, the better it is for them. That pulls them out of their loneliness. Sometimes people go even further and threaten with words like, “I need to be able to call you sometimes because when I am in such a deep hole, I need someone. If I stay alone, I don’t know what I will do to myself.” That behavior is called moral blackmail: making you feel guilty if you do not do what they want. And if you give in to that, they have access to your energy.

When you help other people out of love, you pass energy on to the other. That energy you receive from Above, from your guides, and they get it from… the Alkracht, from the Universal Source, God, Allah… Love flows… and flows… that is its nature. You cannot possess or hold onto love. But your guides also know when enough is enough. At that moment, they stop giving energy through you. You know that at such a moment because you then feel, for example, that “this is enough.” Or you become tired. You can no longer hold the attention, etc. Perhaps you have an appointment scheduled or were planning to do something. If you do not listen to that inner voice, to that inner feeling of “this is enough,” you will keep going, thinking that the other person’s problem is your problem. That you “have to” do this. Perhaps you skip that appointment. You change your plans. You twist yourself in knots, etc., to help the other. You keep giving energy, listening, doing whatever… And then you go over your boundaries. But… for that, you are now using your own energy, not the energy that was passed on to you by your guide. Your guide also takes into account the appointments you have, the things you need to do. They also consider what YOU need. You have your own life; that is important. Of course, there are exceptions, emergencies, etc… but if that is the case, then you know that. And sometimes the situation justifies it. But… in those cases, you also receive all the help from above that you need.

Normally, it is not the intention that you completely sacrifice yourself for other people. Their problem is their responsibility, not yours. Because if you have completely given yourself to a few people, and you have not listened to your inner voice, you have continually gone over your boundaries… then ultimately you can no longer do it. You become tired, and increasingly more tired… you can no longer help all those other people who also need help. In the therapist world, there is a word for this: the helper’s hole. That is a so-called hole in the aura, through which all energy drains away. You are open; everyone can steal your energy, everyone can just come in. You do not protect yourself. Sometimes these people even encounter entities, “lifters.” You become prey for everyone. Where are your boundaries?

What can you do about it?
In fact, the answer is very simple: 1. Awareness. 2. Overcoming your fear.
You do not need to worry about what you need to do to set your boundaries. What matters is that you become aware of the moment you go over your boundary. If someone comes to you, or a friend calls who wants to talk to you about his or her problems… and you have the time and opportunity to listen… then listen. Give that person all your attention. But at a certain point, enough is enough. You can feel that moment. If you are sensitive, you can.

Think about whether you can recall such a situation. What did you do then? Did you continue? Why did you not end the conversation? Why did you let this happen? Why did you go there while you were already dead tired? Why did you not come up with another solution? Did YOU have to jump in at that moment? Was that really the right decision? Maybe… but maybe not.

Most of the time, it comes down to fear. Fear of what the other might say about it. Fear of the other’s disapproval. Fear of not being liked. So that has nothing to do with helping, but with your own fear.
Become aware of… Look at all those occasions when you went over your boundaries.
And when you are aware of… then you automatically know what you need to do about it.
It will not be easy at first, but when you overcome your fear, you become stronger. Maybe sometimes you go too far and are too harsh. Another time you wait too long, approach it the wrong way. That’s okay. Keep searching. Keep learning. Stay in Love.

Someone who stands strong in his or her shoes is an example for other people, can help other people, and does not go under themselves.

Why this story now?

We have noticed that the Akaija does not seem to work as strongly for some of those people. But it is striking that conversations and email exchanges often arise that are precisely about this. Could it be due to the Akaija? Who knows.

What the Akaija does is strengthen your energy system, keep your energy flow going. But if you always give away your energy, going over your boundaries, then you will not notice much of it. First, something in yourself needs to change. Then you will notice that over time you have more and more energy. The Akaija confronts you with it, but the real change takes place within yourself.

AuraHealer120Let me begin by saying that we have no affection for the current developments in the world where the WEF tries to influence people’s lives through many organizations.

I have been making rainbows my whole life because they mark very beautiful moments, sometimes even messages from nature. Not coincidentally, the Akaija symbol started on a painting with the color palette of the rainbow, Aura Healer.

The rainbow that you see so much now in combination with a certain political agenda is not a real rainbow, but a diluted version of the rainbow: it has only 6 colors instead of the 7 we are used to. This ‘dilution’ is a common political mechanism that tries to make people lose contact with their inner child, with their Higher Self, with nature.

Where you see this very clearly is in music, when in 1939, just before the war, in England and Germany the fundamental tone frequency for all music and the tuning of instruments for orchestras was changed from 432 Hz to 440 Hz. Later, this was adopted by the entire Western world. You also see it reflected in the impoverishment of language, where, for example, Slavic alphabets are reduced to Latin alphabets with far fewer characters. These are seemingly small changes, but as an artist, I play with colors, and as a writer, I want to be able to express myself creatively to tell you as a reader as accurately as possible what I feel. And my feelings are regularly nourished by inspiration from Above. The purer I can materialize that inspiration into images and words, the more I appreciate it. That is why I also like to use smileys. Not those thousands of variations, just the normal smiley 🙂 with which I can add a bit of humor and sometimes a wink 😉 to the words I write. I use the smiley as the 27th letter of the alphabet. I also use capital letters when certain words refer to something Higher, something that deserves respect.

The 440 frequency has the property that people start to think more intellectually and less in the heart frequency. 1939… that was when World War II began. Hitler also had books burned and artists, artists, clergy, thinkers, etc. arrested.

That does not mean that we have no respect for people with a different than commonly accepted sexual orientation. All respect for them. We even have friends and family members among them. After all, I am the author of ‘Choosing for Free Choice’.

True Free Choice is a cosmic basic right. Free choice cannot be imposed on other people, otherwise, you lose your freedom. Through the 6 colors, humanity is globally imposed a certain choice through the media, and people begin to, cautiously put, ‘stimulate’ each other in that. We do not support that. Let everyone be valued for who they are and try to remain connected to your Inner Child, your Higher Self, the Light in all its shades, with everything that makes life beautiful and good.

At the beginning of my romantic relationship with Linda, I created designs for a publishing company that were published as greeting cards. As I made more and more cards, I began to realize that some designs contained messages that I had not consciously ‘put in’. Not that my technique was so special, but sometimes ‘something’ happened that I had not planned. I also heard from a medium that the name I had once ‘thought up’ for myself as the main character in self-written stories, Amiris, was actually the name of my guide. I began to realize that when I was being creative, I could apparently be inspired, and that there might be more in my drawings than I initially thought.

I am ‘merely’ the artist. But what I draw is placed in me. Someone helps me with that. My guide? I am convinced of that. Not Amiris, but Amhirez is his name. He was once a painter, and from medium Loes van Loon, I learned that I already know him from my time in Egypt, when he and I both worked on Egyptian art, wherever that may have been. On walls? On parchment? No idea. But the art of that time was very rule-bound. It was a form of communication. ‘Artists’ were not free to just do what they wanted. But within the rules, the skill of the artists also came to the fore, and their skills were trained and further developed.

After Linda passed away, she began to inspire me, and she collaborates with Amhirez and whoever else. Since I got to know Linda very well as a person and we became deeply connected during her illness, down to the bottom of our souls, you could say, she is a kind of certainty for me. You could say a muse. And I know she will never inspire me to do anything that could be negative. Just as Amhirez would never do that. But I do not consciously know him. I cannot remember him as a person. I do remember Linda with great love.

I never sign my creations because I am not the only one who ‘creates’ them; only the human part is worked out by my hands. As a person, I have operated the brush, the airbrush, the computer, and whatever else. But the designs and especially the messages in them come from ‘Above’. Maybe I have added something of myself, but in collaboration with…

I also find it important that people do not buy ‘my’ creations because of my name. Not that I am known, certainly not. But suppose that were ever the case (dreams 🙂). Then I would prefer someone to buy a painting of ‘us’ because it truly touches him or her. And not because it is a good investment based on the consideration that others see it as valuable. Then it ends up in a closed museum of some rich man. Art was never meant for that.

There are messages in it, a story is told, and this story comes (in my case) from the light. Or at least… that is what I try to guarantee and ensure by always remembering why Linda passed away. One of her life missions was to ‘open’ me, after I had long ago, presumably in Atlantis, closed myself off from inspiration due to a traumatic experience, or at least tried to. You can read extensively about that on this website. I wanted nothing more to do with my gift at that time because I thought I blamed this gift for getting me into serious trouble. I even wanted to put an end to it. Marianne, my life partner now, prevented that in the form of a white woman, an underground priestess order. But she could not get me to embrace my gift again, and that is another trauma that plays out with her.

She is now the one who helps me to embrace, accept, and further develop this gift again. In this way, we both heal from that old trauma.

I want to be worthy of Linda’s enormous gift to me, and also of Marianne’s help, and also be grateful to our invisible guides, all the light beings that help me. Should I then put ‘my’ signature under every creation?

Back to signing paintings. I have never signed them, but…

While translating my answer to this beautiful question into German, we talked about it, and then our German friend Karin came up with an answer, together with Linda.

I wanted to write that in principle only my hands are needed for a painting or symbols. But Karin said: “Then you take no responsibility for your work!!! Then you also deny that you create such works of art with your soul!”

Oops. That is certainly not what I want to say.

Karin explained that my contribution, my artistic mediumship, is much more than just that ‘only’ my hands are needed to let light beings work through me. Not only my body, my earthly energy, training, time, and resources are part of this… My whole soul is involved, together with all the light beings that inspire me. It is we-are-one.

I have often heard medium Loes van Loon say: ‘I am just a fax, you know!’ Perhaps I remembered her words. But now that Karin stated this so clearly, almost as a reprimand, I begin to realize that mediums like Loes, who can communicate directly with the light beings that surround us, do much more than ‘just’ function as a heavenly fax.

Of course, it is easier for people to understand when she explains it that way. But I now understand that ‘faxing’ is a huge understatement of what a real medium like Loes actually does. It is total connection with her soul group, complete surrender in Love and Trust. That can only happen on a soul level, and the body is the earthly ‘vehicle’ for that.

The solution was very simple: From now on, I will sign with my fingerprint and official signature as recently recorded.

This fingerprint is personal and unchangeable.

Date of writing: October 24, 2024

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Wim & Marianne

:Willem-albert : Roskam
:Marianne: Agterdenbos.
Gijsbrechtgaarde 316
[7329ce] Apeldoorn
+31 (0)55 5335747