In 2022, we received a very special review from a woman, Debbie from the USA. Hundreds of 5G antennas were installed in her neighborhood near New York in 2016, right next to her garden as well. Some time later, she began to develop symptoms that she attributed to the recent installation of the 5G antennas (the smaller antennas that are placed between homes). Debbie had a very severe reaction. Like Linda, her life was severely affected, much to the despair of herself and her family. She became an activist (with the website to prevent 5G from ruining the lives of even more people – an almost impossible task, as it is a multi-billion dollar business.

When I read her story on the Facebook page of the magazine Spiegelbeeld, I decided to track down her email address and write to her, offering her a free Akaija. I recognized Linda’s story in hers. Expecting that she would have an electron-spin inversion, I advised her to neutralize it first upon receiving the Akaija.

Her response was disappointing: she had no confidence in it because she had already received so many similar offers, and none of them had worked. The only thing that could convince her, she wrote, were lower readings on her radiation meter. That was in August 2019.

But at the beginning of this year, 2022, I unexpectedly received a new message from her asking if our offer was still valid. She also ordered an Akaija for herself. So we sent her two. A few weeks later, we received the first of a long series of emails from her. Here is a brief summary of what happened to her.

Debbie's Experience

A summary of what happened to her. Summer 2022.

“In 2016, many hundreds of 5G antennas were installed in my city for better mobile phone service. About 2 years later, I started to experience symptoms that I believed could only be linked to these antennas. I sought a solution to feel better. I was very skeptical about whether a pendant could protect me from radiation. I always say: ‘If you can’t see the difference on a meter, then even an Akaija can only give you a false sense of security that does more harm than good.’

Well, I found an exception to my own rule. Here is the story.

In August 2019, I received an email from a man in the Netherlands. His name is Wim. Since I had been an activist against the installation of more of these antennas, he was able to find my email address online. He told me he had something that he thought could help me. When I discovered it was a pendant, I was not interested, even though he wanted to send it to me for free. I politely declined.

Three years later, last winter, I was going through and deleting my old emails when I came across his again. I read them again and became curious, so I did an internet search with his name and found this interview.

After watching it, I had tears in my eyes because I was very moved by the sincerity of these people. I also liked the story, although I knew it could possibly be a good story to sell pendants! Anyway, I contacted him and asked if he wouldn’t mind sending me one of these Akaijas, as I had seen the interview and was now more open to trying it. I also bought another one for my daughter in case it worked.

Two and a half weeks later, they arrived in the mail in perfect boxes.

Of course, I still didn’t really believe that a piece of jewelry could help me feel better. But I also knew I had nothing to lose, as I had become quite a wreck in recent years. The weight of the new “Covid world” combined with my exposure to radiation was taking its toll on me. I felt stuck in every way, as if I were constantly swimming against the current and making no progress. I was often tired. I was too sad to want to wake up in the morning; I was down and depressed. I had constant panic attacks, which were terrible. After watching the video of Wim, the creator of Akaija, who seemed very honest and sincere, I wanted to try it. Without any confidence, I began to wear the Akaija. The design was so beautiful that I enjoyed wearing it, regardless of whether it would help me in some mysterious way or not.

After about a week, I began to feel differently. Of course, I first thought it was just coincidence. Or maybe a placebo effect? But after two weeks, I knew something incredible was happening to me.

I became optimistic and felt more alive than I had in years. In fact, my energy was sometimes boundless. I was laughing almost all the time! I noticed an unceasing clarity of thought and the ability to approach situations with newfound wisdom. I felt stronger, clearer, and more protected. There is so much more, but the very best part was that I felt free from all worries. There used to be no day that went by without me worrying about something. Now it was as if the heaviest weight in the world had been lifted off my shoulders. I bought one for everyone in my family and woke up happy every day!

Now, months later, I am forever grateful for this wonderful healing tool that has changed my life. I still feel so good! And many people I love have also responded very well! Not everyone has such a strong reaction as I did, but I think we can at least somewhat protect ourselves with this. It works by raising our own energy field, making us clearer and stronger.

I now feel it is my urgent task to bring the Akaija from the Netherlands to the United States. It was created 20 years ago, and there are tens of thousands of them in Germany, Russia, and the Netherlands, but few know about it in America. There are even large ones in the Netherlands. They are made of stainless steel, 6 feet tall, and protect large areas! My vision is to eventually place them in some local parks here.

That’s why I started spreading Akaijas! I think they can help so many people who feel just like I do. Wim’s website explains how the Akaija came to be.

Below you can watch three videos of Debbie, one she recorded especially for the Akaija Day in June 2023, and two others. The last one is from March 2024.

Debbie's Experience 2024

Debbie’s story continues.

Here are a few words written by Wim (June 2024), in an attempt to summarize the email exchange with her. It is important to highlight this side as well, which shows that not long after the last video from March 2024 (which you can watch on this page), she experienced some sort of setback. It would be incorrect to only tell nice and positive stories about the Akaija. Not that this is negative, as it clarifies the functioning of the Akaija; it helps you understand how differently it can work, depending on the circumstances, the person themselves, etc.

During the spring of 2024, Debbie experienced some kind of setback… she faced the old feeling of being stuck in her life again. And it seems that the Akaija does not work as well as initially thought.

What it appears to be is what she also writes herself… the Akaija has shown her how it can be, how she can feel… completely connected to everything. That has helped her tremendously, and that is a very special experience.

But ultimately, this power must come from within herself, and it seems that she is now more reliant on herself to keep her ‘vibration’ high. As if the Akaija energy helps her find this strength within herself.

I have not heard from her regarding her sensitivity to radiation. That seems to be fine. This aspect concerns the special feeling she had: being enormously connected to everything and everyone around her, which began with the arrival of the Akaija.

I will elaborate on this over time, in consultation with her. It resembles what medium Loes van Loon conveyed long ago, namely that the Akaija is used by the Light World (our guides) as a tool to help us. Dosed, sometimes strong, sometimes weak. Just what someone needs at that moment.

Debbie’s story is very interesting.

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Wim & Marianne

:Willem-albert : Roskam
:Marianne: Agterdenbos.
Gijsbrechtgaarde 316
[7329ce] Apeldoorn
+31 (0)55 5335747