Here are various experiences with the Akaija and some experiences with other tools. We generally only mention the first name, with a few exceptions. Always in accordance with the author.

If you also have an experience to share, please send us an email (

At the bottom, you can also read experiences with animals (dogs, cats, and horses).

The Akaija allows you to drop your masks and lets your true truth flow naturally again. For me, it creates a wonderful feeling around my head, like a halo, and makes my crown tingle. It teaches me to be ‘still’ and to live like a river, with its natural changes on the way to the Pacific Ocean. It allows me to feel my own absolute truth again and to let go of the previously formed ego, which has done its work and can now slowly fall away from my body…

In short, it allows you to be your complete self, an added value, not absolute, but a guide to your self-realization, after which you can see it as an independent, special piece of jewelry, born and ‘formed’ in Love. Thank you, Wim.

AnkhA is a coach from the heart and runs a practice ( She says: Everything I do and let, including Soul Whispering and Soul Body Fusion®, is related to the process of returning to yourSelf, with everything that entails. There is a before and an after me. By being with me, your Consciousness increases.

I have now read quite a few chapters of the book (Choosing for Free Choice). I am now simply making time for it. Apparently, it is now the time to take it in.

Wearing the Akaija allows me to connect more deeply with the suffering of other people. We all have our own experiences to go through. By realizing the Freedom in how to deal with it, more power is released to increase my own Choice-Freedom. It symbolizes connecting with Life all around. There is no ‘good’: Nipple, Akaija, Nipple. This feels balanced, as if Nourishment is now in Balance. This is my personal Connection with it.v

I wanted to let you know that since I started wearing the Akaija, I feel stronger (I am a child of the new age and thus hypersensitive). The first two days (nights), I had so much energy that I couldn’t sleep, while I usually fall asleep easily. Since I started wearing it, I feel better in my skin. And after two years of job searching without results, I have work again! I have also found a training course that feels good to me. I can make better decisions and set boundaries regarding the people around me. I am very grateful for this, and I hope many more people enjoy their Akaija! I certainly won’t take it off anymore.

The Akaija has really grounded me. So many questions have arisen, and I have sought answers with the help of NLP. The worst point came when I almost blamed the Akaija for my increasing dizziness, thinking I might faint. I didn’t realize that I was confronted with my greatest fear: dying. Before Devie (my little daughter) was born, I thought I would rather go back home to my parents. And now that I thought I was about to go… I realized that I wanted to be here… to live, learn, grow, and share knowledge with others, to resolve karma. What I was doing was hyperventilating, and I didn’t even realize it, something I have done my whole life… and no doctor ever thought of that.

But, thanks to the Akaija, many things have changed… especially my values… and the change keeps going. I have gone to the core and am now rebuilding. Who I am, what I want, what I feel, and how I can learn to grow and share that with others.

Comment from Wim, the creator of the Akaija: Annette lost her parents at a young age and now manages the website with her sister, to provide a platform for people to share their stories. After all, the Akaija was born out of such a process.

I have been wearing the Akaija continuously since I received it a few weeks ago. It gives me a lot of inner peace, significantly less stress, and a beautiful feeling of well-being and balance. Remarkable!!

Sinds ik de Akaija draag, voel ik mezelf gewoon beter in mijn vel zitten. Gewoon veel minder last van stemmingswisselingen en andere nare (vaak geestelijke) ongemakken. En afgelopen zondag en maandag had ik hem niet bij mij en beide dagen ben ik met zware bruikkrampen en heftige diarree opgestaan.

Of het er nou mee te maken heeft of niet, feit is wel, dat ik hem sinds dinsdag weer bij me heb en alle pijn en ongemak is weg.

Ik zal de Akaija dan ook zeker blijven dragen. Soms wel om mijn nek en soms gewoon in mijn broekzak. Voor mij is het naast een heel mooi sieraad zeker een goede ondersteuning in mijn dagelijkse leven.
Groeten, Barbara

What a beautiful piece of jewelry! Really very beautiful!!!!! I went straight to the jeweler tonight to buy a beautiful matching necklace! I walk around with it very proudly; the jeweler said: what do you have there? That’s something special and beautiful! Isn’t that nice?

Whether it is due to the Akaija, I don’t know, but I keep feeling this wave of happiness flowing through me. Do you know that feeling when you suddenly think, what makes me so happy?

Again, whether it is because of the Akaija, I have no idea and I won’t dwell on it for too long but just enjoy it. You have made someone (me) very happy today! I tried to meditate tonight, but I just couldn’t calm down; then I took off the Akaija, and I immediately went into a trance, as I call it.

A few days later, she emails:
I have never really had much love in my life; I didn’t even know what love was until my son was born. When I looked at him for the first time, a wave of a very strange feeling washed over my body, and then I immediately knew, wow, that is love! Now I can give it, but it’s very difficult to receive; when I get that wow feeling from someone, I immediately shut down and become very angry, really angry, because I don’t know how to deal with it.

With the Akaija, I walk around all day feeling wow!!!! When I look at my partner, that wave goes through my body again… wow, but without getting angry! A very strange experience. Yesterday, I suddenly said to him out of nowhere, do you actually know how happy and content I am with you? And his answer was (after he first asked if I had been drinking or something), “No, I actually don’t know that because you never say it.” I was later surprised by what I had said; did that come out of my mouth? The anger came back; I am starting to become a softie with such statements; that’s not me; I am that tough Brigitte who doesn’t say such things!!!!! But when I sat down calmly and closed my eyes, I suddenly saw a sweet Brigitte who is not as tough as she wants everyone to believe. Actually quite a nice person! Hahaha.

Brigitte 2: Letting go of everything that no longer suits me (silver Akaija)

After a long time of not wearing the Akaija because I resisted it, I now experience that… After having to let go of everything that no longer fits me, the Akaija, in my feeling, amplifies every emotion, good or bad… until what is left is what is real… and ultimately, what a celebration it is… to wear this piece of jewelry with pure intention.

I would like to share my experiences with the jewelry.

From the beginning, I was attracted to the symbols Chram, Akaija Iloa, Two Roads, and Sacred Heart, and eventually, I bought them all. I wear them regularly, alternating with other jewelry. I have noticed that I wear them in a kind of cycle.

By nature, I am a ‘mountain and valley’ person. When everything becomes too much for me, I feel the need to wear the Chram. I feel that it is necessary to take a moment to look at myself, to reflect, and to take a break. At some point, it is enough, and I take it off again.

Sometimes I wear other jewelry for a while, but eventually, I feel the need to wear the Sacred Heart, and I feel that it helps me recharge to face the world again with the insights I have gained. The stone in the Sacred Heart is perhaps red because it represents the root chakra.

I wear it for a while, and sometimes I wear something else, but then I feel the need to wear the Two Roads, the two paths where people meet each other.

At some point, it becomes too much for me again, and I take it off and wear other jewelry or immediately the Akaija-Iloa. With the Akaija-Iloa, I feel that it helps me to experience and feel what that connection has done, what it has brought about.

Sometimes I want to go back to the Chram right away, and sometimes I wear other things, and then the cycle starts again.

I am curious if others experience it this way too.

Comment from Wim: We are also curious about that. Feel free to send an email to with your experiences.

I have been wearing my Akaija for a few months now, and I have really identified with it. Normally, I am a light sleeper and would wake up several times a night. Now I sleep like a rock and only wake up when I need to go to the bathroom. During the day, I also have more energy. I also have less trouble with cold feet. Furthermore, I get the impression that people react more positively to me!? Unfortunately, I have not seen any improvement with my old ailment, my back, and related issues like sciatica and muscle pain in my back and shoulders. Still, I would like to wear a different piece of jewelry from time to time. Therefore, I think the idea of putting the Akaija in your pocket is a good one.

I received the Akaija for my birthday, and I wanted to let you know how it’s going! I am very happy with it! I have also received a lot of reactions; everyone thinks it’s beautiful and is very interested. Since I started wearing the Akaija, I feel like a different person: I noticed this because I really started my new job full-time this week, and despite it being extremely hectic and chaotic here (we have two huge deadlines today and Monday), I remain calm and feel good. Normally, I would be completely stressed out and feel physically unwell. That has not been the case since I started wearing the Akaija! It’s wonderful, what a relief.

Daniela is a woman who ordered a reproduction of ‘Rebirth’ in addition to the Akaija. She later sent a few emails with interesting information…

I have discovered a moon and sun in it. Perhaps you have seen a statue of Mary? Mary, standing on a moon, Mother Goddess energy, holds her son Jesus in her arms. Or in other words, Isis and Horus. Mother/moon and (golden) child/sun symbolism. The Birth of the Solar/Golden Child. Enlightenment, brought by the Lightbringer Venus. And I could go on for hours explaining that energy. So speaking of the fact that the Akaija works with processing traumas/unprocessed emotions/subconsciousness, we see here a beautiful symbolism of healing the inner child and the Mother/Goddess energy that guides that child to adulthood. Let this be “coincidentally” the whole reason why I was led to the Akaija, the healing of the ancestral motherline/mother wound and the inner child 🙂

The reason I ordered the ‘Rebirth’ painting with the Akaija is that I felt they belong together. Yes, I see a sun and moon in that painting. Also, an 8 of the infinite cycle of life, which are also two ‘suns’/‘stars’, our own sun and Sirius. But what I am mainly trying to say is that there is a sun and moon in the Akaija. Just hold the Akaija ‘upside down’, with the eye facing down, and you will see a crescent moon holding the sun, which has a somewhat horizontal ‘egg’ shape (symbol for the birth of the sun/son) in its ‘lap’. Through the moon runs a horizon where the sun/son lies, so to speak; this is the symbolism for a ‘baby’ sun/son, a ‘morning sun’ if you will. The Morning Sun is, by the way, another name for Venus, and thus here again the symbolism of the birth of the ‘perfect’ (enlightened) human, something that the pentagram also represents in sacred geometry. And so the circle is complete.

Another thing I feel I want to share with you is that lightning is a sign of Venus. You can understand why I am telling you this, I think.

Note from Wim: My deceased friend Linda was struck by lightning in 1983. That strike is an important reason why Linda inspired me to create something like the Akaija, which can prevent the serious ailments Linda suffered from as a result.

I thought I would share my experiences with the Akaija so far. I must say I did not expect it to work so directly. When I took it out of the box, I felt nothing. Then I hung it around my neck, and within a minute or two, I felt vibrations throughout my entire chest area where the Akaija was hanging. I could feel that energy spreading down through my whole body and up to my shoulders and neck, and there was a kind of tingling in my skin, like the pain of sadness. I moved the Akaija, and the center of the vibrations moved with it. For the next 2-3 days, I was continuously very aware of where it was. My shoulder tensed up as soon as the Akaija landed on it.

The next day, I came home from work and took off the Akaija before I showered. I put it back on afterward, and within a few minutes, I felt vibrations going through my entire body, even to my head, and I became incredibly sleepy. I am NEVER able to sleep during the day unless I really feel sick, but now it was as if the Akaija just switched me off, and I slept for 3-4 hours before waking up to continue the evening. I re-experienced old situations and feelings and felt very sad for a few days. I could place the pain in my chest as a real sadness that I had suppressed.

The spin (electron spin inversion, as she is being treated in Norway by a Bio-Photon Therapist) is completely gone. So far, so good… I look forward to seeing what else it will do for me. For now, I am astonished and grateful! Yours truly, Elisabeth

Dear Wim and Marianne. I would like to sincerely thank you for all the information, phone conversations, and the beautiful Akaija, the gold one that truly suits me and strengthens me during this difficult period of sleeplessness. I am incredibly grateful to you! I have multiplied the three-part brochure of the Akaija and am distributing it here and there. Much love and all the best with your work.

Frank and Gerrie are therapists (

We have been wearing the Akaijas for a few days now and have experienced all the phenomena you mentioned. We all find the effects very special.

We would like to place a new order for Gerrie’s other daughter (she also wants one for her cat). She is eager to wear it after our enthusiastic stories. Hopefully, you can manage to send them soon.

Gerrit describes that during the first time he held the Akaija, it became very hot in his hands. He compares it to ‘holding your hand over a candle flame’.

Later, he started wearing an Akaija, and this is what he reports over a week later: “I experienced roughly the same as Toos: I thought I was going ‘crazy’ again. For a few days, I was dead tired and had ‘aches’, but now I feel very happy/calm. Strange… Despite having super sleep sessions while I am awake, I have an enormous amount of energy. In other words, things contrast quite a bit, and I may have to get used to that. We will keep it faithfully in our breast pocket for now and wait and see…”

He describes that he is quite a night owl who prefers to sleep during the day and work at night, but it seems that the Akaija is trying to impose a more natural day-and-night rhythm on him. “I have been doing this for 15 years!” he says. “And then such a small piece of jewelry comes to tell me that I need to sleep differently. I’m not amused!” (But with a smile)

The IGEF is the International Association for Electrosmog Research (, which researches various tools and aids for protection against electromagnetic radiation and certifies them if approved. The Akaija has also been researched (and certified!). You can request the complete report of this research from us. That scientific report is, of course, what it’s really about, but the emails we received halfway through the research are much more interesting to read. Our thanks to Herr Rose for his permission to mention this text here!

(1st email shortly after receiving the first Akaijas for research)

“Because I wanted to experience the effect of the Akaijas without bias, I consciously did not read everything in advance that you told me about the background information, or what is mentioned on your website. However, I did not expect that especially the Akaija-Iloa (Ø 2.1 cm) would have such a strong effect on me that I was completely overwhelmed. Only after 1 to 2 days of this effect >psychological old pain< did the positive effect prevail.

When I then read that there were already experiences from users of the Akaija available and realized that I had gone through similar psychological and physical processes, it became clear to me what a valuable and useful development the Akaija is.”

(2nd email halfway through the research)

“The investigations are now in full swing, as we were able to work simultaneously with multiple Akaijas. The measurements were more extensive than we are used to, as the measurement results were partly so incredible that we often had to repeat the measurements. I just completed a test series with a 75-year-old captain. This iron eater did not believe that wearing the Akaija (normally Ø 1.9 cm) could have the slightest effect on his heart’s adaptability under different loads. For a week, we conducted the first measurements with him under various load situations. Without the Akaija, the measurement values ranged between 40 and 60% of the possible 100%. Where 100% is the theoretically possible maximum value of the test subjects’ ability to regulate heart rate and adapt the autonomic nervous system to the presented loads due to electrosmog.

After that, he wore the Akaija on a cord for almost 4 days continuously. When we repeated the measurements of heart rate variability under the same load situations, he reached over 95% three times, and the other values were all above 90%. After that, he took off the Akaija and we repeated the measurements. All measurement values ranged between 60 and 70%.

If I hadn’t conducted these measurements myself, I wouldn’t have been able to believe it!”

I would like to share my experience with you about the Akaija.

How beautiful it is that I received the Akaija on the day the Venus transit took place. A lovely encounter.

First, the beautiful singing and sound healing session that I received from you. So special, because I immediately felt connected to nature. That is where I feel most at home, where I come from.

And when I first held the Akaija in my hands, I felt a deep calm.

The next day I woke up with a pain in my neck (which I often have when I don’t feel well or am getting sick). That day I couldn’t go to work. I also had a slight fever, but most of all, I felt a deep fatigue, especially mentally.

The only thing I could and wanted was rest, rest, and more rest. I was simply forced to do so! My breathing became deeper, and that was pleasant. After five days, I felt a bit more energy. Luckily, I almost had a vacation, which was very timely : -)

And how glad I was that I hadn’t planned to go away. I did go to the forest every day. What beauty and simplicity. So close to home. The Angels brought me to your site; they knew exactly what I needed at the right moment!

The Akaija has brought me closer to myself! Now I could finally rest. Feel who I truly am and trust in that. Learn to love again with heart and soul. It also led me to a beautiful book: Little Grandmother by Kiesha Crowther (Together we can create the world we dream of).

Maybe you have already read it; if not, it is definitely recommended. I am so grateful and happy that I can wear the Akaija and see it as a beautiful gift.

Thank you!
A warm greeting.

Hannah is one of those children you wonder, ‘who is actually raising whom?’ When she saw the Akaija hanging around her grandmother’s neck in Belgium, her attention was immediately drawn to it, and she knew right away what it was and said: “Bolleke wol.” Apparently, she has seen from her mother that not every sweater has to come from the store, but that you can also knit them yourself. Her grandmother chuckled at Hannah’s lovely name for it but corrected her and said: “No, that is an Akaija.”

Hannah thought differently and insisted: “Bolleke wol.”

Well… what do you do with that? Avoiding an endless discussion, grandma Gonnie conceded: “You are right, but it is also an Akaija.” Now Hannah was also willing to concede a bit, and since that moment she calls this piece of jewelry: “Bolleke-wol-ook-Akaija.” (Booly Wool, Akaija too)

I still benefit greatly from it. Sometimes I have to take it off for a moment. I am a very sensitive person, especially to the moods and emotions of others. The Akaija protects me from too many external stimuli. Sometimes I feel the need to feel everything again. It makes me softer and more adaptable. But when I put it back on, I feel stronger and more stable, and I am less affected by all those emotions around me.

The children wear them with pleasure; especially the oldest wears it day and night, while the other two also take it off regularly. I have explained to them that they can decide for themselves how and when to wear it, and they do! The children’s reactions so far have been: warm, strong, and ‘I want to take it off for a moment.’ They do keep a close eye on where it is when they take it off. With my oldest daughter, I notice: she is stronger, more balanced, happier, calmer, and cooperates more easily with the daily life at home. This could also partly be due to the summer vacation, but I do believe I see a significant change.

Thank you very much for the beautiful gift. The Akaija is truly capable of a lot. It repairs the construct behind holograms to a higher state of unity. It unravels paradoxes. The result is a form of balance in which everything can exist in unity. It does not matter whether the considered holograms are about something personal, a group, or larger wholes. The Akaija is a tool that restores unity in everything in the most direct and complete way I know. The Akaija works very precisely – everything that is addressed is completely ‘healed’. The Akaija (the higher beings behind it) indicates precisely when it is enough and whether a follow-up is needed at a later time. When I open myself, the Akaija works just as deeply on me as on the subject of intention. That cannot be otherwise, as I am part of the unity. Never before have I felt that so clearly, a true blessing.

I would like to share my findings about the Akaija pendant.

I have been wearing it for about a month now. I put it on and have not taken it off since. Even at night and while showering, I keep it on. In the beginning, my hands started to tingle, and now they are always at a normal temperature. This has never happened to me before; I have had cold hands and feet my entire life. Not anymore now.

My headaches, often with migraine attacks, have also almost disappeared. According to the doctors, this migraine was related to my hormonal balance. Usually just before I had to menstruate. Now, at this time, I only have a slight headache, so that is a significant improvement. In the meantime, my neighbor has also had an Akaija pendant for a few days, and I hope it will give her the same end result as it did for me.

My life is now much more pleasant, for which I am very grateful. I am very happy with my Akaija pendant and can wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone. It is a healing and very beautiful piece of jewelry.

Kind regards, Hubertine

Lianne ten Napel is our daughter. She is actually the foundation of the Akaija, as we discovered its function through her. In 2005, she was a dance student at the Show-Musical Academy of Lucia Marta in Amsterdam. It is a very physically demanding program, and in the studios (equipment) and in Amsterdam (transmission towers, tram lines), there was an abundance of electric fields. This combination caused her to return to Apeldoorn exhausted every week. She experienced a recurring electron spin inversion each week. Marianne, her mother and also a therapist, could reverse this within minutes with her equipment, but at that time, she needed a drop of Lianne’s blood for that. Lianne was not very fond of this, but she allowed it, as it always worked. After the treatment, she always felt rejuvenated. However, the following week, it would return.



I (Wim) was present once, and suddenly I made a connection with the reversal symbol that I had created in the painting Aura Healer. It reverses the direction of a rotating/spinning object. That painting had been in Marianne’s practice room since 2002, and we had not done anything with it, except that many people felt it emanated a lot of power. I saw my chance to try something I had wanted to do for a while: to see if the wire figure I had made to create the reversal symbol in the painting could possibly reverse or neutralize an electron spin inversion. After all, we had called it a reversal symbol because it reverses the direction of rotation. An electron spin inversion means ‘reversed rotation of electrons,’ which is a well-known physical phenomenon. MRI scans exist thanks to that principle.

So instead of a drop of blood on a cotton ball, we placed the reversal symbol in the circuit during the two-minute treatment. After all, as a therapist, you do not want to experiment with paying patients, but with Lianne, we dared to do so. It worked! But we could hardly believe it. Lianne immediately exclaimed, “Yes, great! I don’t have to be pricked!” She was on board with it.

We said that the practice would show the results, but Lianne felt it immediately and had her energy back as before. However, the following week, it was the same story: exhausted, and of course, another spin inversion.

After a few weeks, it was Lianne who said, “I should take that reversal symbol in my school bag. Then I will never get it back.”

Well… that was the comment I needed to think further. And… I happened to be in the middle of a training course to become a goldsmith at that time. So I made a silver reversal symbol for her to wear around her neck. I thought that was better than a flimsy wire figure among her books in the bag. Since then, Lianne has never had a spin inversion again, except… during a series of dance sessions lasting several days when she was not allowed to wear anything around her neck.

To gain more certainty, we asked Marianne’s colleagues if they had patients with similar problems. They did. So I made more reversal symbols, and gradually, the first (positive) results came in. Then we began to realize that we had something in our hands that could be very important. The symbol was then given a name: Akaija. But that is another story. All of this happened in 2005.

It is now 2016, and Lianne is now an experienced and certified dance teacher ( Among other things, she created this choreography: Hope! In doing so, she had the message of the Akaija in mind: We are One. Take a moment and watch this moving and beautifully performed dance by her students.

This is her website:

I am not someone who has something like this in hand and then says, “Oh yes, I feel it, what energy,” but I do find it feels very nice. Jolande Bakker is a NAET therapist, specialized in allergies, and sometimes gives the Akaija to patients to support their treatment. This is her website:

Almost forgot to mention: the lady for whom I had ordered the first Akaija lost a tooth a few minutes after she put it on. It was a built-up tooth, which had already undergone a root canal treatment, and it was not in good shape; the next day, the second tooth fell out of her mouth. That one was also not in great condition. Isn’t that remarkable?

I was a bit shocked when she told me, but she also mentioned that the tooth had ultimately needed to come out; she found it very remarkable that it happened as soon as she put on the pendant and that the other tooth fell out the next day was, of course, even more wonderful.

A brief report of my experience with my Akaija. Immediately when I ordered “her,” I felt things starting to stir in my being. It was very subtle. When she arrived last Wednesday, it was very exciting; I opened the box and picked her up for the first time. A warmth and a tingling, especially through my right arm (problem arm), was actually a very loving introduction.

After the first day, she worked very subtly but still powerfully, and just as you wrote, you can feel when she is full and needs to be cleaned or blown through. The first night, I slept very well, but now I am sleeping very erratically at the moment. A lot of fatigue but also more energy, which sounds a bit strange. I think I am finally going through some processes.

I couldn’t put your book down. What a journey for you all. What courage. I have a lot of admiration for you. But it also gives you confidence that you are NOT alone, that you are being guided, and that you are only sent what you can handle physically and mentally, no matter how difficult it may be at the moment.

Wim, I want to thank you for coming into my path, and I will certainly keep you updated. Love and light to the three of you.

The Akaija has arrived, and it is beautiful. Even more beautiful is that I immediately notice the effect, after I somewhat skeptically hung it around my neck. How can such a small pendant have such a big effect?

After 7 years of hypersensitivity to everything and more, and exhaustion (following a concussion), I felt better in the last two months due to adjustments in my diet, but with the Akaija, it feels much more solid, like a deep calm in my system. It’s hard to put into words. New Year’s Eve was the perfect day to experience the difference immediately. From the moment I woke up, there were continuous loud fireworks in the square where I live; that noise would have completely exhausted me a few months ago, but now nothing could disturb my peace. I could hear them, but they did not ‘come in,’ and I have no aftereffects from it today.

These are just experiences from the first two days, but I am very impressed! All the best for 2015, and may the Akaija reach many new people!

It does me a lot of good, gives me a lot of strength, allows me to see things the way I wish… and if I don’t put it on in the morning right away, it keeps calling to me… 😉.

The Akaija fits me in this way because I have always felt ‘different,’ and my path is a very unique one… That was very heavy for me for a long time, but since I met my husband, it has become easier for me – because we are both different, and since then, I have met many people who are also different – and in the meantime, we learn that many others are ‘different’ and already live in a very different reality than (still) the majority of people 🙂.

The Akaija makes it easier for me to simply be, simply experience my being, and follow my path. THANK YOU to both of you and also to Linda!

My first encounter with the Akaija was enough for me to buy it immediately. I held the ball in my hand while it was hanging around someone’s neck and felt a very light sensation, a tingling?

That was enough, even though it was financially difficult at that moment, to buy the Akaija. For my daughter, of course.

I had 4 weeks to go before she would receive it, and in the meantime, I wore it myself. At first, I felt nauseous, then dizzy, and just in a moment, all of that went away, and I felt good, wonderful, and I didn’t take it off anymore. It only gets better, and I decide to buy another one that will be for her. In the meantime, I also regularly hear from people that I have such a nice but especially unique pendant around my neck and they ask how I got it and where I bought it. When I tell them what the Akaija does, they look very strange, and I explain to them what energy, etc., is, and that it actually creates the movements of an atom, and that is why your energy flows as it should in your own body. In other words, your entire energy field flows perfectly! And what more could we want???

I know that the Akaija has been passed on to you, so I also thank your (deceased) friend/partner, because I am very grateful to her for giving us such a wonderful gift!

Wishing you all the best, with a loving, warm greeting from Lya.

Marianne is Wim’s partner and is herself a therapist in BioPhoton therapy and NAET. This is her website:

She has had a large insensitive spot in the middle of her back for her entire life. “You can poke me there, pinch me, whatever, but it hardly hurts,” she says. She can also clearly indicate where the spot begins and where it ends. “I don’t mind it; it’s only occasionally a bit bothersome, but I’ve gotten used to it.”

I have tried the silver, gold, and bronze versions, but since I have already done and am doing so much and feel good in my skin, I can’t say exactly what each Akaija does for me. However, this is remarkable: after wearing the bronze Akaija for about two weeks, that insensitive spot on my back started to shrink. It took a few days, and then the spot was almost completely gone. I could feel almost everywhere again! That has never happened to me in my entire life.

She feels clearly less tired. However, it should be added that she is also being treated by Marianne (1) with the StarLight. She had a spin inversion, which, as is usual with the Akaija, has not returned.

Interestingly, she always had so-called drooping mouth corners, so no smiling mouth. Since she started wearing the Akaija, she feels much happier and now says that to get her mouth corners down, she has to force them with her fingers. She simply feels happier, and that is evident in her mouth.

After wearing the Akaija for a month, I want to share my experiences so far.

At first touch, I didn’t feel any special powers, but I found the shape very special, so elegant. Only after Cleo’s positive experiences did I want to wear the Akaija myself. I have few physical complaints, but I hoped to draw mental strength from the Akaija. In the first few days, I thought I noticed more self-confidence and assertiveness in myself. By thinking about the Akaija, I felt more grounded. As I got used to wearing it, that feeling faded into the background. Therefore, I have the impression that the Akaija is mainly an ‘anchor’ for me, reminding me occasionally that I am also important and that I need to take care of that myself. Physically, I haven’t noticed anything, although my eyes have been terribly tired in recent weeks. I hope that is not due to the Akaija.

Maybe I am too down-to-earth to feel significant effects, but I am nonetheless happy with this beautiful piece of jewelry.

As promised, a description of my experiences with the Akaija.

I am very happy with it; it is a very beautiful piece of jewelry. When I first held it in my hands, the energy emanation was clearly noticeable. At first, I didn’t wear the Akaija constantly to get used to it. After about a week, I started wearing it day and night. Only when it felt like too much did I sometimes take it off.

It makes me feel very calm and peaceful inside, despite everything that is currently happening to me. New life. New house. New location. Extra work, etc. My blood pressure has become more stable. Sleeping sometimes still doesn’t go very well, but that will be fine too. Furthermore, I haven’t noticed much of the effect, nothing intense in any case. However, I do think that wearing the Akaija gives me the energy to keep going when everything becomes overwhelming. I recently had it tested by my naturopath. The conclusion was that it indeed provides energy, although silver, according to my therapist, primarily only absorbs energy.

I opened the beautiful box, took it out, but felt nothing. I put it on, and about three-quarters of an hour later, eczema appeared around my eye that I had managed to keep away with ointments and creams for years. It came on strongly but did not itch or irritate. A week later, it completely disappeared.

Since the Akaija, I feel calmer, and what others say or think (or gossip) does not interest me at all. That is something I have hoped for my entire life. That is what the Akaija does for me. I wear it faithfully and constantly.

And my female experience: no abdominal, headache, or back pain during my menstruation. For the first time in my life. So… Thank you very much.

Note: We don’t know why, but there are now 5 or 6 women who reported that their menstrual complaints have almost disappeared due to the Akaija. By the way, Linda, who inspired Wim to create the Akaija, also suffered from this to an extreme degree. Could their complaints have been related to a severely disrupted energy system that the Akaija has restored? I would like to consult a doctor or naturopath about this…

Michel has suffered from severe nausea for a long time. He was successfully treated with the StarLight (he had, among other things, a salmonella burden). After a year and a half, he got the complaints back and was re-evaluated. A spin inversion was detected, but no salmonella anymore. The spin inversion was treated with the StarLight, but after a week, it returned. He received an Akaija, and two weeks later (during a new measurement), he had no spin inversion anymore.

His reaction is: after wearing the Akaija for 4 days, he briefly experienced the complaints again, for one day. After that, everything was gone, although he did have a temporary setback shortly after Christmas. He feels much more energetic now than before. He truly believes this is due to the Akaija.

Michelle Anne Cox-Lomas PhD is a professional astrologer and medium, found at

I want to share that both my son and daughter have received a lot of positive feedback on the Akaija.

I myself noticed that they both seem much more confident, creative, and cheerful since they started wearing it. You might also find it interesting to hear that my son (29 years old) has had severe back pain for many years for which the doctor prescribed him weekly injections with Embroil (I hope I spelled that correctly), which help with the pain but also have side effects that always worried me (such as severely undermining the immune system).

WELL… here is the GOOD NEWS… A True Miracle has occurred since he started wearing the Akaija…

He went back to his doctor to see if he could stop the weekly pain injections and to explore other alternatives, as he does not want to be stuck with this for the rest of his life due to concerns about his immune system and the other damage this stuff could cause to his liver.

The doctor had new X-rays taken… and I tell you… the degenerated discs have miraculously started to heal themselves! His doctor told him: “Yes, you can now stop the injections… you no longer need them… God must truly be on your side because this is a miracle! I have never seen a degenerated disc like yours start to heal itself!” He feels so much better! His confidence is stronger, his self-assurance is greater, and he even received a new promotion in his management position at work (he works in advertising in Oregon).

I attribute all the success of his healing to both the healing/protective energy of the Akaija and the fact that when my daughter visited me at Christmas and I gave her ‘my’ Akaija… I then started wearing the slightly larger Akaija until my son visited me in June. I immediately gave that Akaija to him, and he has worn it ever since. Fantastic… Miraculous! I just had to let you know! 🙂 My son is now doing what he always loved to do: taking long walks, climbing the hills of Oregon, and even water skiing without any pain!

With your gifts and Marianne’s loving healing energies… the work you do MAKES A WONDERFUL DIFFERENCE xoxoxo


I have a silver bold Akaija. It is a special piece of jewelry. I felt the energy immediately when I touched it, and when I put it on, my whole body tingled. A few days later, I was tearful and had a strange pain in my lower back. This lasted a week. The week after that, I had pain in my upper back, also different than usual. Now I haven’t felt my back for over a week, even after working in the garden, something I normally cannot do without suffering for a few days. Well, I have scoliosis (not visible to others) and thus always have back pain. This is something I work on a lot with exercises and have learned to live with. I don’t make it a problem. But that was not the reason I ordered the Akaija; I just found it a very special and beautiful story, especially with the confirmation from Loes van Loon that it indeed does something to your energy. So it was quite remarkable to experience that my back suddenly felt so good! I did not expect that at all.

It is certainly special. And I also don’t think I will never have back pain again, but it is already very pleasant not to feel that I have a back for a week. I still feel the energy from the Akaija when I hold it. I feel that energy exactly in the fingers with which I hold it, and when I then place my fingers, for example, on my arm and take them off again, I feel soft tingling in that spot as well. I feel that in my fingers too.

Olaf is a therapist (massage and energy healing) in Enschede (formerly in Austria) and works under the name ‘Ai Ki’.

Just a short note from me in Austria… I’m doing very well, and the Akaija is also to ‘blame’ for this, haha…. I notice that ‘things’ around me start to flow more gently and that my body lets me know faster when I do something that isn’t good for me. Then I immediately get a signal from my body (sore throat, headache, mucus in my lungs, etc.). Really cool! I wear it almost day and night, and I think it also works very well during the treatments I give (spiritual surgery, Reiki)… it just goes faster and easier!
Warm greetings from Vienna

A few years later, in 2013, now in possession of the Akaija-Iloa, he added a few more words:

I wanted to give some feedback about my new Akaija-Iloa…

In one word: unBEARable… this is again (after wearing the single Akaija for many years) an incredibly strong energy instrument/jewelry. It supports and stimulates my spiritual development and growth in an incredibly powerful and loving way. The first week we had to get used to each other, a lot of fatigue, shortness of breath, and feeling down (processing many old wounds, cleansing my energy field)… but it’s getting better day by day… amazing!! Also, during several spiritual trance journeys, its effect and positive power have been confirmed by several spirits and my own spiritual helpers.

Thank you so much for making such beautiful jewelry and for all the good it brings to this world! Namaste, Olaf Ar’turio

Pat’s Akaija was initially changing color, even turning copper-colored, and she asked us what that could be due to. We replied that this might be related to a cleansing process that the Akaija supports.

Then she wrote: “I think you are right, that it is processing something for me. I keep it on and clean it regularly with a Reiki cleansing symbol (Johré). It seems that it is less now than when I emailed, but it has been partly copper-colored; I just checked, and it is much less dark. Poor thing, it has had a hard time with my hormonal fluctuations.”

She now also wears a silver Suzy-ama (with topazes) and initially wrote (summarized) about it: “Since Friday, I have been wearing the Suzy-ama around my neck, and I experience a lot of joy from within, making the things that are difficult less severe. Just a mood that cannot be broken. A kind of warm feeling of recognition and gratitude.

I think that by wearing it and the uplifting aspect of the Suzy, everything is going better because you enter an energy, your own, that lifts you above yourself (when it works at its best). This results in you getting closer to your core and thus better expressing yourself. Thanks to the effect of the Suzy, you are more easily able to “come into your power” and stay there.

Two weeks later, she added: “Here the Suzy is going from hand to hand, so I don’t wear it much anymore. My husband was on the verge of going into a kind of depression, and I offered him the Suzy, and after a few days of wearing it, the feeling was completely gone…

I also had him wear it for my son for the same complaint (depressive mood), and he is visibly improving, alongside other “helpers.” Isn’t that great? It undoubtedly also has to do with the Swiss topaz, but I find it remarkable that it seems to act as an antidepressant. Even while showering, when he doesn’t wear it, he feels a difference when he puts it back on after showering!

He has a bipolar disorder (a form of depression). He has many problems at work. He always blames others and does not see his own part. He believes he is the patient and that the whole world revolves around him. For the first time, we are now experiencing him openly sharing that he feels so emotional and that he cries a lot. He is now exploring what his own contribution is to the problems he has (arguments at work, bad relationship, etc.). He is paying more attention to his surroundings.

My wife and my two sons each wear one, and I must say with stunning results. I am a healing master and treat many people weekly, and I would like to recommend the Akaija to everyone I treat because I believe it is a complementary and lasting enhancement after giving aura and chakra healing.

I am very sensitive to negative energy and often feel down. Thanks to the Akaija, this has completely disappeared, not suddenly but gradually. I have also greatly improved with my physical pains. I have undergone three surgeries on my back due to accidents, totaling about twenty fractures, and was addicted to the strongest painkillers.

Now I have been without medication for almost a year and am in top condition for my situation. My healings that I give are also more powerful; people feel this very well after being with me. For me, this is still amazing.

My wife has suffered from painful menstrual periods her entire life (really very bad). Thanks to the Akaija, she now has almost no issues with it, which is fantastic. She doesn’t wear it all the time, but during that period, she always does; she says it’s astonishing.

My wife is not spiritually inclined, but her views have changed significantly thanks to the Akaija. My sons no longer have learning problems and are full of self-confidence. The youngest is in Latin and scores around 83%, which is great. His motivation to study has gradually changed because I let them do what they want and choose their own lives; I do not push my children in a certain direction.

That is their choice, and now they know what they want to do; their knowledge and self-confidence have increased tremendously.

And the oldest is first in his class in electricity and is super motivated. I could list several more positive changes (my intuition is much better). So you understand now why we are so enthusiastic about your Akaija. Let’s say we are very grateful. My wish is that everyone who wears an Akaija may experience the same effect as we do.

Let me tell you how I experienced the Akaija. A few hours after I put it on, my blood started to pulse. I literally felt it flowing through my veins. I have always had poor blood circulation. Suddenly that is gone. Congestion in my legs, cold thighs and hips. They are now nice and warm. Later, the blood began to pulse in my head. I had a lot, a lot of headaches, but not anymore. At night I sleep very deeply. Every night I had to get up to go to the bathroom and to drink. Now I get into bed and wake up when the alarm goes off. The first few days I was very tired. But yes, a lot changed. Now I can only say, I feel good, very good. Thank you.

Rob gave an Akaija to a friend of his, along with these words: Dear A., the most beautiful gift you have already received, namely the Akaija. It is given to you out of pure love from the Other Side and from my heart. It did not just come your way; it was destined to come to you. The love we want to give to you is the message ‘you are never alone, we are always with you.’ Always wear it with sincere and pure love.

Kapil, the boss of Riyo Gems in Jaipur (, India, where the silver Akaijas are cast and finished, talks about his mother Sunita in Jaipur, India. She is, as is customary in India, the actual foundation of the company. They asked if we would allow them to cast a golden Akaija, which Wim would then initiate and give to her.

Kapil: My mother is very happy after wearing the Akaija. At first, she felt some pain and was bothered by it, which is why she took it off. After two or three days, she tried it again. This time she felt nothing. Then she took it off again for a while and put it back on three days later. She is now much more active and has more energy. It feels like magic! She and all of us feel the difference. My mother says: “Thank you for your Akaija.”
She now wears it 24 hours a day.

Note from Wim: The story about how we ended up in India for reproduction and polishing the silver Akaija’s can be found on this website.

We have a question… my husband and I are wondering how to pronounce the word ‘Akaija’…??? if you could let us know.

I have had mine for 10 days now, and something very remarkable that has happened is my balance… to give an example, standing on one leg!! which I normally had no problem with, until I broke my ankle about 3 years ago, and my balance was gone… It has now recovered… yeah! And of course, that has a much greater positive effect than just standing on one leg!! Last night, I had just gone to bed, made myself comfortable… and it was as if a white flash of light descended into my third eye… I ‘saw’ it and felt it… I heard myself say WHAT WAS THAT… do you have more feedback similar to this? It would be interesting if you do. I have never experienced anything like this.

I’m curious to hear from you.
Happy day from a gloriously snowy sunny Scotland, Tess

Comment from Wim about this: We have indeed received some similar responses. One from a man who reported that since he started wearing the Akaija, he could tell exactly which colleagues were trustworthy and which were not. Also a response from a woman who put on the Akaija while sitting in the back seat of a car, fainted immediately, felt something happen in her third eye, and then heard a voice say ‘finally we can reach you’. From that moment on, she was temporarily (or permanently…? no idea, we have no further contact with her) able to use her third eye.
This is likely related to the opening of the third eye. However, we want to emphasize… the Akaija will never activate paranormal gifts unless this is already part of the destiny plan. So don’t buy it to become clairvoyant or something like that :-), that’s not how it works. It strengthens your energy field, your energy coloring, and that can, if it is ‘intended’ that way, have such an effect as this, as a reinforcement of a process that has been prepared for a long time.

I still had complaints from my burnout such as lack of energy, not wanting to do things, being tired, and a decrease in my concentration. I received a proper explanation and a silver piece of jewelry that I had to wear continuously for a period of 3 weeks to see results.

After two days, I noticed that I had more available energy, which made me feel better. After wearing it for 1 week, I noticed that I felt much better, had more energy, and continued to feel better.

I wore the jewelry for 3 weeks straight, and I have improved so much that it is hard to believe that at the beginning of January I was unable to do anything. I have happily become a different person. I have enough energy for fun things again. And all of that just by wearing such a beautiful piece of jewelry.

Comment from the maker of the Akaija: It is not a ‘must’ to wear the Akaija continuously for the first few weeks. However, sometimes the Akaija activates certain processes (e.g., detoxification) that are better not interrupted. For some people, the Akaija is so strong and works so intensely that we advise gradually increasing the wearing time, e.g., a little longer each day. Or taking it off at night. In general, we say: Try to go through the complaints/responses, but do keep thinking healthily. So don’t persist at all costs. It should not be a torment.

Toos has been through quite a lot, including an open-heart surgery.

Toos says that at first, she went completely crazy from it. She experienced various old ailments, but they occurred one by one. First, she had issues with her appendix (Marianne had recently measured her and detected a vibration of appendicitis, from which she was not sick), then she had problems with one hand (which she had hardly been able to use for a long time), and then with her other hand (which even swelled a bit). She had issues with her heart (she has undergone open-heart surgery in the past). Additionally, she was confronted more than before with a sense of loneliness.

She says that all those symptoms were unpleasant, but she was determined to persevere and not take off the Akaija. All these complaints lasted only a few days and disappeared on their own, and she says that she has become stronger from this. Moreover, she spent many weekends alone and felt sad and lonely, but now she spent the whole weekend alone at home and felt very calm.

She is now also better able to cope with the problems that arise in her life than before.

From the moment I received my Akaija, a kind of turnaround in my life began.
In my diary, I even accidentally skipped a blank page, and my life has been improving step by step in many ways. I have adjusted my priorities and changed my autopilot to take better care of myself.

Moreover, I made a painting from four cards that I received from you, and it hangs above my bed.

I am a grateful and happy person for everything that has come my way from the spiritual world and continues to help me in the right direction.
What a blessing that is.

When I received the Akaija, I hung it on a chain around my neck. As I mentioned over the phone, I am a Reiki master and was very curious. I found it beautiful right away. I had it on for less than 10 minutes when I felt extremely nauseous and had a headache. The next day (at night), I took it off, feeling sad and angry, had a headache again, and I could imagine why someone would take it off. I didn’t do that, and after a few days, I started feeling better.

This morning, I had the Bovis value tested by friends who also work with ley lines. It came out above 85,000 Bovis value, which is quite high. He was surprised, but not entirely, because of the shapes of the jewelry, which flow so smoothly. They also thought the Merkaba was in it. That also represents the connection between above and below. According to him, it was a constructive energy. Very beautiful.

Thanks a lot for this beautiful piece of jewelry.

Normally, I feel great, have a lot of energy, and can work long days, and even nights, without much trouble. I had already made quite a few Akaijas entirely by hand, and people told us the strangest experiences about them, but I felt nothing myself. Isn’t that strange: I can make them, but I can’t feel them.

Then the first Akaijas from the foundry arrived. That saved quite a bit of work. Nevertheless, they still had to be stripped of the casting skin, sanded, polished, etc., so still a lot of handwork. I spent whole days on that, and that first night I couldn’t sleep at all. I was extremely restless and wondered what was going on. I took a bath twice that night, thinking that I would surely be able to sleep afterward, but that didn’t help at all. I didn’t sleep, not even a little. I was awake and wondered what I was doing in bed.

The next day, I continued with the Akaijas, and the same thing happened the following night. I didn’t sleep, didn’t even feel sleepy during the day, even though I hadn’t slept the previous night either. That happened to me for another night. After that, I had no symptoms of fatigue at all. I did feel worn out, as I was not used to this. Only on the third day did a light bulb go off… I realized that by working with so many Akaijas, I was apparently getting an overdose of energy. “So that’s the Akaija,” I thought then. “What a nice introduction.” Hmm 🙂

Now I can work with it without any issues. But I still have a lot of energy.

The teacher found him more open and less anxious (silver Akaija)

Jeremy (8 years old) is a very shy, sensitive, and withdrawn little boy. He is quite anxious about everything that is unfamiliar and never wants to draw attention to himself. He doesn’t dare to do much on his own. He immediately noticed that he slept very well, unlike usual. He talks to the Akaija in his head, and that helps him, he says.
Last week, he left the classroom earlier on his own because he had an appointment. Usually, his mother has to give the teacher a note so that she can tell Yeremy to grab his things during the break so he can leave the classroom without drawing attention to himself. This time, he did it without a note, without help from the teacher or his mother.

Moreover, he mentioned during circle time that his cat had passed away and that he was there when the cat died. This is not exactly the Yeremy we know; he usually says nothing during circle time. The teacher found him more open and less anxious.

She does not wear the Akaija because she is so careful with it. She says that the Akaija helps her at night and that she does not need it during the day. The Akaija is therefore by her bed.

The fact that we sometimes receive reactions from disappointed people is evident from the following experience.

I have had a silver Akaija for over a year and I don’t notice anything from having one. After my severe stroke, I hoped for help through the Akaija. Well, I haven’t physically noticed anything. Just like other physical complaints that still exist and have not decreased at all. In terms of temperature and such, I also haven’t noticed anything. I come across on the site that it is supposed to be that you don’t notice anything, but I actually find it ridiculous. But fortunately, it helps the other owners.

It does not help me, according to my experience. I wore it at night for a while, but that also did not bring any change in my being. Now I wear it occasionally.

Hello Wim Roskam,
I almost finished your book in one go.
Wow, what an impressive experience. Yes, you do that when you love someone. And I enjoyed reading that love continues to live on even after death.
I found your doubts throughout your wife’s illness process to be strong of you.

It would indeed be nice if the strengths of the medical and alternative worlds come together. That there is mutual trust in each other. Sometimes it seems to work, like acupuncture, which is accepted by some hospitals. It remains important that the sick person has a free choice and that this is respected.

I wear the Akaija daily. I find it a beautiful piece of jewelry with a particularly nice story behind it. I hope you will sell many more of them. I wish you a long and happy life together with your Marianne.

Kind regards,

The Akaija with Animals

How to use the Akaija with animals?

Communication with horses is very important before they receive an Akaija (as you will read below). They are very sensitive, and if something changes in their environment and/or energy system, they want to know immediately what is going on. Since the Akaija sometimes activates old complaints before resolving them, a horse may initially respond negatively. Consulting beforehand prevents this, but continue to observe your animal closely afterward.

The Akaija can be woven into the manes of horses or attached to their blankets at night. We know of someone who hung the Akaija in the stable so the horse could choose whether or not to stand by the Akaija. For cats, the Akaija can be attached to a collar. However, if you are unsure whether the animal needs the Akaija that day, place the Akaija in a basket or in a spot where they often sleep, giving them a choice.

Consider the Akaija with animals purely as a therapeutic instrument. Healthy animals with normal behavior usually do not need the Akaija. Animals (except for magpies and crows 🙂) have nothing to do with jewelry, so do not buy an Akaija for its appearance. In the wild, animals seek out places with certain ‘color patterns’ or energies that they need at that moment, for example, to gain energy or to release certain energies they no longer need or that are too much for them. They know that.

The Akaija has/gives certain, let’s call them color patterns. Animals that cannot freely go where they want can greatly benefit from the Akaija, but they also want, just like humans, to determine when they want to use this effect and when not. Since they cannot take off or put on their Akaija themselves, it is often recommended to place the Akaija in a basket or in a spot where they regularly lie down. Putting it on is of course fine, but keep an eye on the animal and try to find out in due time if it reacts well when you take the Akaija off again. In a stable, the Akaija can be hung somewhere where horses can freely choose to stand or lie down.

Mother cat Abbie lives in Emmerich, Germany. Kirsten, Abbie’s human owner, told that when Abbie was pregnant in the autumn of 2008, she developed a bald spot on her head that just wouldn’t go away. Many ointments and creams were tried, but nothing worked. A colleague of Marianne, a bio-photon therapist in Germany, treated her with the StarLight, and at the same time, she was given an Akaija to wear. Within a few days, the spot began to heal.

When Abbie had given birth to her 5 kittens, the veterinarian at one point said that Abbie could no longer wear the Akaija, as the kittens might get confused by it. From that moment on, Abbie became very depressed, sat in a corner, and behaved distantly towards her kittens. After 2 days, Kirsten decided to let Abbie wear her Akaija again, and from that moment on, she behaved completely normally as a real mother cat. One of Abbie’s kittens has also received a special name: Akaija :-).

Later, we heard from Kirsten that Abbie had moved to another address. Several cats live with Kirsten in the house. Since the new environment for Abbie was much quieter (she is the only cat there), she no longer needed the Akaija.

Note 1 from Wim: We have special Akaijas for animals on hand. Sometimes this involves slightly damaged Akaijas during the pouring process that are not suitable for sale, but we also sometimes have bronze Akaijas. These are dull in color, but they work just as well. Please send us an email via the contact page for this, as these Akaijas are not available in the webshop.

Note 2: Animals can greatly benefit from an Akaija, but they cannot take it off or put it on at will like humans. Keep an eye on your animal and see if it feels better. Then you can take the Akaija off for a while. If the animal continues to feel good, then you do not need to put the Akaija back on. Consider an Akaija for animals in most cases as a temporary aid, for example, when they do not feel well. And then it can be a great help where other means fail. Do not buy an Akaija for its appearance… that only pleases magpies and crows. 🙂

We were in Soest (Paravisie animal wellness event) last Saturday, and there I met Marianne, unfortunately for me it was only brief because I couldn’t stand for long.

I saw an Akaija there that looked different from the beautiful one I have, and Marianne told me that this one was for animals (how could it be otherwise on an animal day).
Our cat Dibbus has feline AIDS and got it in an unpleasant way, but that aside, I cannot keep him indoors because he really destroys our entire back door.
Dibbus was not really well a while back; I couldn’t put the Akaija around his neck because he does not tolerate collars. I was advised to place it in his favorite spot.
We have been trying it for a week now, and it is truly amazing; we see Dibbus feeling good again, which is wonderful, so on behalf of our Dibbus, thank you for the wonderful Akaija.

Yesterday I had shaken out his blanket and wanted to put the Akaija back, Dibbus is no longer really playful, but immediately he put his paw on it, as if to say don’t touch it, this is mine, he looked at me and lay down on it, really so sweet.


Pascale is a child and youth therapist and has her own practice, Prascana ( in Hoofddorp. She helps children believe in their own strength and develop a positive self-image.

I have been wearing an Akaija pendant for two weeks, and it seems as if my life has entered a fast track because of it. Suddenly, my practice is completely full of clients. Many special things and opportunities are also suddenly coming my way. I am curious about what else it will bring me.

I am currently reading your fascinating book “Choosing for Free Choice” and have seen photos of Liselle and Charonna on the website. Now, the funny thing is that I have exactly the same two cats. As I mentioned earlier: the Maine Coon who behaves like a king. We also call him King Milo. And a black cat whose mother died at a very young age and who was raised with a bottle. This cat is panicked by white coats and strange people.

Since they were young, they often fight each other. And you can probably guess who the boss is. I enjoy sharing this with you and have attached some photos.


Mieke sent us a particularly beautiful and long story about her own experiences and those with her cats. Below is a shortened version.

Hey Wim, I’ve actually had the Akaija for quite a while. He even moved with us to our new little home. The FAQ wasn’t that extensive back then. There was, for example, (at least according to me) nothing mentioned about deformities or “temporary aversion” to the Akaija or experiences with cats.

When I got my Akaija and started wearing him, I felt better. I slept better. I was less tired. I was happy and grateful that he had come into my life. After wearing him for quite some time, one morning my Akaija suddenly became completely misshapen. I didn’t understand it and was even a bit disappointed. Still, I tried to reshape him as best as I could. It turned out to be useless. Because the next morning, it was the same story again. Not only that, but I suddenly developed an aversion to putting him on. I started to wonder why he only went in one direction, even though I knew it was about “turning around.” “Then I must get stuck, right?” I began to think that he just didn’t fit me, that he really should have been able to go in two directions. I didn’t want to wear him while I slept anymore. And one day… I just placed him in my jewelry box. And there he lay for quite some time, sleeping.

However, last week, out of nowhere, I received a little photo of the Akaija in front of me. “Hey, I know that!” I thought. I had just bought “miracle cloths” and thought, “What if I clean him with that?” So I thought it, and so I did. I took him out of my jewelry box; the poor thing was completely dull. So I polished him nicely, then rinsed him under water and shone him up with a microfiber cloth. He already looked much happier. I added a brand new cord around him and then put him back around my neck. After that, I went to your site and started reading, since my curiosity had been piqued again.

The FAQ was now much more extensive. I read about deformed Akaijas, people who suddenly didn’t want to wear him anymore. That sounded familiar. And also about how to clean him properly, which I had already done, except for blowing through him. And stories about cats that benefited from it. I also came across the Akaija Iloa: “Then one in two directions!!!” I thought. And without much hesitation, I ordered him from you.

And then? … Then a very hectic weekend began.

Molly, one of our elderly lady cats (15 years old), suddenly became very ill around midnight. She had had bowel movements everywhere, vomited everywhere, could barely jump onto the bed, and then started trembling and shaking and was completely confused and absent. We were incredibly lucky with our veterinarian; when I called her, she immediately told me to come, and within fifteen minutes, we were at her door with Molly.

The prognosis was not good. She doubted whether Molly would make it to the morning. I took off her flea collar because I thought it would just be in the way. But then I got the impulse, yes, I can’t describe it any better than that, “the impulse,” to take off my Akaija. I had just put him back on myself, had just polished him completely, but I didn’t want him anymore. When I looked at him, I remembered reading that it could help cats, and then the decision was quickly made. I asked the vet for scissors. She looked at me questioningly but still gave me a pair. I cut a piece of the cord, tied the Akaija around the flea collar, and put the collar back on Molly.

“What is that?” the veterinarian asked. “A lucky charm,” I replied while suppressing my tears. “I fear she will need it,” she said with a sympathetic smile. After a blood draw, an IV, a heating pad, and a lot of petting, we left Molly at the veterinarian’s with heavy hearts, not knowing if we would see her alive again. Every day, I sang a mantra for her and for Ping. Oh yes… Right… Who is Ping? Well, Ping is our very sweet and tame male runner duck. He decided to also get sick the morning after we brought Molly in. Well, that’s another story, so back to Molly. I received many updates from the vet. That she had been examined, that she had made it to the morning, that she had acute kidney failure, that things were looking a bit better, that she had diabetes, that we would have to inject insulin twice a day from now on, and… and… and then… she suddenly had NO diabetes anymore…

What? No diabetes anymore? How come?

Well… She received an insulin injection to lower her sugar, but her sugar just plummeted. “It takes several days for a diabetic cat to stabilize her sugar,” the vet told me, “This is unusual; I had to give her sugar to stabilize her! And her sugar levels have now normalized… This is just not what you expect from a diabetic cat… So strange… Because all blood values indicated that she had it… But still, her sugar is normal again… We’ll do another test tomorrow, okay?”

Every day we were told that Molly was doing a little better. That her kidney values were dropping to more normal proportions. From 3.4 to 2.7 to… almost normal. That her blood sugar level is completely normal. That her health is normal enough to come home. She will now have to be on a special kidney diet. In two weeks, she can return for a check-up to have her urine examined. And we still have to wait and see how she will do in the coming weeks. Because when they see kidney failure in the blood, 70% would no longer be functioning. That’s a lot, 70%. But still. As I write this, Molly is purring on my lap, with the Akaija around her neck. It is clear that he was meant for her and that they belong together.

I don’t know how long we will still have her with us and whether her symptoms will return. But now, here, today, she is with us, and we can love her a little longer. And I am so incredibly grateful for that. And besides the mantra, I have no doubt that the Akaija has helped her. So thank you all for creating this wonderful jewel.

The veterinarian later suspected that it must have been about stress (besides her kidneys not functioning well). But then again, stress that could be traced back to two weeks ago in her blood sugar levels. That’s why the vet thought she had diabetes. Strange how it all turned out. That I had just put my Akaija back on after such a long time “sleeping in the jewelry box,” literally just a day or two before the whole incident. Talk about timing. 🙂

Best regards,

Note from Wim: It is a bit too optimistic to conclude that an Akaija is therefore effective against diabetes.

But… 🙂 since diabetes is sometimes related to prolonged stress, and because you can’t easily see if a cat is dealing with some form of stress, there could indeed be a connection with the functioning of the Akaija. An Akaija strengthens your energy field and may therefore help against diabetes if it was partly caused by stress. The other cat stories on this page are also related to stress.


We conducted small-scale research with horses. We had sent a woman with two horses 2 Akaija’s. She usually did not take care of the horses herself, so she had asked the caretaker to braid the Akaija’s into the manes and to pay close attention to any changes in behavior. Well, one horse only needed 5 minutes to discover that something had changed, rubbed the Akaija off, and trampled it underfoot. The other horse took a day longer for that, and that was that. When we heard this, we wondered what was going on. We had expected something different. Fortunately, some time later, we received a series of responses from another woman, Jacky, a horse trainer in South Holland.

We had sent some Akaija’s to this woman for her three horses that were together in the pasture. One horse was a retired 24-year-old trotter from top sports with various complaints such as sleep problems and a splint in a hind leg, which caused issues getting up after sleeping or rolling. The second horse was in the prime of her life but had not had much luck. She had lost her second foal in an accident and had trauma from that. The previous owner had tried to break her in brutally, which made her distrustful of men. And that was just part of her complaints. She was unreliable, and Jacky was very concerned about this horse’s fate, even buying her first foal to make her happier. Since that foal had no issues, we decided not to give it an Akaija.

Jacky first consulted her horses to see if they were willing to participate in this research and explained that the Akaija was for their health, that they might initially experience some worsening of their complaints, but that it would ultimately help them. After a few days, she called us with a problem. The youngest horse was constantly licking the area where the Akaija was hanging. “He is jealous,” she told us.

No problem. We sent her a third Akaija. Shortly after, she called again and said, “You really have to see this with your own eyes! The foal struts around all day like a peacock with the Akaija, as if to say, ‘I have one too!!’”

Over the weeks, various reports came from her. The oldest horse reacted exactly like some people do after they start wearing an Akaija. Notably, the coat around where the Akaija hung was noticeably warmer (and remained so) than the rest. Various old complaints came and went in a short time. One day, she could or would not get up at all, but the next day she got up very well. Pus continuously leaked from a previously clean wound or hole, which Jacky suspected were waste products being expelled. She was not worried about it, kept it clean, and after some time, the wound closed up again. According to her, this was a natural cleansing process that she was very happy about.

The recovery took many weeks, and Jacky reported that there was slow but continuous progress observable in all the horses, and she was very pleased with the Akaija’s. The difficult-to-handle horse had become much more manageable, and even I (Wim), as a man, was allowed to touch her during a visit. The older horse had improved significantly and was clearly feeling better.

Interestingly, her old shepherd dog, who had incontinence problems, also visibly improved and even overcame the urine loss. We have heard the same about another older shepherd dog: the problem disappeared after wearing an Akaija.

(2021) Hello, Hello Marianne and Wim,

(…) About a year ago or longer, I bought a small Akaija from you. I am so HAPPY with it!! What I have noticed all this time is that I found, could be, and am MYSELF again. The new era that is coming step by step is intense and brings quite a few “problems” with it as we see and hear.

The special jewel Akaija keeps me balanced and… calm.

Thank you for this wonderful “Thing.” I read the book with great pleasure. Touched.
Thanks also to Linda.
Wishing you all the best and a lovely Spring.
Warm regards, Mieke


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Wim & Marianne

:Willem-albert : Roskam.
:Marianne: Agterdenbos.
Gijsbrechtgaarde 316
[7329ce] Apeldoorn

+31 (0)55 5335747