This painting was made for a friend with the diagnosis cervical cancer.

Diseases usually find their deeper Cause in a Trauma

This painting was created for a friend with cervical cancer.

Years ago, our friend received the diagnosis of cervical cancer. She had already gone through several severe health issues, such as an open-heart surgery long ago. According to the doctors, she had only six months to live… but that was already 20 years ago. Now she received this diagnosis. Since my friend Linda had passed away from this disease, I took it more to heart than usual.

Marianne, my (Wim’s) life partner now, is a bio-photon therapist and uses a device to measure the meridian points on hands and feet. If she measures that one or more of those points are out of balance, she looks for the remedy that can restore balance to that point. The remedy that provides the best balance indicates something about the cause of the imbalance, because in principle, a patient does not need to tell what they are coming for; the measurements reveal it by themselves. These remedies are usually based on herbs and flower essences, converted into energetic frequencies, but physical remedies can also be included in the circuit.

For example, there are various herbs that have traditionally been used for stomach complaints. If the frequency of one of those herbs brings the point back into balance, then Marianne knows that there is probably something wrong with the stomach. Usually, a complaint is more complicated than that, because besides the stomach points, often other points are also involved. After all, a disease rarely limits itself to one organ. Therapists are therefore a kind of detectives searching for the culprit. The man with the gun is not always the main culprit, but rather the one who gave him the order. And why was that order given? Could it be that the client felt threatened? Then the deeper cause of that murder may lie in the emotion of ‘fear.’ You would want that client to no longer feel threatened, preferably before they give the order. Of course, practice is much more complicated, but I think you understand what I mean with this comparison.

It is the same with a disease. Doctors are taught to use a medicine against the complaint, or to bring the shooter to justice, and of course, that must happen. But who you also definitely need to address is the client. It is about searching for the deeper cause of a disease or complaint. If you can find the real cause, the root so to speak, of a disease and treat it correctly, it can often disappear in a very short time.

Very often, the real cause of a disease lies in a trauma from long ago. For example, someone who was abused in their youth may have retained a trauma from that, but may not even be aware of it anymore. Sometimes people do not even know that what happened to them has been deeply buried.

With Linda, we were able to trace the cause of her cervical cancer back to a very unpleasant situation almost 600 years ago when she was murdered on a battlefield somewhere in Uzbekistan. Such a trauma deserves awareness and dedicated attention, and especially Love to heal. If that does not happen, it continues to weaken the life energy. In combination with later stress factors such as poor diet, work stress, vaccinations, lack of sleep, dissatisfaction, radiation, etc., these factors can sometimes ‘suddenly’ culminate in a disease.

All those ‘stress’ factors need to be identified and treated with the right remedies. Hundreds of thousands of therapists worldwide work more or less in this way, using countless different forms of therapy. Marianne uses a device that can measure and make visible and audible the energy balance of meridian points. This provides direct feedback on whether she is on the right track.

A Painting as a Remedy

Original sketch for No Woman No Cry

What we discovered years earlier is that my paintings are capable of doing the same as, for example, the homeopathic frequencies that Marianne uses in her practice. Moreover… when I create such a painting ‘for’ a person, it turns out that sometimes all the remedies that Marianne found to bring the meridian points into balance can be replaced by just the painting. It brings all points into balance!

Let me explain… When Marianne was treating our friend, I was sitting next to her and listening. Marianne often asks questions about the backgrounds of her clients to find the deeper causes of a disease. Of course, she could also use a few thousand remedies one by one and test whether that remedy resonates, but that is impractical. With the right questions, you get to the right remedy faster. At a certain moment, I had the urgent feeling to grab pen and paper. I then immerse myself in the situation, in the disease, and in the person, and then I feel or see connections that I cannot easily explain in words.

But I can represent them in symbols. Above you see the symbol, the sketch that I put on paper. I now know that I am inspired by ‘Above.’ I do not know if that is Linda, or perhaps my guide Amhirez, or someone else. That is not important. They are probably working together.

Marianne and our friend were talking about her cancer and the underlying causes. No form of cancer just falls from the sky. There are always causes; it is never a matter of ‘bad luck’ as Linda was told in the hospital at the time. There are, to begin with, physical causes, but beneath that lie deeper layers that lead to the soul level.

In the long run, traumas can manifest as physical discomfort, and if no attention is paid to them, they can degenerate into diseases or other physical problems, and sometimes cancer develops. With our friend, it was clear that her illness had a lot to do with serious problems during her own birth, and later, around the birth of her son, there seemed to be a near repetition of those problems. When that was mentioned, I suddenly got the idea for a specific image that I sketched on paper.

Marianne had already found and used various remedies, but she had not yet started the treatment herself. She folded the sketch and placed it in the container where she can use physical remedies to complement the already present frequencies. She noted that the entire energy level at all points had increased. Then she removed all the found remedies until only this sketch remained in the measuring circuit. All points were stable! As soon as she removed the sketch, all meridian points became unbalanced again. It could not have been clearer.

In the end, she used all the found remedies together with this sketch and carried out the treatment. Our friend took the sketch home. But first, I made a copy of it so that I could use it to create a painting.

The following week, I made the painting that has since hung on her wall at home.

Now I must add that our friend has a very strong character and a very strong willpower and is able to focus mentally very intensely for a certain period. She used that willpower to work herself through this physical problem. The treatments from Marianne and the insights that arose during those treatments were of great importance. And finally, this painting played a significant role in her healing process.

She fully recovered from the cervical cancer that had been diagnosed by the hospital. A few months later, the hospital confirmed that there was no cervical cancer to be found anymore! And all this without surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation.

Traumas can be the cause of later diseases and discomforts. When such a trauma is later re-activated, made conscious, then it can be examined, and your role and that of the other can be highlighted. It is not about assigning blame, but trying to understand why people acted as they did. After that, there may be room for forgiveness, either for the other and/or perhaps for oneself.

Many traumas arise around birth. A baby comes into the world full of trust and is 100% dependent on the people around him or her. Love plays a decisive role in this. From Love comes nourishment, care, security, and everything needed to grow and ultimately become a human who has entered this life on Earth with a certain purpose. If something happens that makes the baby feel unsafe, unprotected, and unfed, this likely has consequences for feeling free and self-aware later on. Being able to give Love is often only possible if it has first been received.

This painting contains this theme. The womb, in the form of a Heart. The Cross as a symbol of unconditional Love. The Light from which the soul comes to Earth and the supporting Hand of the Creator, the Great Spirit, is never absent.

True story - Bob Marley's song plays an important role

There is a reason why we named the title of this painting ‘No Woman No Cry.’  This illustraties how Spirit precisely brings people together, timing everything to the second, to help people in times of trouble. This is about an accident in the East of the Netherlands near a town called Holten, which is locate about 10 km east from where the movie A Bridge too Far was shot.

In the second month of 2003 we experienced three times within a few weeks that we were driving on the highway somewhere in the Netherlands and passed by an accident that had just happened. There were already several people walking back and forth who had just stopped before us, but the ambulance had not yet arrived.

Such events keep you talking for a while. Marianne does first aid and is obligated to provide assistance, but if there are already many people, extra attention is more disturbing than welcome, and besides, we were driving at 120 km/h, so you have at most 1 or 2 seconds to assess the situation and decide whether to stop or keep driving. First of all, you need to be sure that stopping suddenly does not endanger anyone; otherwise, it is better to keep driving.

Since this had already happened three times, we were, in a way, being trained to respond appropriately if we really needed to provide help. And that was apparently exactly the intention.

Because a few days later, we were driving on a bright Sunday morning with hardly any traffic from Apeldoorn to Enschede when, shortly before the Holten exit, we saw a car on the shoulder. As we drove past, we saw several people running. I thought I saw a car upside down at the bottom of the embankment, and at the same time, Marianne shouted, “Stop, an accident has happened here!”

I was now ‘trained,’ and I reacted as I had intended. I checked the mirror to see if anyone was behind us. Moved onto the shoulder and braked hard. Since no one passed us, I quickly reversed a bit. Then parked with two wheels in the ditch, turned on the hazard lights, and was careful before getting out. That was my task to begin with. Marianne was apparently also trained because she immediately sprang into action.

One person was still dazed in the car but was surrounded by people, apparently from the car we had seen on the shoulder. Two people lay scattered in the grass, not moving. One of them was already deceased, Marianne determined. From the position, it was clear that nothing could be done. The other, a young man, lay on his back, but I saw he was still breathing, albeit very difficultly. I sat down beside him, and Marianne said to me: “Stay with him, talk to him.” She placed one of the other people with the already deceased young man.

Through Marianne’s deliberate actions, everyone was calmed down. I stayed with this boy and sensed that he would not make it either. The ambulance had already been called, and all the while, I talked to him, placing a hand on his head to let him know he was not alone. Conscious or not… I know that such things make a difference.

When the ambulance arrived, I was impressed by their professional yet humane approach. They did not remove me but encouraged me to stay while they assessed what they could do. But in this case, there was nothing they could do immediately due to severe internal injuries. The young man died while we were there. I stayed with him for a while longer, and because I had already experienced something similar with my deceased friend Linda, I could handle this well. It does not feel right to me to leave someone immediately after their death, as if no one is there anymore. Even then, appropriate presence is of great importance.

Some time later, the police that arrived asked if we would come to the station for a statement and possible victim assistance, but it turned out that we ourselves were going to provide victim assistance to the other attendees. It turned out to involve two cars that belonged together, with people from Holten who had been out partying in Amsterdam and were on their way home. Apparently overtired, the driver of the front car had veered off the road just before the Holten exit and flipped over. Their friends in the back car had been talking and had seen everything happen, which is why they were completely shaken. We had been the first car on the scene.

Later, we were invited to the funeral of one of the two deceased boys, Ilja Haan, which almost the entire Holten attended. During the funeral, we made contact with his parents. They invited us a few weeks later for a meeting at their home.

That afternoon, we had to travel from Apeldoorn via the same highway to Holten. For some reason, I suddenly didn’t remember how to get to the nearest on-ramp and drove quite a distance to a much further exit. Marianne asked in surprise if I was okay and didn’t make a problem out of it. “We’ll just arrive a few minutes later.” But those few minutes turned out to be very important, as we later discovered. It was rush hour, so there was a lot of truck traffic in the right lane.

About a kilometer before we would pass the spot where we knew the accident had occurred, I slowed down. I merged between the trucks that always move steadily at about 90 km/h. This way, I had a bit more peace and didn’t have to keep checking my mirror.

In a strange impulse, I turned on the radio. Marianne looked at me oddly and asked, “What are you doing?” It seemed totally wrong to turn on the radio at such a moment. For a moment, we heard nothing, but just then we heard the opening chords of a well-known song that carried exactly the right energy: No Woman No Cry by Bob Marley & The Wailers.

“How beautifully timed!” we said to each other and listened in silence while keeping an eye on the kilometer markers, as we were about to reach the spot where the accident had happened.

That timing was even more precise than we initially thought, because exactly at the moment we passed the kilometer marker, Bob Marley began to sing: “Everything is gonna be alright.” And not just once, but eight times in a row!

It was remarkable to experience something like this. Despite the very unpleasant situation, you still feel supported. Because we have learned not to dismiss such things as ‘coincidence,’ this moved us both immensely.

A little later, we arrived at the home of the deceased boy, Ilja, who was understandably very upset about the loss of their son. The choice of flowers we had brought turned out to be perfect, as exactly such a bouquet of red roses (with one white one in the middle) were his favorite flowers that he often brought for his mother.

During the otherwise very pleasant conversation, we noticed that these parents were fortunately open to the spiritual background that shaped our lives in many ways. So we told them what had just happened on the way, and we saw their eyes meaningfully signaling to each other while they listened breathlessly.

“Don’t say anything,” the woman said to her husband. And to us, they said: “Come upstairs for a moment.”

They showed us their son’s bedroom, which was still in its old state, and pointed to the large poster hanging above his bed: a stunning poster of Bob Marley & The Wailers…

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Wim & Marianne

:Willem-albert : Roskam
:Marianne: Agterdenbos.
Gijsbrechtgaarde 316
[7329ce] Apeldoorn
+31 (0)55 5335747