Testimonials from people

Booly Wooly, Akaija too

Hannah and her Granny Gonnie, Belgium, silver Akaija

Hannah is one of these kids that makes you wonder ‘now who’s raising who?’
When she saw the Akaija hanging around her grandma’s neck it immediately drew her attention and she knew instantly what is was and said: “Booly Wooly”. Apparantly she has seen her mother knitting sweaters instead of buying them in a shop. Her grandma smiled understandingly, but corrected her and said: “No, that is an Akaija,”
But Hannah thought differently and repeated: “Booly Wooly.”
Well… now what? Avoiding an endless discussion grandma Gonnie admitted: “You’re right, but it’s an Akaija too.”
Now Hannah was prepared to give in partly and since then she mentions this jewel: “Booly-Wooly-Akaija-too”.